Raid This Cunt

This piece of shit scammed me after I waited a month for him to get me the keys he said that I'd recieve from making him an sfm. Then he posted an announcement on his group saying that I was a spycrab scammer, he's a lying cock suck and deserves to have his channel and steam account taken down.

His steam:

His channel:

Other urls found in this thread:


Serves you right faggot

sent ;)


Raid your brain with a shotgun instead

Sounds like you got scammed.

Bet you feel like a dumbass right now.

Hold on to that feeling. It will help you to not allow this to happen again.

support sent
we can take this guy down OP
Just treat us like your personal army

sent ;)

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

>Rule 4
>Not getting payment at least partially up front
Literally 100% your own fault for trusting some guy blindly.

I'll be sure to do that


sent ;)

Hey this is josh rock, get reckt scrub


got scammed on steam for about 20 dollars worth of keys

it was my first and last time being scammed online, i had a shower and just banged my head against the wall thinking how stupid i was

Maybe you should've gotten your payment before you delivered his request you mouth breathing retard.

>he's a lying cock suck

>TFW no one will suck your cock and then lie about it when asked

You're lucky, user.

Why not go to the script kiddies at baphomet? They are like a little whore of a personal army.

And you could atleast try Sup Forums next time.


+rep ;)


Not your personal army, faggot.

embarrassing profile, op

It should've been apparent to you that he didn't have any money.

me and my meme team are on it
rest assured that he is going to "feel bad, man" sson

post your steam mang so i can laugh at yo- i mean so we can conduct some raiding meetings!

>lost 20 dollars
>i had a shower and just banged my head against the wall

Fucking poorfags.


Just hacked his mainframe, OP. Anything you want me to do in particular?

>17 games
>Most F2P/cheap-ass shit
>Except Fallout 4
>Values fucking Keys equally to actual cash
It just keeps getting better.

there more of this?

If you didn't care then you shouldn't have replied you filthy embryo

dont be mean user
i care

i just need op to post his credentials so i can contact and help him and totally not make fun of him!

take his gigahertz modemware bytes and put them in his audio post processor

Global Thermonuclear war

raid your bloodstream with air bubbles you fucking mongoloid

Yeah sure, whatever. Sent. ;)_______________________

LOLing at all the Underhate in this threads. We can do better than this, Sup Forums.

Fellow Undertalians will know what I'm talking about. We have had a long (and unnesessarily dramatic :P) history on Sup Forums, making great progress in achieving recognition for Undertale.

However, over time it has become clear that we face two enemies in gaining a broader acceptance and acclaim for Undertale: Underhaters (people on Sup Forums who just "don't get it" *smacks forehead) and "neutrolls", those who lack the determination xD to bring Undertale to greater heights and gain it the recognition it deserves.

While it is true that we have gained a fairly good deal of recognition and acceptance for Undertale over the past few months, I can't help but feel that are progress is flagging somewhat. We can do so much better, guys! We need renewed DETERMINATION! You have to remember what makes Undertale special FOR YOU. You have to remember why you chose to be an Undertalian in a first place--whether that was crying when goatmom died, finding quiche under the bench, meeting Temmie, or seeing Asriel hug Frisk.

All in all, what I'm saying is: in the end, it comes down to you. Talk to your fellow Undertalians. Talk to me. Renew your energy and accumulate support. It doesn't happen without us, and it doesn't happen without YOU, one by one, each and every Undertalian. Undertale has only barely breached 1 million sales. It has so much further to go. The sky (or the center of the Earth if you like :D) is the limit!

See you underground,

>profile description
>pic even if its ironic
>global sentinal badge with 71 hours

Well user you learned a valuable lesson.
Always get the goods before giving up the money or whatever they want to trade.
Never be the first idiot to hand over the item because that is how you get shot and left to die in an alley and then you have to drag your ass bleeding to your car then drive to a hospital and tell the nurses that you feel down some stairs while cleaning your own gun that you lost.

