>Nyx nyx nyx nyx. Nyx nyx?
Nyx nyx nyx nyx. Nyx nyx?
Clinkz is a nyx that isn't shit
Clinkz and Nyx are two completely different heroes with different playstyles
Though, yes, Nyx is a shit hero
They are both gankers but are considered different in that clinkz can both gank and push effectively while nyx is a piece of shit.
I like Nyx against OD and Silencer.. Steal more intelligence bitch, I dare ya
>They are both gankers
That's a very broad term
You can call many heroes "gankers" but really the only thing Nyx and Clinkz have in common is that they can go invis and have a lot of burst damage
Obviously, if you have three cores on your team and you are faced with picking either Nyx or Clinkz you should probably pick Nyx, as Nyx has an actual disable, in fact two disables that can potentially stun five people
A clinkz with Orchid destroys both of them.
Why would you ever be in a position where you could only choose between the two. If you need a disabler that isn't a core you have much better options. Lion has an aoe stun similar to nyx and can also nuke effectively as well. Not to mention he's a ranged hero that can provide space for your actual core. Or if you need an offlane you can probably just pick tidehunter and do more than if you picked nyx.
>building orchid
>on clinkz
I was just highlighting the fact that the two heroes are very different, Nyx is more of a support and Clinkz is a core
You can buid orchid into bloodthorn. It's a great item if you can get it early enough and considering you have a very strong orb it shouldn't be a problem.
>not rushing orchid to allow roaming and free pickoffs pre-20m while you work toward your other core items
or you could build a desolator and do some actual damage
just get a fucking soul ring
>buy deso and/or soul ring
>try to pickoff someone with a disable or escape
>get disabled or juked
I only get orchid against AM desu
That's one of the times where i consider not getting it since manta is a core item he'll most likely build and use to purge the silence.
listen dude, orchid is very situational on Clinkz, especially considering it can be dispelled by basically anything
if you are picking up orchid on Clinkz every game, you're doing something wrong
Considering i have a 76% winrate with clinkz i'd say i do fine when it comes to buying it 3 outta 4 games. I literally just said i consider not buying it in certain situations. I'm also 5k before you try to bring in meme numbers.
Orchid is a great item on Clinkz that works more often than not. I don't pick Clinkz in games where i can't buy Orchid often anyway.
>claims he's 5k
>claims that makes him great at dota
>claims a 76% winrate on Clinkz
>claims he builds orchid on Clinkz the majority of games
wew lad
I knew you'd be mad but it's ok. At least i'm not.
no ur mad
clinkz is a garbage hero.
deal with it.
also mirana is still free mmr
How about we talk about a REAL hero?
What did he mean by this?
>every fucking game
You're still getting LC in your games? The popularity of the quest died down in mine. I get Drow Mirana and Invoker in mine.
Dagon or Aghs?