forgettable AAA trash: the company
will they ruin south park ?
Forgettable AAA trash: the company
I could forgive them for Rocksmith 2014 and Child of Light and Blood Dragon, but I rather pretend it's just made by someone else.
Blood dragon was good, fuck off
You can pinpoint the exact moment they became utter trash, it was shortly after the first Assassin's Creed released.
They have developed and published some goldy stuff before that.
>Rayman will never get another 3D platformer
I literally just said that those were 3 actually good games from Ubi, what are you on about.
Wrong, they tanked with Brotherhood. Game was good, it sold and made them realized they could hash out lazy sequels every year and make bank.
Why the fuck would you forgive someone for making a good game?
Look at this non reading bitch.
Ubisoft are the Hollywood of video games but its the only company I actually buy games from because they are either always online or have denuvo or generally just have been investing in DRM so hard for the last couple years its a pain in the ass to pirate them.
Shit like GOG I just pirate cause why pay
You're really fucking dense, aren't you?
More like "Let's rape our cult classic franchises with shit games" : the company
I take also stuff into consideration like for example not letting Arkane release a fully finished an ready SDK for Dark Messiah.
Or the fact how they started to crack down on pirates by making the life of paying customers a nightmare and trashing their hardware with literal rootkits.
Not my fault your dumbass doesn't know what forgive means, fucking retard
nice pachinko machines faggot
Here, have another (You).
Give me another
I don't know they've made some pretty quality horse games