Alright Sup Forums, tell us all about the time you got tricked. I'll start
>playing runescape
>parents got me a membership
>go to the al-kharid duel arena
>some girl sidles up to me
>says she wants to fight
>no magic
>no weapons
>no armor
>bets her granite maul against mine
>accept readily because lmao 2 maul on the line
>go to the arena
>duel starts
>she whips out a magic short bow
>die like a bitch
the devil's in the details, buckos

user, sometimes it's not about the actual amount lost. It's the feeling you get when you've been scammed that's important. A smart person will only have to learn that feeling once, and then they'll be able to avoid it happening ever again.

fuck up his motherboard

Quick Sup Forums post your husbando
>this is the video OP made for the guy
>OP thinks this is worth any sort of money


Post the SFM here.

Drink bleach.

save the words for your suicide letter you fucking blogposting fuck

kill yourself

What do you guys thing is more embarrassing?

Getting scammed out of Steam keys, or getting scammed out of Steam keys and then telling a bunch of people about it like they should give a shit?

We're not your personal army, bitch.
Also this is against the rules, enjoy your ban ˙͜>˙

and done.

I think he's learned his lesson.


im not poor at all

just really annoyed at how stupid i was

even if i was scammed out of 5 dollars i would have the same reaction

Listen OP, I can help you out with your revenge, but it's gonna cost you about 20 dollars.

Jesus this is bad.

Got the sauce on you?

literally this, even Sup Forums doesn't do personal army requests anymore


I'm joining in user. Just hyperthreaded his main menu to gigahack the internal threshold.

Gave a girl $8000 because she said she would be my gf. When I couldn't give her any more she stopped talking to me.

Eh, I'd give him $2.50 in Keys for it.

OP is probably 15

Oh man I sympathize with you, OP! The same thing happened to me!! Luckily, I came to my friends at Sup Forums and they brought my scammer down in justice for me :) I've learn to trust and ask Sup Forums for help all the time now and they've never let me down!

>Alright Sup Forums, tell us all about the time you got tricked.

I have never been scammed on the internet. Maybe it's because I'm a wizard, but even Ebay and Craigslist and assloads of trading TF2 items for cash before the trade system was added I was never ripped off.

When there's actual appreciable money on the line I take preventative measures, but when it's shit like bundle key trading I usually send first since who gives a fuck if someone runs off with a dollar's worth of bundle keys. Plus it usually makes whoever you're trading with friendlier since they feel at ease since you're not being super cagey.

Are you loaded or?

It's your fault for being a gullible idiot.
This is all on you.
We're not your personal army.
Go fuck yourself.
Big bro Sup Forums ain't going to do shit.

good idea

lets all give him keys

you know..just to spite him

fuck off nigger, we're not your personal army

Sure do. Waniken Panic.

make sure you delete his internet explorer so he can never use the internet again

Damn, user that's going too far. I would have just suggested you reroute his internal matrix through his processor unit to overload his database.

Nice, thanks user.



I renamed it so that it wasn't an .exe anymore rendering it useless.
Good point. I'll teraflop the gigahertz back and reroute the remaining volts to his graphics card.

I meant had I been retarded enough to "Buy" something like that from some nobody SFM user.

Dangly Squid Boner reporting

Wow, I that it was a Totodile.

>newfags can't have this access
laughing my b*tt off

Edgy DongMassacre

long dong deliverer
Wait so you're telling me that someone actually hired you to do SFM work for them?


>the guy op is mad at is friends with geel

>making him an sfm

Like a movie? or a Wallpaper.


A Totodile is fine too.


shit taste fuck off


end it all

>Still technically vidya
Love ya.
T. Top CuntDeliverer

Top Tit Fucker

long cunt raider reporting in

I actually would. What keys were you going to get for it, OP?


lol stfu

I was tricked by modern medicine into thinking there was a treatment for depression and spent the last fifteen years rolling the dice on pharmacology with no results except possibly permanent insomnia

what is this faggot? 12?

To be fair OP like 8 years ago maybe some people who were bored would have helped you but with the current year of this place that is not going to happen.
Trust me when I say that the current level of user on this board would not know how to do anything to fuck with anyone because most of the users here are now current year college dumbasses who only know how to spam unfunny meme's.

Invading this thread
Gimme some good ASMR channel recommendations? Tired of the typical bullshit like
>repeating onomatopoeia ("tap tap tap tap tap" ad infinitum)
>almost silent or way too loud
