Do you want more from your games?

Do you want more from your games?

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I mean sure I guess
Are you going to give me a speech about it Mr. Podium Man


stop posting dude, we don't have much internet left

dude fallacies of evidence lmao

I want more LGBTQAA2IP representation, as well as relationships involving these kin. I also want all depictions of appealing bodies banned in the name of Allah.

>I want more LGBTQAA2IP representation, as well as relationships involving these kin.
But Allah forbids these as well.

One of the few good things about Islam is its hard line against degeneracy

This fucker says this at least once an episode. What does it mean? Do I want more content? More value? More of what asshole?

You know what no I dont want more from my toy that I'm using to cope with crippling loneliness and depression.

No I don't want games preaching to me about social justice issues.

Yes, Yes, Yes.

You want a free hooker too?

I want better storylines, better gameplay and better graphics

le game design gods with no real world experience

Don't forget: It's not about how games can be more. It's about how more can be called a game. And we've seen what this "more" looks like. And what it plays like. Or what it runs like.

I don't know if I hate his fanbase more, or Game Theory's fanbase more.

Oh I don't know I'm already getting so much more with my gaming experience. I'm truly being enriched by such a deep and thoughtful story.

isn't the Game Theory guys just like ThioJoe?

Ugh, like seriously, can you not? *Goes and posts on Reddit*

Game Theory and Extra Credits is pure cancer.

Didn't this guy think that wi-fi was going to run out or some shit like that?

Kids are growing up to be so emotionally fragile, melodramatic, and preachy. I don't know how people could think that something as infantile as stuff like Undertale, Steven Universe, and MLP can be thought-provoking or educational for a grown man.

>those names
>those avatars
>+Then00bhunt3r EXACTLY.

I want to get more out of your mom

More what exactly?

We already have games that get people emotionally invested.
We already have games people consider to be art.
We already have games that provoke thought.
We already have games that test our intellect.
We already have games that challenge our playing abilities.
We already have games that test our empathy.
We already have games that are inclusive.
We already have games that people can masturbate intellectually and physically over.

That's not even the longhand of what games exist. What the fuck "more" is there?

Please don't make me remember that Extra Credits exists

This is why you should be ashamed to call yourself a gamer.

This podium thing is some pretentious shit

Did we run out of internet yet?

Kids have always been emotionally fragile. You were a little fucking faggot when you were 13. I was a little faggot when I was 13. Part od growing older is looking back.and wanting to fucking kill yourself because you realize you were a whiny little shit.

You mean they are growing up to be gentleman! unlike the past generation of womanizing guido?

I don't want more I want them to be finished

I want extra credits and their dumb voiced cartoons to stop

But they never will

Just imagine if you made a game and charged $60 for it,
and then imagine that 1000 people bought that game


this is very true

I like them being good.

The problem is that there's an increasingly amount of 30+ year olds who think Undertale was life changing because it taught them "killing is bad". I'm pretty sure stuff like Steven Universe has more fans that are over 16 than under 16 years old.

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar!
*tips gold*


No but seriously there's a broad spectrum for video games that covers pretty much every desire a person can have short of playing a game that actually loves you back as opposed to just pretending.


Not sure whats so wrong with expressing your feelings. Its 21 jump all over again. You old genertation can't express your feelings. So your just old men have emotion problems
Really makes you think, doesn't it?

When I realised that would inevitably lead to shit gameplay...nah.

what meme is dis?

>Are we having fun yet, brother?

>an hour long shitpost
it's beautiful

Verily this aroused cogitation in me

>The Space Jews are kind of like a kid who went through 5th grade and had to take it over again

What the fuck am I watching.
Not sure if I should be impressed or worried.


It's honestly a pretty fascinating tale and would probably make for a decent flick.


I just think its a fun game with nice characters.
Issue is that the loud ones are so damn loud.
Still, could be worse...
We could be Curiosity.
Disappointment on that scale is life changing.

>Falling for it

>Space Jews from the Future

What is this shit? It has bits of science but then it just go off the walls.

I don't understand the question.

I do want more from my games OP but unfortunately we are scheduled to run out of internet very soon. I kinda feel like once we run out of internet we

Really gets the synapses firin'...

No, games have too much.

Their history show is pretty good.

Fighting Orcs...
From the PAST!

They're going to make such an impact on the world with their philosophy and psychology degrees, I just hope the world will be open-minded enough for these pioneers of the mind.


We what?
What are you talking

>modern technology cannot achieve the level of precision observed in the pyramids' construction
>also it's centered in the galactic leyline

This is the first minute.

I really like their videos on Atlantis and how the Jews are from mars

>Literally thousands of pyramids of varying shapes and sizes scattered around Africa

>Modern technology cannot 7666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666

>galactic leyline

EC made some really dumb video about how we were running out of wifi bandwidth because of phones

Jews are from the future, not from Mars. The people from Mars are a male species that are logical, but started wars constantly due to this.

okay but how do you explain the mars economy collapsing if there were no jews

I was in that thread


king come down

>a woman from Peru was so pure she was able to ascend into a ship, connect the energies of the sun to her soul, and think the invading aliens who were having diplomatic negotiations with the CIA to flee from Earth by making them sick with her mind in 1989

gaming truly is dead and these are the rats feeding on its carcass

why is this being linked, is it made by the same dudes or some shit?


I ended my sentence early to go along with joke, but that explains a loooot.
Thanks for clarity.

Extra Credit?
More like Needs Citation.

No, but the voice and the tone in which he delivers it are very similar.

this is the same guy who believes that he can talk to his cats astrally by syncing his own vibrations with theirs

Is that just a complicated way of saying he fucks cats?

im not watching this hour long shit you faggot

what else are you gonna do with your life?
you're here, probably will be for the next two hours. it's just as productive.

End your life


In the realms of failure...
Anything is possible.

Are you sure he wasn't talking about how we're running out of IPv4 addresses (Which is why IPv6 was invented) ?

Maybe he just got confused

Listen to the whispers of my goddess haha yeah right

After you.

Where's that money remaining from Allison's arm surgery? The game you promised to back never came out

It took me a second to see the shoop.
Now I woop!

Yes. I want my game to feel like it's made by a person with a vision and message,

not a 50 hour, repetitive, filler-filled game where the gameplay has no connection to the theme (if a theme is even present). I don't want 3rd person action games with an "emotional" story interspersed between gameplay segments.

I don't want my video games designed to "keep me busy." I want video games that leave me with something.

That's an extra $15

>They do a episode on backtracking
>2 minutes in, their exhausted their point
>They then spend 8 more minutes repeating themselves about Skyrim instead of trying to explain Good and Horrible examples of what backtracking can be

Still waiting.
Oh well, more bleach for me you tardy beesch!

>Call of Duty clones
>post Arma III

Those guys sure know how to bait

It's pretty great, mate.
But at this rate Extra Credit is just more clickbait.
A sorry fate.

Is that the original channel for that video? Would love to see more

I heard some of them will be getting TV shows.
Also, on problatic games: