What if it's actually good though?

What if it's actually good though?

Other urls found in this thread:


What even is this?

Kojima-cucks have already decided it's bad so even if it was a 10/10 it would get nothing but hate.

>MGSV gameplay was good
>this is MGSV with coop
If you dont have friends then sure, it will suck.

>FOX engine stealth action coop

it actually good be great

if it's cheap and has good value, I don't mind biting the bullet and buying it with my friends. I'm not 100% opposed to Metal Gear-post Kojima.

>no gameplay
the fanbase suck hard

Its a standalone that adds in coop.

If it was like a Fallout/Dayz world in the MGSV engine then maybe
Except it's a fullblown zombie survival game in the Metal Gear universe

Was it stated anywhere that this game will have coop?

Or do we no man's sky all over again

You're a moron

>Leader leaves team
>Team with no experience has to survive in a strange new world

Truley Poetry.

Was MGO good?

literally the only two things they have said about the gameplay is it's co op stealth.

Will it give me the gameplay mechanics of TPP?
Will it utilize the barren open world of TPP?
Would the real Big Boss please stand up?


It wont.
Its Konami, they destroyed every single one of their franchises, its now Metal Gear's turn.

THey said it's not a full price game, more like Ground Zeroes

I wouldn't hold me breath if I were you.

>Except it's a fullblown zombie survival game in the Metal Gear universe.

Nigger it's evident from the trailer it's clearly not just zombies.

Its going to be good, like the post-Team Silent Silent Hills, Lords of Shadow Castlevanias, PES...
Oh, thats right, all those franchises are dead.

Metal Gear is a zombie survival game, thus Metal Gear is dead, and Konami has buried their reputation, and relevance in the game industry.

Its going to flop, and for a very good reason.
Everyone isvlooking forward to seeing Konami fuck off from videogames.

doesn't matter, drones are going to find shit to nitpick on

>MGSV and Kojima getting shat on day after day on/v/ for almost a year
>desperate, angry Konami shills still pushing this narrative

Your desperation over this incoming flop is delicious.

Weird, this post hasn't increased the IP count.

Do you work for Konami?
Mind telling us who's the mentally disabled person who thought this wasn't going to finish off their reputation?

>MGSV praised for its stealth gameplay but PW babbies get mad over lack of co op
>Konami rehash MGSV stealth gameplay but with co op

this game is your fault, PW scum.
good job turning a series about solo infiltration into a co op shitfest.

>Konami thought this was a good idea instead of releasing more chapters of MGSV

Is there an insider from EA or Ubisoft sabotaging them?

>co-op for MGSV
As if the game wasn't easy enough already.

It's next gen only this time so maybe they can run more than 4 enemies at a time now they aren't worried about exceeding 256mb of ram.

Sup Forums is this contrarian.

>Konami shitting on MGS's corpse
It was inevitable

the whole premise is bad,generic and has nothing to do with metal gear in the first place

why do you dumb fuck don't want to understand that? what's so fucking fun about playing apologist?

Like I keep saying, if the gameplay is good and the coop is fun ctioning , I don't care about anything else

Not at all, and it was kind of sad to see it die. The developers had absolutely no idea what MGO2 was and had to implement all the features from it that were not in MGO3 but it was too little too late.

Nah, Konami has just hired shills because they know they are fucked if this turd fails.
They are trying to push the narrative of people complaining about
>not muh Kojima
even though this crap is simply a shamless cashgrab, an abomination, and an example of how creatively bankrupt Konami is.

>Kojima getting shit on

Remember "based" "comfy" "meme" Kojima did nothing wrong. It was mean old Konami that ruined MGS V and cause it to be released unfinished.

No, it was Kojima who went overbudget and wasted 6 bazillion on Kiefer and Joosten.

Sorry, but MG Survive is a horrible idea, a horrible follow up to MG and something that simply no one asked for.

This game has no audience.
There's already a fuckload of zombie survival games, and absolutely no Metal Gear fan even wants to acknowledge the existance of this aberration.

So? Its still Konami. FUCK OFF.

>Konami shills so fucking desperate they have to to revisionism to justify this fucking garbage

Nice, Hayter's tears during MGSV's development were already entertaining, now we'll get more from the Poo in Loos Konami has hired to salvage their dead reputation.

MGSV was garbage, so no, fuck off.
Kojima is working for Sony, but at least Konami will die.
Someone will pay, at least.

>Muh shills.

If you took your head out of your ass, you'd realize almost nobody is saying it will be great without a doubt, just that the overblown hate is fucking retarded.

We have a fucking cinematic trailer, and all we know is that it has co-op and will focus on survival and stealth. We don't even know if the enemies are just zombies or if there is more to it.

