This mod is basically E.Y.E and New Vegas smashed together.
Thank you, Germany.
This mod is basically E.Y.E and New Vegas smashed together
It's still Skyrim. There's nothing worse than shitty combat in a combat centered game.
I wouldn't really consider this or elder scrolls for that matter a combat centered game.
You kind of had that argument with Morrowind, but not anymore. They stripped the game of every worthwhile RPG aspect and "focused" on the action part, with very little success.
>Bladedancer and Elementarist aren't a proper combination class
>Keeper/Vandal and Elementarist are
Fucking stupid as shit. May as well just go Sinistrope and Elementarist.
I'm trying to roll the same thing I did in vanilla Skyrim last.
Elf Rogue Knight
How so?
I get the E.Y.E vibe from the dream sequences, and New Vegas from the fact that there's tabletop gambling now.
And that the gameplay seems better.
Last thread about this I was in, people were saying it has a ridiculously shitty story, npcs are endlessly monologuing at you and the whole deal just feels like hot garbage.
Which would fit perfectly with your EYE comparison, so what is it?
Well too bad Bethesda doesn't give a fuck about what you think then.
>it's X meets Y
shill thread
Have they made mods that make the combat at least slightly stomachable yet?
>sequel to Nehrim
That thing's story turned to utter mess, why would this be any better?
what the fuck is that thing
The game fucking sucks.
And it's being shilled around here so often I'm beginning to wonder if there's some dedicated fanboy forum directing effort into shilling more people on playing it.
A race traitor
Because you're not 10 anymore
I don't see why Sup Forums likes this garbage. Sure, it looks better than vanilla Skyrim, but it's the same or worse in every other way.
Considering Skyrim was shit to begin with and the only somewhat entertaining part was exploring the large world (which Enderal actually does worse), I really don't see where this hype is coming from.
I was 17 when I played Nehrim, it was fine put until the point where you were killing gods.
There's only so much mods can do. Yeah it's slightly better but it's still the same broken 10 years old engine.
>making good videogames
pick one and only one
Their videogames is like their culture ,which is the greatest thing as far as they (and the naziboos) are concerned but as far as everyone else goes just mediocre and bland
They're not even gods to begin with. And the entire plan from the start is to kill the gods. I really doubt you played the game.
I did, it just seemed a bit edgy in the end. Having to listen to constant German didn't help either.
The story's actually good though user, play it.
>I don't know about Gothic
i said clearly 'good games'
Sup Forums has finally turned around and sees that this mod is what I've been telling all along, meaning its utter shit.
yes user, EVERY SINGLE GAME EVER has been shilled on Sup Forums, which is why Moot created it, a fellow name Goldenbergenstein and EA paid him a gazillion dollars.
But of course you can put an end to this, spamming CP and Gore, that will teach those pests for not talking shit of a videogame.
Europe makes better games than America in general. Deal with it
Europe does everything better than America in general.
to be honest, only the first two gothic games were good.
3 is good with the fan patch. It's still nowhere near as great as the first two games, but it's pretty good.
even with that, having 2.5 good games isn't something to brag about.
>May as well just go Sinistrope and Elementarist
That's what I did :^)
Anyone got custom player character model mods to work?
Yeah, if you cant understand the dialogue I could imagine you didnt like the story. But as a German, the story was presented so good through the dialogue. The voice acting is really realy good.
There are some bits of it that are still in German
>DOn't understand German
>Too lazy to read dialogue
>Native modders too lazy / untalented to make something similar to nehrim
Such is life, trying to enjoy game after game with no success.
Europe in general maybe (if you count slavs as part of europe) , Germany definitely not