Perfect multiplayer tactical first-person shooters don't exi-

perfect multiplayer tactical first-person shooters don't exi-

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It's a great and fun game but it's not tactical at all.

>not running around with a .38 with speedloader/AP and nothing else

>cod sized maps
> essentially cod hardcore: the game

why don't you play squad instead?


even more funnier

Yeah, they don't exist.

You'd know this if you've played Insurgency. Everyone just runs and guns unless you're playing with >friends.

>not Makarov with AP rounds and grabbing weapons from the ground pretending to be Bond

They do.

>Not tactical

They do.

Squad > PR every day

Played 5 hours and it's more tactical than anything released in at least past 2 years.
In Siege it's way harder to run and gun.

Actually how do I get good in Siege?

What is Action Quake 2
What is CS:GO
What is Rainbow Six Siege
What is Quake (pretty tactical when you get into those cross map rail fights, learning to predict movement to attack, etc.)

I literally never had anyone use voice comms to discuss strategy in a match, it's just a prettier counter strike with less depth.

Except it is highly tactical. Planning on the fly and teamwork are an absolute must, moreso than shooting skill.
I think what you're complaining about is muh realisms.

>What is CS:GO
A game with a bunch of autistic 11 year olds who bought a gun texture for $10?

You do know that if you're not playing ranked, you just get mached with random jerkoffs raising the chance of your opponents being drooling retards?
When you face someone of your skill level or higher, that communication is going to be the thing that wins the game.
Now if you go and tell me you actually pinged people with the cameras instead of calling them out

You don't need voice comms to discuss strategy. After a few hours, you should know what to do and move accordingly with the rest of your team without verbal communication in casual. In ranked, there's a lot of strategy being discussed by higher level teams

Be extremely patient, place your gun at the approximate position enemies might appear from, use headphones to get better sound clues and use low mouse sensitivity.

Patience is the most important one, though.

You just listed games that are tactical on a larger scale, and SWAT which I would argue is more realisms but less tactical.

I don't think you understand what tactical really means. Just because it's more realistic or focuses on infantry combat rather than room clearing, doesn't make it more tactical

I don't think you understand what tactical means, just because the games you mentioned require more skill than cowaduudy doesn't make them tactical shooters at all.
Try Arma, Squad, Project Reality, SWAT or old school Rainbow where there actually is tactics involved, where communication is key, where you can outmanouver your enemy.

You must be pretty casual to think that siege is """"""tactical"""""

But user, Siege is literally CS:GO with cod-esque gun recoil

>or old school Rainbow
This is the tell tale sign of people that never played siege or old rainbow six and think adhering to realism is the same as tactical gameplay.

This is tactical more tactical than siege

>cod-esque gun recoil
This is only true if you played the console version

>Squad > PR

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Good joke mate, good joke. Enjoy your frag fest which requires no teamwork.

You're trying hard. Siege is at least as tactical as SWAT if you're communicating and even more if we consider multiplayer only.
I mean SWAT
>send team to the door
>occasionally send second team to other door
>command to use optiwand to see enemies
>command open, flash/bang/smoke and breach to one or both teams
And I have more trouble to get a kill in Siege than SWAT.

>tfw no one likes the game mode you do

No it's not
In CS everyone starts with similar gear, buy their new weapons and other gear making buying decisions on what's really important right now and trying to keep the budget at a safe level in case a sudden loss makes them buy everything again
In Siege every round starts from a fresh table and everyone has their own gadgets and their weapon choice is restricted by the operator they choose. Also you can make little peek-holes to see into a room where in CS you'd have to smoke or flash someone keeping a doorway down

But that's false.
If you put the PS4 and PC versions side by side and hold fire down you're going to get similar results
Next you're going to probably spout something about autoaim, not knowing how that shit actually works

>But that's false.
It's literally half the recoil on consoles. Get fucked

>If you put the PS4 and PC versions side by side and hold fire down you're going to get similar results

Nope, That is false.

Consoles have different recoil.

Wait what?
Mark me as a fucking idiot then
My sole excuse is that I've only played a couple hours on PS4 and they felt pretty similar
Maybe actually being able to compensate for recoil helps?

Got 100 hours on thins, maps could be bigger sadly

>Maybe actually being able to compensate for recoil helps?
There's no aim assist on the console version and console players aim bad enough, so they cut it in half so it wouldn't be a total shit show

What I meant is that on MKB making small moves to compensate for muzzleclimb is much easier so maybe that's why I though they were the same

Or you're just used to the PC version so it feels natural, so switching to no recoil mode with little effort would also feel natural?
You can't really say it's easier on PC because you make small continuous movements, when you can just hold the stick down slightly on consoles with no movement