Best Bethesda Game

I think TES: Oblivion was the best elder scrolls game, please tell me why I'm wrong.

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It had the most fun gameplay, but Morrowind was way more comfier due to superior world building and had GOAT lore.

Goat lore? I dont remember any goats in that game.

Game? graphics looks aged as fuck

>please tell me why I'm wrong.
Because you are an idiot with shit taste.

Yea, the Redoran cities were made out of giant goats or something.

u rite tho

I'm just here for my daily dose of Toddposting


Morrowind was the most interesting game, plenty of lore, the world was interesting, and there was a mechanical depth.

Oblivion was fun, not least due to its accessibility, low difficulty, and very explorable open world. That said a lot of it was samey, and it did feel simplified.

I know both Daggerfall and Morrowind are preffered by those who have played all 5 main games. Personally I've only played 3, 4 and 5, and definatly prefer Morrowind. I love the customization you have at the very start of the game, and how you're just dumped into the land, and can explore however you wish. The RPG-mechanic dice rolls together with the 3D graphics work fine for me - it feels like a modern enough game. That's my problem with Daggerfall and Battlespire sadly.


>level scaling enemies
no reason to level up what so ever

levelscaled shit that ignored all the rich lore that makes the setting interesting

It had the best quests and interesting activities.

The rest was puke thou.

Oblivion is at its best if you play it under-leveled.
Prove me wrong

In my opinion.


Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim


Oblivion > Morrowind > Skyrim

Skyrim has a great deal more mods than either but I've never found the right mod or combination to get me to really enjoy it.

skyrim #1 for lewd mods tho heheh

doesn't help that nords are one of the worst races, being able to help the thalmor would've improved things immensely.

the only thing i didn't like was the scaling and the caves.

i think the dungeons in the latest TES (morrowing to skyrim) are just too much filler for my tastes.

other than that, oblivion was the most fun, had the best quests, and best DLC by far.

>still fapping to oblivion

>Ever fapping to oblivion

Vanilla Oblivion isn't even playable tier. It's only so highly rated because babbies are nostalgic over it.

recommend mods

Epic bro

>he doesn't unleash a horde of horny wolves on an unsuspecting town and fap to the ensuing rapefest
Do you even Oblivion?

If they didn't implement the bullshit leveled enemy system Oblivion would without question be the best TES game.

Another thing I noticed is that many people unjustly bash it for it's weak lore even though it is possibly the most lore rich of the recent TES games. The difference is that most of the juicy stuff is hidden in rare books and late faction quests instead of being shouted at you by random street hobos.

Vanilla faces are fucking unbearable to look at, I dunno how clocked so many hours on the 360 version.

I love the vanilla faces. It's part of the charm. The voices too. I only use mods to make my player cute, always leave the rest as garden fresh potatoes.

>even though it is possibly the most lore rich of the recent TES games.

Oblivion lore is 90% Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes.

>muh nerevarine
>muh prophecy
Spotted the Morrowfag.

>Oblivion would without question be the best TES game.

It's setting was bland and it had horse armour, fuck you.

It really isn't

The whole game is a gold mine on the Daedra, Aedra and the creation mythos.

I mean come on both of the expansions packs are dedicated to it.

Kindly fuck off and never return