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zarina is looking pretty fun
I'm maining team Mexico
Zarina looks so anime in the preview screen. I liked.
im really wanting to see some bandeiras stuff
>90% health combo
Jesus Christ
I didn't buy it
so for people who dont play kof or who haven't put much time into the series so far how do you feel about 14 from what you have seen so far
It's bretty good
She has some amazing no or one meter damage, looks like really good point.
Sure there is the 5 bar stuff, but I feel like almost every character shits out lots of damage with 5 meters and the difference between 80% and 90% isn't that huge of a deal.
yeah i think the deciding factor for characters in this game will be who can put out the most damage using the fewest bars,anyone can shit out 50-70% with ex super in the neomax
Why is Antonov such a cool guy ?
Because he is the champion no Ojii-chan of everyone's heart.
I'm getting worried guys, I haven't gotten word that my copy has shipped yet.
Yes. Everyone loves Antonov. Even shotas.
i still dont understand how SNK can make such loveable characters even characters i hate like ash still get a lot of love from me, why the fuck can't capcom do this
>hating ash
How could you hate this face ?
part of the reason why i hate him is because it attracts fags like you but iori got a cool new move set because of him so ill let it slide
Are you spoilering your no-no words so mommy doesn't see? You missed one. retard
he already called him a faggot unspoiled user
Sweet, I like it, but goddamn you fags can finally stop asking.
people to this day still ask about the roster thats not going to stop them
where's Rock
max go to bed it's too early for your shit
fuck you, I'm streaming right now
im really hoping this game is well recieved,i always hear people in the fgc complain about capcom dominance but nobody ever bothers to lift up the smaller games
best boi comming back
they've done really good with it this time 13 was kind of eh but still had some decent tracks
Is this who all the blank pics in the past have been of? He looks like he really enjoys meat.
Can't wait to play it and watch LTG play it
im sure every well known fgc person is getting it to cash out on hype just to drop it after a month
Hey, its still publicity
yeah i know it helps if the end up liking the game though someone can just say that the game is shit and 100 people will believe them and spread it around
Best Team
Why is King of Dinosaurs purring anyway ?
Angel's headpats are that good
KOF 14 stream in teamsp00ky
Kula butt/ Mian's armpits/ Mai's saggy boobs
Kyo/Terry/Iori , been playing those 3 since 97
Is it just me or is the stream kinda shit?
Because Ash
1. would never make that face, and
2. would never make that face.
What in the fuck makes people who get off on a character basically assassinate said character's looks and personality in their porn. You don't like Ash Crimson, because what you're tugging your hwa to is not Ash Crimson, and you probably don't play him either, you're just here for trap fantasies. If I ever run into you online I'll defeat you exclusively though floreals in the ass and post the fight on youtube.
Chang/Xanadu/haven't decided yet.
wow, you have more salt in you than my piss
and that is saying something
Yeah, you should see an urologist.
Reviews up tomorrow.
Ready for those 4/10?
im liking these commentators
I'd be disappointed if it doesn't make it past 2/10.
I'm waiting on how 14 is going to be sexist and/or racist in the reviews
what kind of reviews did sf5 get again? i know fighting games reviews dont mean jack shit but i can see kof doing ok since it's not barren on launch like sf5
>just got guilty gear revelator
>love it to pieces
>getting the premium edition of this too
Hope it doesnt disappoint
3/10 and the stupid reviewer will say something like "graphics look like shit compared to SFV" and "The online sucks unlike SFV".
Please sit on my face
Here's my team.
I have no PS4 ;_ ;
Seems like there's not much hype for this game
Is it because of the graphics?
I mean
it is pretty unknown ?
>not much hype
>daily threads almost everyone reaching bump limit
>25 unique ips.
Sup Forums threads tell nothing about hype.
Li Joe getting fucked by a bird.
>25 unique ips
And how do you know that?
Why are people so defensive about this game?
Oh no
defensive? elaborate pls
holy shit
Well in all fairness, the game does not look great visually and the netcode doesn't seem so great while sfvs improved a lot
*after 24 hours of posting
I hope you are getting paid for the shilling
Whenever someone says something bad like "the graphics aren't top notch" people get up in arms
Well, graphics may not be the best looking but it's a solid fighter. Better than some Early Access games.
because people act like the graphics are the only thing that matter and nobody even bothers to say anything constructive on why the game might be bad,so pretty much it's a joke that everyone is tired of hearing at this point
imagine if ramon did that to your dick
It would be bizarre for it to get under 6/10 in my opinion. So far they're hitting every mark they should be.
>graphics have improved considerably since they first revealed the game, they look fine now
>stages are animated and nice
>roster is great
>movesets are great, even has an easymode button for retards
>full story mode and extra missions and shit
At what point in the history of gaming did people start focusing on graphics instead of gameplay?where did gaming go so wrong? I'm not saying that graphics don't matter but in the end the way a game plays should be the number one reason to play it.
As far back as 8-bit.
thing is anybody who pays attention to kof or SNK in general should know that 3d isn't SNK's thing and they are using this game to improve a lot more
PC when?
I can't enjoy this game it's way too complicated for a FG. Why the fuck are there 27 different kinds of blocking and jumping?
>At what point in the history of gaming did people start focusing on graphics instead of gameplay?
Since PC gaming became more vocal and now companies want to compete with crysis 1 screen shots
Right now Li Joe getting free now at Summer Jam X
Why do they keep saying the jwong of KOF? did jwong get wrecked or what?
Too bad for you that Rising Thunder was canceled.
jwong won Dream Match, yeah they want a Xiaohai vs Jwong
That looked fun.
guilty gear is harder than this,stop crying and practice some
how was the competition during the dream match thing?
Do you not remember the bit wars or weren't you born yet?