What's your honest opinion about Mafia 3?

What's your honest opinion about Mafia 3?
Game has potential to be best in the series

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>haha he looks like le evil donald trump the racist !!!! VOTE HILLARY !

>being this assblasted
>by a fucking video game

Looking forward to it, I just hope the open world can live up to its potential this time

Are you fucking dumb? Mafia has always been a nice nod towards the romance of being a gangster. Mafia III have you take down the Mafia with a angry black man. This is fucking Prototype 2 suicide bad. There is a reason why Prototype franchise died when they decided to shit on their fanbase. This is game is going to be garbage, and I donĀ“t even care about their fucking left wing propaganda.

Not getting it because it's social agenda white guilt bullshit.


Even if you ignore all the fucking race bait bullshit and politics written by SanFran Cucks, the game is just generic, derivative garbage with not an ounce of originality
>Saints Row driving and structure of unlocking missions
>See through walls vision
>Drive here and shoot guy/collect item side jobs
There is nothing interesting about this game

This "villain" was obviously shoehorned in the game to please to the niggers that will play and buy this game. No proud white man will buy this shit, the entire goal of the game is to kill "evil white people".

looks like shit

desperately trying to use virtue signalling to drive sales

>this triggers the Sup Forums

>model swap
>kill minorities in new orleans

haha racists win again!

Ditch the nigger shit or no buy. Simple.

>Dahnald taking the delegates back from Ted

>being deluded enough to think that rump would make anything short of a disaster of a president
George W. Bush would look like a fucking amazing president compared to him. Hell he might be worse than Nixon.

Not gonna buy a niggers mafia game, sorry

What potential?

The fact that they went for such low hanging fruit just shows me that they aren't going to make a very good game.

Unless the gameplay somehow ends up amazing and all cutscenes are completely skippable.

I don't have any faith in the game for forcing Trump into it so awkwardly.

I can't wait for the election to end

Haha, yeah, Hillary for the win !

>ignoring the staggering amount of corruption and crime that Hillary has on her ass
George W. Bush would look like a fucking amazing president compared to her. Hell she might be worse than Nixon.

not the sort of game any self-respecting white person would play

it's not about the character being black, it's about them just wanting to kill ebil raycis whitey, which happens to be everyone

>Game has potential to be best in the series
I assume you haven't played any of the games in the series because this looks like shit and nothing like a Mafia game

no wonder since it's made by a different dev

not even american, just sad that you faggots have to vote for the least worst option.

Same. Maybe Sup Forums will calm down and everyone will stop spouting Trump memes.

But look at that nose

It's more Jewish then any Jew nose out there
>Prototype franchise died when they decided to shit on their fanbase
>Changing a main character is shitting on the fanbase
You're stupid and delusional



If anything this election cycle proves is that race is the only thing that matters in life. Stick to your own kind and don't trust anyone not the same race as you.

Keen but not wary

But what race are you? Should I trust you?

>this triggers the newfriend

on Sup Forums we are all green

If anything this election cycle proves that the American political system is a fucking joke.

White. If you are a shit skin then I don't want to know or talk to you.

looks like caRP

>implying modern AAA garbage has any potential to even come close to the original
I don't even see it comparing with Mafia 2 which was already a step down from 1.

Fat virgins who stay in their mom's basements can't talk with other people due to their autism, so whatever.

Vito joins you so kinda hyped

??? I'm voting for trump now wtf

No thanks, i'm pretty happy with my life right now.

americans have four days and three burgers

You sure seem triggered. Like I said, just stick with your own.

Get hyped

>Sup Forums thinks they are speaking in behalf of an entire race
Only Sup Forums agrees with Sup Forums, go be irrelevant somewhere else.

Well, I'd prefer a joke over a career criminal.

fuck off alien

I'm white but I'm in a country that's getting fucked in the ass by sand people please nuke France already I don't care anymore

Why is the character Black boys? I loved Mafia 2's Mafia type atmosphere with classic white mafia. I can't help but think 3 is some type of propaganda.

Not interested in a nigger propaganda game that has nothing to do with being part of a Italian mafia.

They can fuck off and enjoy their poor sales.

Both options are jokes and career criminals

I hope it gets Denuvo protection. Because the game looks so bad, that it deserves the Denuvo "award".

Why would I do that?
What you don't have to do is relate yourself to niggers from amerilard, since they are all cancer for some reason.
Then again, america has always been pure cancer, so i'm not surprised.

What is this???? WHAT IS THIS?

