Best Bethesda Game

I think TES: Oblivion was the best elder scrolls game, please tell me why I'm wrong.

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It had the most fun gameplay, but Morrowind was way more comfier due to superior world building and had GOAT lore.

Goat lore? I dont remember any goats in that game.

Game? graphics looks aged as fuck

>please tell me why I'm wrong.
Because you are an idiot with shit taste.

Yea, the Redoran cities were made out of giant goats or something.

u rite tho

I'm just here for my daily dose of Toddposting


Morrowind was the most interesting game, plenty of lore, the world was interesting, and there was a mechanical depth.

Oblivion was fun, not least due to its accessibility, low difficulty, and very explorable open world. That said a lot of it was samey, and it did feel simplified.