What's the best game in the series, Sup Forums?
What's the best game in the series, Sup Forums?
Well it's a very subjective question user. But no doubt there will be people arguing over who has the "correct opinion"
This is just a patethic excuse for having shitty taste. I bet your favorite Zelda is Skyward Sword or some shit like that.
The original Zelda is still the best Zelda.
Twilight Princess
fuck, i came to say just that
OoT close second
Best 3D: Majora's Mask
Best 2D: Oracle of ___Ages
I've always loved Wind Waker, but objectively I think either the original or OoT are the best, with ALttP in close second.
The one you experienced first as a kid.
Link's Awakening
Zelda 2
well, you got me, because TLoZ was my first back in 86 and it's still my favourite
No seriously, I'm not baiting. It's the first one I played and I just love it. It looked incredible on gamecube, and was one of my first console games. Yeah, sailing can be a chore, but it's still excellent and fires off my nostalgia cylinders
Why? The stages dungeons are all just a bunch of squares and the game flat-out does not expect you to proceed without outside help.
8-way directional movement in almost everything after also makes things so much better.
/opinion i agree with you
>The stages dungeons are all just a bunch of squares
And? You're exploring mazes.
>and the game flat-out does not expect you to proceed without outside help.
You can progress without outside help simply by exploring and using your brain.
Seconding this
#2 is Link's Awakening, would be #1 if the world was more open and you could do dungeons out of order, but LTTP screwed that up forever
I don't know, I like the pacing of Ocarina, the side content of Majora, the charm of Wind Waker, the ??? of Twilight Princess, and some of the dungeon design in Skyward Sword. But none of them embodies exactly what I like about the series, so it's hard for me to choose an individual favorite.
As for the 2D ones, I've only actually finished Oracle of Ages, so let's go with that one.
The only tolerable answers are "Ocarina of Time", "Majora's Mask", and "Twilight Princess". Anything in 2D is simply wrong. Anything along the Toon Link timeline is a sign of severe mental retardation.
it's the only one that feels like an adventure of the player, not a story of the character
That's not even true.
>They don't like what I like as much
>they must have severe mental retardation
Please find a wall and smash your head into it
well perhaps it's not the only one that does it, but it's the one that does it best
again, it's all opinions anyway
Depends on the Era.
Classic Nes, Snes (LttP), and N64 OoT were literally revolutionary because of what they brought to the table. Majora's Mask id say presented the most challenge and most people liked how dark/deep it got, especially since most people playing it were getting into theit teens right after play OoT as a kid. Then we have Wind Waker, widely regarded as the best for a long time but is relatively short on a second play through, and loses the magic imo.
Twilight princess is a FUN game but it has its issues, it's a really easy game even to zelda standards. Then as for handhelds that goes without question to Minish Cap.
respectivelye i think Majoras mask and Windwaker have taken most of my time and i enjoyed most to all of it.
It's a tie between those two. Not that the others werent great just i feel like MM was tyhe most developed in terms of story, gameplay, and desired graphics at the time