But of course, people will make assumptions and count their chickens before they hatch, because that worked soooo well for the MGSV hypetrain didn't it?

do people think that
>the same japanese team that made MGSV
>with the same engine as MGSV
>with the same stealth as MGSV
Will have suddenly forgotten how to make a game because Kojima left?
Are people only mad because of the supernatural elements even though Konami have already confirmed Zombies aren't the only enemies?

At this stage it's just bandwagoning memeing. We haven't even seen gameplay yet and people will just make up their own facts to justify why they hate it even when Konami states the complete opposite.

>This game has no audience.
>There's already a fuckload of zombie survival games,
So yes, this incredibly popular genre has no audience.

Last time a jap company tried to develop a spin off catering to online western tastes we got Umbrella Corps.

It will probably be fun. But Konami fucked up by making the trailer too serious. This should be a goofy DLC, not a serious full length game.

Skulls make zombie people, nobody bats and eye. Make crystal head zombies, now the game is a shit, cool. Kojicocksuckers.

So are they gonna change the zombies or are they just gonna act like the Skulls or wandering mother base soldiers

No, the overblown hate is completely justified.
Instead of making SP DLC for MGSV, you know, what EVERYONE wants, they went for a shitty zombie survival game that no one asked for and that will offer absolutely nothing new or interesting.
Whats even more hilarious is they said they were trying to earn back the community.
And they come back with this piece of shit.

And yes, I can safely say this is going to be garbage.
Every single franchise Konami has had is now dead, and always because of the same reasons.
MG is the next one, but the difference now is that they have no franchises left to murder, Metal Gear was the last truly profitable franchise they had, and in a single announcement they have killed it.

Props to whoever had the balls to approve this.

Yes, a zombie survival cash grab was made to appease the few that actually liked PW.

Mgs fanboys are truly retarded.

Considering Metal Gear is now a zombie survival game, I think they have an advanced form of Alzheimers.

Sorry, worthless Konami shills, people aren't complaining about the presence of zombies, but about the fact that MG is now a zomboe survival game.

At what point was MGSV a zombie survival game?
Oh, thats right, never.

Looking forward to seeing this flop.

I think Kojima is an overrated hack, and he's actually detrimental to the series. His personality cult and being surrounded by yes men ruined everything and I think that konami can do just fine without him.

But this game is an obvious cashgrab with no quality in it. No one needs to be a kojimbo fangirl to see this is just an uninspired zombie shit re skin with the name metal gear or it for no reason at all. It looks shit, it will very probably be shit.

>mfw you have to harvest the crystal shit in the zombies to do anything
>you need shitloads for the most basic things
>but you can always pay to get some instantly

Anons, have faith in the company that has killed every single one of their franchises, in the one that introduced microtransactions in MGSV, in the one that sold you a paid demo, in the company that transformed a military stealth game in a pathetic zombie survival "game".

Trust Konami as they cut their last ties to videogames.

It's a game about sneaking around zombies and building your base.
Sounds like the same premise as MGSV if you apparently don't care about the presence of zombies.

Back to 9gag you meme parroting faggot.

>no one complained
Are you new here faggot? MGSV was criticized as fuck.

>sounds like the premise as MGSV but with zombies

So, the biggest dissapointment since Mass Effect 3 with zombie survival mechanics.
Sounds pretty fucking horrible.

B-b-b-but Sup Forums told me that you either like kojima and dislike SurVive or you dislike kojima and like surVive, there's not in between.

Sup Forums wouldnt have a narrow minded black or white view on this right?

>Instead of making SP DLC for MGSV, you know, what EVERYONE wants,

When was the last time Metal Gear fans got what they wanted? Oh right, maybe 12 years ago.

People will kick and scream about MGSV being unfinished, but in reality it's because it's not the game they wanted. There is no "fixing" MGSV, it's deliberately different from other MGS's. Chapter 51 wouldn't change fucking shit.

This expansion was most likely in the planning stages while Kojima was still working there, because Kojima has a massive Walking Dead boner.

>sneaking around zombies
So, they are either the generic mentally retarded zombies that move towards you at a nail's pace, making sneaking pointless, or they run, just like normal soldiers.
I think I already had enough MGSV.
Want to make me pay?
Make a new Chapter for MGSV with a map in a more urban setting, like a place with fuckhuge military bases in Russia.
Until then, forget about it.

>People talking about a game every single day for the past year cause it's so good.

>Desperately trying to pretend it's bad

After the shitfest that TPP was, maybe

It's going to be a bland zombie co op game akin to modern Resident Evil either way, which is certainly not what I want out of a Metal Gear game.

Aside from the awful peer to peer connections which ruined the game it was fun as fuck


At least before we had military stealth games, not zombie crap.
I don't care if Kojima made it, its a horrible idea and should not exist.

Seeing MG Survival makes me wonder if it was really Kojima the one wasting money during MGSV's development.

>because its so good
>literally all threads were a circlejerk of people talking about how much of a dissapointment it was

Whatever you say, Redditor.

That piece of shit died for a very good reason.
What a snoozefest.

