Why do freemium games exist?

Why do freemium games exist?

Makes money.

Because people are dumb enough to do it. The real question is why $100 in-game currency packs are out in sale for games meant for kids.

Damn. That old ios UI from back when I had the first ipod touch really brings me back.

bait and switch

>here goy, play our game it's completely free

Because kids don't understand the value of money and parents tend to be really fucking stupid. This results in a $100 purchase that the card holder doesn't see until it's too late to dispute.

Because it makes money, developers need to eat, you know.

Because video games increased in popularity to where casual faggots thought they wanted to play them. Then they complained about the full price of a game they didn't play more then three hours.

Many years of shovelware later "free to play" games were born and casuals/jobless potheads jumped all over it.

>Because it makes money.
fixed it
they could have enough money to feed africa for weeks and would still do more of that shit
see clash of clans, clash royale and the other one with the beach

Freemium crap is one reason why I drop games.

Anyway, why they do this is very, very simple. The game is not aimed at the casual or hardcore gamers. You heard me right, it's aimed not for gamers at all, it's aim is for the impatient rich or "whales".

60% of mobile gamers are women (+children xx%(?))->
women (and children) love to spent money on stupid shit->

Is there any hope for mobile gaming?

There is not a single good, real game on IOS or android.
I play emulators on mine and can't help but think shit, this thing is capable of playing good, actual games with 20+ hours of gameplay yet no one makes them.

No they couldn't, because developers only get a certain percentage of any purchase, the rest goes to banks, payment systems, google, the game publisher etc and etc. And since the developers are the most important part of all, because without them there's no apps and no revenue they really could use more money, especially because the nature of their work is constantly sitting in front of your screen destroying your eyesight, your back muscles and posture, not to mention it involves a lot of brain processing power to get some complex game or app running and maintaining for spoiled children to play.

Because in something like the mobile market, people want small bite-sized things to burn time with and the creators want to be able to make a consistent amount of money so they attract people by offering it for free and have microtransactions they can pay for. Some games like your image are straight forward pay to skip waiting for something to be built while things like RPGs tend to utilize a gacha system wherein the premium currency and any alternative means a player can get for free are capable of getting them units of varying rarities.
The latter tend to be more successful as players effectively pay to gamble for more powerful untis they can brag about, this lead to a lot of developers purposely implementing very low draw rates so people buy more currency in attempts to win these units. This oftentimes leads to a freemium game's largest source of income known as a whale. The moral ethics of this kind of tactic is a general gray area, much like proper gambling but this is generally why freemium games are such a popular format. They want to find whales that will dump thousands into their game

>tfw your country is voting to make all in-app purchases illegal

What kind of a 3rd world country would do this? It's literally prohibiting free market.

Children, they ruin everything.

>tfw your country is voting to make all in-app purchases illegal
Which country?

Because of the 20-80 rule. The vast majority of people who ever install this stuff don't pay a single cent for it. Companies try to get to the ~5% of players who will spend absurd amounts of money on it, because they have poor impulse-control and/or a gambling addiction.

Other types of gambling work the same: try to get to the 10% of people who bring in 90% of the profit. Who cares that you're exploiting people who are vulnerable to this?

They even made an entire South Park episode about this crap.

easy underage bail and tweens

because they make money.

the better question would be why do you ask stupid questions?


boo fucking hoo.

if the developer doesn't like their job they should get another job. if they want a job that pays more money they should get a job that pays more money.

Only one country votes on every little law.

There are plenty, I'm sorry you're so stupid