Overwatch embraces diversity while the despite being from all across the world they're all white males

>overwatch embraces diversity while the despite being from all across the world they're all white males.
Seriously are they not even trying to hide it anymore?

Other urls found in this thread:


Thank God you're here to keep us pure, OP

>youtube gaymurr e-cancer clickbait


The worst part about this video is that the other guy doesn't even argue it like this:

>TF2 was a good game when it launched! Way better than Overwatch when it launched!

But instead argues the RETARDED opinion that:

>TF2 has had 9 years to grow! It's so good because you can customize the characters and there are so many options!

TF2 was fucking RUINED by the idea of customizing loadouts and changing what the CAREFULLY CRAFTED characters looked like with retarded hats and guns that didn't fit in the games original art direction. The updates ruined Team Fortress 2. It's an infinitely shittier game because of all the reasons he states, which is hilarious.


>want to start a discussion about the gaming community
never change Sup Forums
All the arguments for tf2 were poorly thought out. Either they never played tf2 or they were trying to make overwatch win.

>tf2 makes tons of meet the team videos, providing funny animation shorts

>overwatch makes a same animated short but serious

Don't get me wrong I love overwatch, but if anyone deserves a movie it's a team fortress action comedy


you get extra points for using "reddit" and "çuck' in your reply, make it good you raving faggot

the difference is that valve are funny people who know how to write
whereas blizzard just reiterates the same stock dialogue and cliches endlessly
that's how blizzard handles everything now
blizzard haven't written, designed, or made anything wholly original in more than ten years

>overwatch makes a same animated short but serious

Yeah, seriously boring.

The bastion one I really liked because I felt it was the least cliche

>>overwatch makes a same animated short but serious

Yeah they made the same animated short. The SAME. Blizzard took someone elses idea and made the SAME thing. Think about that. What other things has Blizzard taken and made something that looks the SAME? hmmm

>this is what passes for decent Blizzard creations these days
>being the least cliche




How isn't sniper white? He looks like a stereotypical anglo


Nobody wants to talk about a youtuber unless it's about how much of a faggot he is.

he's fucking australian he's barely human let alone white

welcome to video games, one of the lowest art forms out there.

he's from new zealand.


Australians are the whites and manliness, read a book, faggot

>anyone here calling MatPat anything but a faggot

this is why i gave the pope a copy of undertale

Ackshully he's a Kiwi

>be pope
>invite youtubers for a PR stunt
>cuck comes over to me for a gift
>gives me a box and i open it see a combination of letters and numbers that says STEAM - UNDERTALE
>throw it out after meeting

For a second i thought i was on Sup Forums.
>inplying the CURRENT YEAR pope wouldn't like something like undertale.


the pope wouldn't be able to play a video game, let alone an RPG, let alone put together that he can play it without killing anyone except the two where you have to in order to progress.
