Holy fuck
> New strings relating to an Overwatch free trial have been datamined. This goes well with other Blizzard titles which also have trials available and we should get more information on soon.
Holy fuck
> New strings relating to an Overwatch free trial have been datamined. This goes well with other Blizzard titles which also have trials available and we should get more information on soon.
>free trial
>free trial players cant enter comp
sounds good imo
So. Overwatch confirmed unplayable??
>free trail for a week or month
>same as playing for free forever
By free its probably going to be like WoW, a week long trial with a very limited selection of heroes.
>free trial
You do understand these aren't the same thing, right?
>overwatch comp
I literally said "by free its going to be like wow"
WoW lets you play for free until level 20, in OW case it'll most likely be the "Trial" format where its a week long trial with access to a limited hero selection.
It will probably be free in the same sense WoW and Diablo III is free, it's free up to a certain level.
> Limited hero selection
> In a game about picking and counter-picking
Oh fuck
Blizzard defense force is faster than I thought
I warned you fuckers during launch they'll introduce a free trial and eventually free version
Not even me but many anons predicted this shit
Sucks too because overwatch was fun despite the retardedly easy to offend community
The original 21 heroes the game launch, not any included post launch eg: ana, sombra, etc
As long as freebies cannot play ranked or brawls I could not care less
>I-its FREE after I BUY it!!!
at least the image you posted is relevant
it is never going to go ful f2p. That is basically saying that blizzard wants to make less money.
f2p fags just leech games and never spend any money on them only reliable way of knowing that someone will spend money on the game is if they buy the game itself.
This week long trial is to encourage the few people on the fence with the game and will temp them to buying it once they unlocked skins for their characters as the loot box rate in the early levels is pretty fast.
>free trial
But they datamined Free Trial ages ago
Here we go again
You realize literally every Blizzard game has a free trial, right? And the only ones that are actually f2p (Hearthstone and HOTS )were designed that way from the start.
Starcraft, Diablo 3 and WoW all have free trials. Are those F2P too, faggot?
Hearthstone is the only F2P game since it costs jack shit to develop something like that.
Im in agreement with you tho user. F2P fags leach and ruin games, TF2 has fallen from grace massively ever since it went F2P. Hell OW doesn't even have a hacking problem because its easier for them to control what comes through.
People ever wondered why league and shit suck now? its because there's no price tag to keep the hackerfags and screaming 10 year olds out. Plus if you get banned? just make a new account.
love this webm
Man after tracer I can't get enough of British porn. That accent is just too GOOD. You britbongs have some good looking women for sure. Not to mention the biggest tits in the world.
No matter how many times you post it, it's not going to be funny.
It's not going to be interesting.
We're all only replying to your post in sincere hopes you'll realize that how interesting and funny you might think this is might be a genuine sign of autism.
It's not the same person posting this every time
>British accent
It's a huge disgusting turn off for me
The exception is if they have a very crisp, posh accent, not Tracers southern Welsh cock gobbling gargle
Tracer is cute though, I want to hug her and hold her hand
What did he mean by this?
I thought it was stupid until a few hours ago when I saw the humor in how unfunny it was.
It's very meta level ironic humor, someone such as yourself may not understand.
Idk user you all sound the same to me. Britbong women best women. I'm going on vacation over there someday. Just need to know where, I wanna grab me a qt brit
>actually being attracted to freckleface/freckletits
Commit suicide immediately.
You need to check your testosterone levels
That actually would be pretty decent. Means there's always a big pool of players in quickplay retardation, but comp is free of Brazilians and piratefags.
I would be ok with this.
Oh my fuck as if qp wasn't bad enough
Free trial != free to play.
Originally, World of Warcraft (and many other games with an online component, might I add) would have a 14-week free trial where you could play the game with certain restrictions applied to your account.
While that methodology does seem to be by the wayside now, I'd imagine they at least may let new accounts play up to level 10 or 20, be unable to enter competitive matches and cannot earn character accessories until the game is purchased. However, this does not mean that it gaining a trial means it's becoming free to play.
And no, World of Warcraft is not free to play, before anyone else chimes in - even if you can pay monthly with WoW tokens, there is still a method of recurring payment, even if it's with in-game currency. Although, there should be a new definition for games partially free but mostly locked behind a form of payment.
I understand how people can find interest in "meta level ironic humor", but I still find it stupid.
You never know, user. This is Sup Forums we're talking about. Some autism knows no bounds.
Honestly don't care
not like qm players can get any worse
I hope they have their own shitter pool. I don't need level 1s in my matches, even quick play. I don't know how they could do a free trial unless it's limited to X amount of hours. Shit like WoW worked because if you lock someone at 20, they really can't do very much. If you lock people out of level in Overwatch, all they miss out on are drops.
Im sorry that your parents couldn't abort you op. Make the world a better place by killing yourself.
Id also like to say that there is a very nice feature called 'sage'
Someone tell me the point of this weebun?
brit girls are pretty easy too. i know the word beta gets tossed out around a lot, but brit "men" are actually huge fucking betas. brit girls love the directness of american men
>Goes into thread he doesn't like
>Complains about said topic he doesn't like instead of posting in a thread he does like
>Announcing sage while posting a picture
You almost blend in. Almost. Surprises me schools already getting back in this time of year. I've almost forgotten what it feels like.