And I can't help but think that you're some sort of retard
>Why is the character Black boys
Because they want to do a new type of story for the game with a new setting. One where the mafia are the bad guys

I don't recall Trump arming terrorists.

so...what will the outcome of this game lead to? if it flops, will the devs sit back and think "wow we did some stupid shit with this game". if it's successful, will we get more mafia games against the mafiosos instead of fighting for them?

>that has nothing to do with being part of a Italian mafia.
The Italian Mafia are the antagonist, so tell me how does this game have nothing to do with the Italian Mafia?

This, i'm keeping myself informed of USA's politics, its fucking hilarious.
I mean, the FBI has been investigating one of the candidates.

I recall Trump scamming people, to such a degree that he is almost a con artist.

The problem is that the game feels more like a more serious Saints Row than a Mafia game.

sooooo you be tellin me we waz sum kinda gangsta an shieettt?

Youre supposed to kill the italian mafia, italians arent white


all the people in the mafia in Mafia 3 look white, theres nothing italian about them

i bet pic related is just a coincidence as well

Isn't that a risky twist? if the game already shreds with sales why not stick to your routes? Besides if I wanna play a Mafia game It means I wanna play a fucking Mafia game, I don't mind games like Watch dogs I'll tell your right now but I just don't see a good Mafia story with a black protagonist.

You wasted quads on being a "with or against us" Sup Forumsfaggot. I hope you're happy.

They both have the capacity to be worse than Nixon. Trump more so, because he's a textbook narcissist who doesn't know how to think before he opens his big, orange mouth.

He has simply advocated that we do so. And that we never should. And that he will. And that he won't because he will just invade.

So reliable.

>all the people in the mafia in Mafia 3 look white, theres nothing italian about them
oh look at this race expert here, watch out for his knowledge of racial biology.

Fraud isn't as bad as terrorism.

If it shows signs of flopping all 2K will do is through money at "journalist" to make articles about how racist gamers are and try to use the victim scheme like Sony did with Ghostbusters.

>Isn't that a risky twist
No, why would it be?

Frodo was not the lord of the rings was he?
>but I just don't see a good Mafia story with a black protagonist
Then you are a person who is very narrow-minded, you don't see a good story in a person acting out revenge against the Mafia for what they did to him and his family?

Sometimes a wildfire is needed, to clear all the bullshit.


Which is completely irrelevant

What benefit would that bring them?
It's been done a shitload of times before, people won't magically start buying games because they feel guilty about being called racist


Not the case when the fire might be nuclear


And Trump doesn't believe in climate change. Do you honestly want someone that fucking retarded as a PRESIDENT?

not italian

sometimes the only solution is nuclear, hard times are what is needed to cure the cancer

Italian man

>believing the CHYNA smog jew

>climate change is real

Hmm who will start ww3, the person that hates putin to the point they won't even talk to them, or the person that wants to restore US - Russia relations...

can you prove climate change is real?

Another Italian Man

can you disprove 98% of scientists?

>ooy! we havin climate change crisis
>tax money gonna solve it we promise
this is what libtards believe

>the person that hates putin to the point they won't even talk to them, Or the person with a hateboner for Iran and China
Fixed that for you

yeah and hes not white, theres more to being white than just skin color

you probably think pic related is white too

Appeal to authority is a fallacy

Sorry, my money is going to the other Affirmative Action game.

throwing away an argument by calling something is a fallacy is a fallacy itself conspiritard

Are trumplets still denying the polls? Even Breitbart has Hillary winning by 5%

>the majority is always right


he was temporarily possessed by the soul of a professional wrestler that frequented the bar

>majority of people say y so y is the truth

majority of americans also thought obama was good


>not the original developers
>not a member of the mafia
>Vito is there just for whatever reason
>Vito's story and what happend to Joe will be half-assed and 100% boring
>not sure if the gameplay looks better or worse than Mafia 2

yes, GOTY material right here, i will flop like Watch_Dogs 2 (electric boogaloo) because the devs choose forced diversity and shilling for a small vocal minority over making their games good

But Trump doesn't hate China, he just thinks they get the better end of the deal for most our trade deals and wants to change that. He still very much wants them to be an ally and trade partner.
And he also just believes it's fucking dangerous to let mudslimes have nukes because they're a loose cannon with them. Even then though Iran only has a couple, WW3 would not start if someone went to war against Iran.

Hillary however literally hates Russia and wants another cold war.

>Are Brexlets still denying the polls? Stay is winning

That looks like a man who is 3/4 white

So I see no reason why he shouldn't be classified as white, more Italians.

What the hell, stop stealing my yous, you asshole