Immersed in a video game

>immersed in a video game

Other urls found in this thread:

just get more immersed.

>immersed in a video game

fucking sex slaves, when they will learn?

Games with vacuums thread? Games with vacuums thread.


>forget to lock door
>wearing headphones and playing vidya
>stop to browse Sup Forums
>hear something behind me
>mom is standing right there

Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck.


makes my sims playthroughs a lot more interesting.

>In kitchen cooking
>Getting into my weird music
>Moving around and all that
>Mother walks in and scares the shit out of me
>Asks what I'm listening to
>mfw I'm listening to shit she wouldn't understand at all
U-Uh Adele


>not having your desk at the door wall

simpsons arcade game.

Is it just a coincidence that there is a Kirby vacuum and the Character Kirby has a vacuum-like ability?

That feel when spent the last two weeks at moms doing nothing, playing vidya all day and getting drunk during the weekend.

Now I gotta get back to my shitty ass apartment and tomorrow work starts again. Living with mom and neeting it up is the fucking best feel of life but will lead you to the gutter

>in office meeting
>waiting for a few more people
>boss talks about concert he went to
>people start talking about music
>user, who's your favorite singer
>shit, they're not going to understand the weird shit I listen to
>blurt out the first normal singer I can think of
>Uh, Madonna
>awkward silence

Just end me already

>mom barges in without knocking
>accuses you of taking something
>goes through your desk
>doesn't find it
>accuses you of losing it
>leaves your door open when she leaves


>not having your own flat

>mom doesn't understand the concept of headphones and keeps getting pissed off when she knocks on the door and I don't answer it immediately because I can't fucking hear it

>browse Sup Forums
>open spoiler
>its a woman in latex next to a dick and there is cum covering her
>mom walks in
>sees picture
>says it must be fake because she never saw a dick like that (the dick was pointy)
>she is a nurse and sees dicks all the time

>mom and brother are fighting again
>at 3AM
>in my room

can someone make another one of these threads?

God damn I never had that game but I had the demo on a demo disc and played the shit out of it, makes me want to buy an original Xbox just for it

>even the dog is black

>those family members that walk in front of the TV while you're playing

Or my favorite experience:
>visiting cousins
>bring Gamecube
>power plug arrangements force us to have the cord go accross the room
>other family members step on the cord over 7 times in the same day
>half of those times are the same guy

is this a fuck you mom thread?

>waiting in line with mom
>"I forgot to get something, stay in line"
>line get closer to the front
>still no mom


His name is also based of the guy who won the donkey kong case that universal started.

The more you know.

>mom opens door and walks into room
>that terrifying half a second where you assess all your windows to check if theres any porn visible
>those spiderman like reflexes where you close tabs and hide multiple windows before the monitor comes into view

I've checked all angles from both the door and the window to see just how easy it is to see my monitors, and that time was a real close call, milliseconds close.

I really don't understand people who can't accept no, or it wasn't me as an answer. it's like they always go with their gut feeling just because that one time they where right. FUCK OFF DAD

>being limey brit tea-drinking faggot

Oh that's right, John Kirby. Also, kirby's conceptual name was "Popopo"

>Not having your own house

nopoors plz

>mommy buys you all your crap including pc
>gives a roof over your head
>feeds you everyday
>cleans up your mess since you're too much of a pig to even do it yourself

>go online and complain about how she ruins your immersion by vaccuming your filth :(

I thought his conceptual name was twinkle popo

>not being king of your own country

fucking peasants

>playing in front of family

I hope no one seriously does this. When I lived with parents my father insisted on watching TV in my room.

I was playing mount and blade and combat can get a bit intense so sometimes you kind of angle your body lining up that sword swing and just that moment my father would be like

>YEAH BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA THAT DWARF (he believes dwarves are involved whenever there are swords and shields on screen)

in a very smug way indicating that what he's currently doing is so much more superior and intellectual

I never played video games in front of anyone again I dont even do it if my woman is at my place.