American men are like that too so Idk what you're talking about.
Yea, I mean he missed the part where he splurges out in an autism fit like you did right?
I'm almost certain sage was removed like 3 years ago. I assume noko also doesn't work because I think even vanilla Sup Forums returns you to the thread now
If they make it like WoW where you can only play up to a certain level then it's fine. I'll never get matched with any of these peasants.
people are mostly the same everywhere, what's your point? there's still a culture of passiveness and shyness over there which makes the betaness more pervasive
Sage still works like always, and noko is now always on by default (you can use nonoko to go to the board index like before)
prolly be like free for quick play, but you have to pay for competitive? or idk.
im just waiting for it to get to $20 desu so my broke as can buy it
>brit girls love the directness of american men
So youre saying I should go to london and pick me up a qt brit? Because american girls just dont seem to like me,even if i am being direct.
>week long trial in case you missed the open beta and are on the fence
>same as it becoming f2p
Sup Forums gets dumber everyday
Probably not, unless you really like hijabs.
You fags really think they'll make a game this new full f2p? They won't even do it with WoW and that shit needs new players in the starter zones. They're fucking dead.
I wasted $40 on this crap and all my friends stopped playing it already. Never buy a game from peer pressure, lads. It fucked me over. Just watch the drawn porn instead. It's free and has better value.
I'm not picky, I've accepted that I dont have much room for choice
>buy a game because people tell you to buy it
get fucked cuck
Well that was fast.
Today free trials, tomorrow f2p and then pay2play heroes.
Nicely done Blizzard, scammed a bunch of retards once again.
> Someone reports on vidya news
> Hurr durr neck yourself faggot
Never seen such byers remorse
If you bought a game because you were pressured into playing it with your friends, you're a cuck. You're a grown ass adult. Make your own goddamn decisions and, when they won't work out, don't complain about wasting your effort. You can still enjoy it by yourself, faggot. Take responsibility.
Where are all the Brit QTS then?
You can just get a new trial after the old one expires.
[citation needed]
It's Free Trial, not Starter Edition. That means it'll be limited time instead of "Free up to X" like Starcraft 2 or World of Warcraft.
>Announcing sage while posting a picture
I just do pic related. I assume people get it.
>Tfw you kind of miss the old days of "FUCKING SAGE, SAGE GOES IN ALL FIELDS" where people used it more like a "I hate this thread," instead of its proper usage.
I really hope I don't get paired with those shitters, especially people playing with friends. Last few games I've gotten people level 150+ paired with friends who were like level 30 or less who were playing offense torb or even worse offensive non-healing lucio.
I only do it if the thread is an age old meme that was never funny, or it's horribly off-topic. Sup Forums threads can stay, tho
>every game out there does free weekends
>other blizz games have free trials
Blizzard games even going on sale is like finding a unicorn floating through space, they would never turn a game f2p, not in their blood and doesn't make sense.
Sage still works people just didn't understand what it does. All it does is make your post not bump the thread, but retards thought it was a downvote.
Wf I hate blizzaga now
>not Mabufu
Honestly the best thing about overwatch right now is the lack of Russians, the 40€ serves as a wall. I would quit the game if it became infested by russian scum like dota.
that's from new zealand my dude
They got close enough. New Zealand is just what you get if you rotate England on the map 180 degrees.
We're pointing out that you're retarded and you're just deflecting it like the retard you are in an attempt to prove something
>It's going to go free guys, I swear
Fucking end this meme already you poorfags
Blizzard should convince to try free trial first.
Only in 2016 would people saying putting out a demo/free trial is bad and only leads to something worse
>She doesn't even know what "leave" means but knows the liberal media has been force feeding everyone that it's terrible news and extremely racist
>hearing one side of an argument is enough for some people
I'll never understand far-lefters or far-righters. No one has all the answers. Build a wall and drown when it rains or invite your enemies within your homes and be raped. Can't talk sense into people that think they know everything.
now where can I see these great tits?
>People are still expecting any Blizzard game to go F2P that wasn't F2P to begin with like HotS/Hearthstone
Never ever
WC3 still isn't free
Starcraft isn't free
Diablo 2 isn't free
No Blizzard game is free except the shit they had on consoles
>quick play Faggots gotta deal with all the Brazilians and ruskies
>comp gets to live in peace
Lovely model, I love it.
uh huh, this my shit all the girls stomp your feet like this
>demos are so dead that newfags don't know what free trial means
How did it come to this?
Someone figured out how to make a webm and now posts his shit idea of humour in any thread it can be posted in.
>mfw a friend bought Overwatch for me
why would blizzard give up the truckloads of money coming in from people still buying the game full price?
so they can sell microtransactions to a larger audience
SWTOR, which was initially a failure, is now one of the most succesful MMORPGs on the market because of it.
unf... thiccer
Not sure if one should be pissed or not.
Holy fuck
OP can't read for shit