Around 8 FPS

>around 8 FPS

What did Nintendo mean by this?

That's hilarious. I'm betting Conker's multiplayer was about the same.

Expansion pack?

Jesus, that's fcing bad lmao

>4 player split-screen, 8 bots, high resolution mode

It's fucking amazing it even runs this well.

The same thing on PS1 would be 0.8 FPS

>needing to compare a handheld released in 2011 to a console released in 1995

its funny how lots of people played the shit out of this and had fun with now.

now people bitch when a game runs at 55fps,
what happened? why cant people have fun with games anymore?

They're no longer ignorant.

nah. its just people are babies now and cant enjoy games for what they are.
gotta be ultra nitpicky now and cant enjoy a game unless its 100% perfect.

>29 FPS


Perfect Dark with all the bots, high-res, and 4 players was fun at 8FPS on N64, but you know what's more fun? Perfect Dark with all the bots, high-res, and 4 players at 60FPS on Xbox 360.

Conker's singleplayer was about the same.

You're not a better person for having low standards.

That's Perfect Dark on the N64

So it's comparing a console released in 1996 to a console released in 1995

>Conker's singleplayer was about the same.

Really? Well, see for yourself.

What the fuck are you talking about

the 3ds is such a piece of shit lol

why does everybody think this is a video from 3DS???

That's single player

They think it's the new Metroid.

>people now realize splitscreen isn't in new games because it barely works
wow o wow

what the fuck are you talking about, the 64 was released in 1998 you goddamn retard

serious sam has it even in the PC version

Rare let you push that game to the fucking limit and it was great.




even after that fucking fire, it still played games just fine.

fucking hell

that appears to be the multiplayer version of the game only available if your N64 doesnt have an expansion pak

Perfect Dark doesn't even support 4 way split screen without the Expansion Pak dude


What's the problem?

LMAO do you think this is federation force?
Sup Forums, everybody

>shoot chair
>it explodes

why don't games do this anymore?

>can't do 1 player without the expansion pack


>why don't games do this anymore?

Because chairs irl started mimicking what they saw in games

man perfect dark has got to be one of the best shooters of all time

all that fucking content

I am now painfully aware I share this board with children who are this stupid.

is there any modern game that uses the counter operative kind of gameplay?

The single player maps are way larger than the multiplayer


This expression indicates Nintentoddler's confusion and lack of understanding. When confronted with how shitty his favorite company is, he mumbles 'M-muh playstation' or 'O-one gaem!' This is usually followed by posting fat, black edits of Wojak wearing Sony cap along wiht phrase 'DELETE THIS'

>implying Perfect Dark isn't GOAT


>Enjoyed perfect dark way more than golden eye.
>Got called a hipster for not saying that golden eye was the best n64 fps

I thankfully never met anyone like this.
To be fair, I met very few people who owned or played an N64 when I was a kid.
Have you tried the 360 version? I heard it was just superb.

thanks for the reaction image, nintentoddler

Also, no, because I don't even own playstation, I just find it funny that whenever it's exposed how shitty your company is, you bring Sony and playstation out of nowhere

I honestly not seeing the problem here

It's great, it's not one of those upscaled "remakes," they actually remade this one, better models, textures, framerate, and the obvious online multiplayer

>You will never play the cancelled Goldeneye HD port

Fuck licensing bullshit

I laughed harder than I should have at this


I wanted a whole game that played like this level. Perfect Dark was incredible most of the time


>that swinging light that also casted a shadow on conker
what other games did this other than this and FEAR?

I might not be a better person but at least I can still enjoy all video games and not be a miserable fps drone who cant enjoy games untll its 120fps.