Someone post the comic

>mum goes insane after my dad dies
>moves us around rental houses because of paranoia of the police taking me and my little sister away, hoards rubbish, rations food, punishes me with no food all day for minor infractions, sold all my videogames for life for backtalking her once
>school "every kid gets a laptop" program comes out and i get to play vidya without her knowing

thank you N the way of the ninja, Deus Ex, Quake, Quake 3, Starcraft, little fighter, Liero, Dwarf Fortress, and the wonderful people who made/pirated you for getting me through that shitshow of a household until she threw me out on the street for arguing with her

>living with parents
Kys manchild

Yes, please

that was the name of the game itself.

name one game that does this

user he was just trying to spend time with you and you were too much of a dipshit to even notice.

This happened multiple times. One time I even got to the cashier and she looked at me expecting some explanation why a 9 year old wants 50 bucks worth of household supplies and food.

>because you're insecure nobody else can play vidya in front of family
my cousin watches me play vidya all the time, she's chill

Are you implying I should give her the dick with that image?

>the way the dog is looking at him
>the guy's face

Posting a classic.

>kicked out home right after 18

USA, everyone

>his mommy doesn't love him

>Why do you do this to yourself jerry

>t. 200lb burger that live with mum


>watching lets play
>cant hear jacksepticeye over the vacuum


>tfw I want to move out but I know I'm too irresponsible and paranoid of criminals.
Well fuck.

>Mothers are the only women in our lives who truly love us

>I never played video games as a kid
Are you some kind of fucking casual or are you just stupid? Why do people always post this in these threads?

>not leaving home as soon as you graduate secondary school
People like you are the scum of the earth

>comic still hasn't been posted
What the fuck, Richard?



>playing overwatch
>getting frustrated, keep losing to genji
>wife's son comes in and asks to play


t. edgelord

>not soundproofing your basement
what will you do when the mail man arrives with a fresh batch of dragon dildos?

Jesus Christ this

Kill me, Pete. For the love of God just end it.

why would I want to do that? I didn't even want to be here in the first place, why would I make the life i feel nothing for hard? she brought me here, she's gotta deal with it now.
>anime posters are the scum of the earth

Fake and gay.

>mail man is curious about the souds
>knock the door
>"are you in Mr user?"
>furiously open the door
>force him in
>new dragon dildos tester

>the dick was pointy

She has seen them.
She just pretends.

the baby looks so fucking smug too

>Mom comes in and compliments wallpaper
>"user, I didn't know you were into cars, good for you."
>It's an Initial D related wallpaper

>not forcing him/her into a fursuit with the dragon dildo sewed into the rear.

>mom is a gym class class instructor and makes you go to her classes
>her classes focused on exercises to increase your butt
>now you have an ass that rivals most women

t..thanks mom

I want an exercise to increase my dick

fake, post butt with timestamp

What are you saying?

>abused my whole childhood by my mother
>punches, fry pans, cold water to wake me up, sticks and just constant verbal shit
>19 and still can't emotionally connect with anything
It was a rough ride

>playing video games
>knock knock
>it's time for Sunday roast
Is there anything better than living at home while NEETing it up?

>Mom comes into room
>wallpaper changes to robot ass

>implying I'm not super careful
>implying she'd even care
indifferent parents are the best.

cliche but it still happens to me from time to time:

>user can you got do remedial task #101
>"ok let me just finish this"
>nope, the remedial task must be done right now or the house will spontaneously combust
>can't you just pause it
>"its been 21 fucking years how many times do I have to tell you that's not an option when you're playing with other people"
>can't you just ask them to stop for a second



>not doing your own vacuuming, even when you live with your mother
fucking degenerates

The original was better

>having a lewd wallpaper
What are you, 9?

"Kill me, Pete"

don't you know that Sup Forums nowadays is full of underage little cunt?

It's time to face the truth and move for a better board.

I guess it's not really just robobutt, but this is what I was talking about

>not having hardwood floor

I made that picture in the thread where the first picture was posted. I feel disgusted some Leddit child took it and posted it on his little cancer site.

>no lockable door
>have to fap discretly
>always cum in underwear
>clearly visible when dried
>mum always wash them by hand
>often eating together after fap so parents probably can smell it
>continue for 9 years

kill me, Pete

fuck off faggot. shouldn't you be dead?

>peace and quiet for hours
>beat the game
>final, dramatic, unpausable cutscene playing
>Phone rings
>Doorbell rings
>Dog barks
>Mom yelling for me
>Have to take a shit suddenly

it doesn't need the cringey ass epic meme text anyway

>using broom and throwing dust everywhere

>mfw live in Sydney Australia
>mfw rent and house prices