They wouldn't gain any money by adding new chapters to MGSV. And if they chose to add new chapters as paid DLC, everybody would be even more mad than they are now.

The trailer showed almost nothing NEW. Everything was recycled from MGSV (and not even GZ because the MSF soldiers are in DD uniforms).

Honestly, if MGSV didn't already have zombies I doubt this game would ever even happen.

>what is 'artistic direction'

then itll still be an transparent shameless cashgrab

shitty balance
almost no customization
bad maps
horrible design and gameplay choices
no updates
very few maps
most gamemodes suck

Will buy an eventual mgs6 from konami but not another zombie survival game. These type of games that what to make? 5 months?

something that was lacking in mgsv since a large chunk of the main missions were written and overseen by no name konami staff.

>cause its so good
>everyone in the threads wondering why the open world was dead, why it was unfinished, why it has so many filler missions, why there's mission repeats, why the game ends abruptly, why there's no Episode 51, why there's no Chapter 3

Yes Mr. Konami marketeer, MGSV totally wasnt pure trash.


This expansion made people mad.
But if they sold cut content people would most likely been even madder

What do you consider a good multiplayer game that isnt 20 years old or dead? I want to see what you think isnt a snoozefest comparatively.

I agree on some shitty balance but that mostly came down to shit players not knowing how to play then crying IMBA!!

We'll see when they release some actual gameplay.

MGO3 was an absolute disappointing piece of shit compared to MGO2. Seriously.

>metal gear is a walking corpse
>make game showing this fact

No, people would be glad they at least will end up with a finished MGSV, people were starved for content for MGSV.
People wanted Chapter 3, absolutely no one wanted a shitty and generic zombie survival game.

NX launch title

Isnt MG surVive done by the european konami?

None, there's no good modern MP games, but MGO3 takes the cake considering we went from MGO2 to this shitty third person shooter.
As I said, its dead for a reason.


People dont talk about every single day multiple times a day for a year because it's a bad game. No matter how many times you say it wasnt, the highly successful and highly rated game was good and thats why people keep talking about it instead of forgetting about it like a ton of other games.

>None, there's no good modern MP games

See fuck off with that. You are another tool that hates video games and only cries about them. You don't know what you are talking about.

No, because people were still begging for Chapter 3, people would be mad, but they would end up paying, plus it would be Metal Gear.

Instead of completing MGSV, they give us this fucking piece of shit that only old guys in suits could consider a good idea.

>People will actually buy this just because Kojima turned out to be a hack.

You have a chance to stop this. You have a chance to bury Konami into a life of mobile games and pachinko machines. Don't pretend Konami will magically make a good game for the first time in years, especially when the teaser itself already hints that it's a massively uninspired piece of shit.

Ah yes user, all those threads shit on the gamez but its because is good.
Sorry Konami shill, but MGSV is a piece of shit, and so will MG Survive.
Its obvious you have no idea what you are doing, and I can't wait to see you and your rotten company fuck off from this industry.
You have proved you have nothing to offer but shitting on franchises everyone once loved.

>Chapter 3 meme.

Alright listen up you fucking fags, you DO realize "Chapter 3" is most likely in the game right?

It's called PEACE, meaning it's most likely just a title-card before that nuclear disarment cutscene.

All nukes are gone.
The game is over.
Hence the Chapter 3: PEACE

There is almost nothing else in the code that suggest a whole other full-blown chapter, there is like a Zero render and an old Venom Snake render. Former was most likely turned into one of the TRUTH tapes and the latter was most likely not used for the final cutscene because they wanted to make the time skip less obvious.

>mgs reddit mods are desperately trying to shill this cash grab

You unoronically liked MGO3 and you call others tools?

Why don't you go preorder Battlefield 1 and Cowadooty Future Warfare?
People who aren't tools like you enjoy them.

Just cause 3 of you anons post 400 times a day about how shit it is doesnt change anything.

>waiting to judge a game based on it's gameplay is shilling


>you cant talk about whether or not a game is a cashgrab without having played it

I like video games, im not some hipster faggot like you that only likes dead games from 20 years ago. I mean this faggot user literally said there are 0 good multiplayer games. What kind of shitter hangs on a videogame board and says that?

The Zero and old Venom models were fan made. retextures.
There is literally no evidence for chapter 3 beyond the Peace title card.
KOTF is chapter 2 content and is clearly and unambiguously referenced as such in the code.

When this game bombs I'm gonna say "I told you so" so fucking hard. Mark my words shills.

As opposed to zero of you defending MGSV who only appeared when MG Survive was announced, Mr. Konami shill?

And you are right, nothing will change the dead and pointless open world, nothing will change the over casualized mechanics, nothing will change the shitty "boss fights, the filler missions, the repeat missions, the lack of Battle Gear, or the non-ending.

>having played it

I said "waiting until seeing gameplay footage" but nice try though.