Which employee at Gearbox thought that posting this was a good idea?
Which employee at Gearbox thought that posting this was a good idea?
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One that probably lost his job.
Considering how retarded they are, everyone at Gearbox probably high five each other in celebration. Until Blizzard responded with "See you in May"
All the smiles vanished. They realized they had fucked up.
Did Blizzard decide to move their beta release date near Battleborn's in retaliation?
Why did they even think they could go toe to toe with Blizzard.
They've been making games that at the very worst are solid and have a massive bunch of fanboys to shill them / buy their games. What does Gearboy have?
Here's a question. How does Gearbox still exist? They've never managed to rise above utter mediocrity and most of their recent efforts have been outright terrible. Borderlands sold well, but its sales weren't exactly groundbreaking.
If Borderlands 3 is shit/non-existent then they probably won't exist for much longer.
Problably. Overwatch and Battleborn were constantly being compared as equal. Blizzard decided to crush the opposition in the most spectacular way possible.
This fuck.
By stealing money from publishers.
I've just realized the genius of the overwatch twitter name. No matter what you say about them, you're advertising people to play it.
I can't even tell what that is.
A robot?
> its colonial marines all over again
>they used battleborns money to create borderlands 3
Whats the joke?
Close. A penguin piloting a robot.
They wanted to compete in the whole hero shooter, multiplayer focus arena. Most likely Randy thinks of himself and Gearbox as an actual big shot in this industry, not realizing that they've always been on the tightrope. Not awful but not good.
They have Borderlands but even they don't know what to do with it. It's likely that if Borderlands 3 fails 2K will shut the studio down.
wow that's so kooky and random xD
To be fair, Overwatch has a Korean StarCraft playing K-Pop idol in a mech suit.
Because they commit embezzlement for with other publisher's money for 2K.
Penguins are meme animals, or at least they used to be.
>they changed Crash's face at the release
It's much better now.
>it's another short-creature-piloting-a-giant-robot episode
Wooow, a penguin SHOULDNT be piloting a robot! That's so funny and unexpected! Penguins don't pilot robots!! This game is hilarious! L.OL.!!!
Interesting how they're bith annoying shits...
What did he mean by this?
Still not nearly half as stupid.
Oh Christ really
And his voice is awful
He'd be a million times better if they just replaced him with the lead penguin from The Madagascar movies. Skipper? Rico? One of those.
Not this shrill fuck my ears thing.
>make a game for sjws
>nobody buys it
That makes way more sense than a penguin
No wonder then. Gearbox is all about old forgotten memes.
Animals being called memes gives me a sense of unexpected dread.
> hobby-grade
Excuse me?
>Even we don't know what we shit out! Buy it BADASSES!
>hobby grade coop campaign
So casualised?
Difference is
>anime grill
>fits well
>simpsons-tier humor
is battleborns writing/voice lines as bad as borderland 2s?
Probably desperation.
>implying they didn't get good numbers at first
>implying overwatch isn't also shit
Worse, because they are aware of what people liked about Borderlands humor and style.
it's le peNguin of d00m xd holds up spork
>anime girl
>Simpsons isn't funny meme
Classic Simpsons is great
You can argue about Overwatch's quality as a game but design-wise you can see the artists in charge knew what they were doing.
Someone should send this to Randy
Someone on the social media team who never played either game
Why would he play it?
they're getting desperate and trying to generate buzz/controversy
they're so thirsty for coverage they'll happily take bad publicity.
Why on earth would you want
>Cute penguin
When you can have
>Cute Korean
>Cute Robot
notice how he didn't say classic simpsons
I'm not playing it either
Aren't there more Roblox players than Battleborn right now?
>That fucking voice
Can Gearbox do any character other than LE WACKY LAUGHING PSYCHO
>reaches around outside the glass to get chips
>goes through the glass to bring it to her mouth
Google image search exists user...
>doesn't wipe the crumbs off
and now I'm angry, if you can't play one handed for five seconds while you wipe your hand off on a napkin or at least your shirt you really shouldn't be eating while playing
yes, I'm aware of the meme, but I'm pretty sure most "gamers" at least have enough sense to keep their controllers from getting gummed up with crumbs and shit
Don't forget this.
Gearbox are the Sony of the videogame world.
jesus fuck
is that real?
How can a dev fuck up this badly, burst out laughing every time I see it.
Would a *holds up spork* emote redeem this character?
the penguin always reminded me of kirby in his battle mech
What in god's name does Hobby grade and meta-growth mean? Does he mean hobby grade like 40k figurines because they are quality made? Can't even fathom what meta-growth is.
Why does everything about battleborn strike me as being so brutally unfunny and tryhard?
A talking baby penguin in a robot suit that talks about doom just sounds devastatingly unfunny
what does this depict
What did they mean by "See you in May"?
>fires with pinky extended
Think "hobby-grade" means it's sticky enough that you'll play it more as a hobby for 2+ years than just playing it for a few weeks and dumping it
Dunno what meta growth means? Probably something to do with "le memetic content" knowing gearbox
What the fuck, her wrists are so tiny.
>Why does everything about battleborn strike me as being so brutally unfunny and tryhard?
Oh Gearbox, you idiots.
they pushed up the release date of Overwatch to may, the same time as Battleborn was being released
>Battleborn is shit
>Overwatch is shit
What does it mean?
See i'm thinking it means like, fuckin the meta for the game is growing or some shit, this is like something i'd write in creative writing as a idiot teenager.
>Battleborn's highest total playerbase was 12000
>It dropped to less than 1000 in a week
>Overwatch is currently sitting at 7 million players
It wasn't bad idea, quite the opposite - Gearbox should've pressed this for free publicity about the two companies exchanging funny quips and whomever would look up Overwatch would also read about Battleborn. But they didn't, barely anybody heard about Battleborn and no one carded beyond some reviewers.
Blizzard on the other hand squashed it and then squashed the game itself with superior marketing and more fuckable characters. Never forget how much fuckable characters can do for your game - even non-gamers buying your game and promoting it just so they can draw character they like and spread the word further.
you're mixing up total playerbase and peak players
Genuinely surprised they didn't announce a switch to freemium at gamecom
>more fuckable characters. Never forget how much fuckable characters can do for your game
What were they thinking
This sent my sides to my ceiling for some reason
Brendan Fraser, director of Battleborn.
To be fair, thats a shit line and the writing is cringeworthy, but that is in response to killing a female character many times.
I think hes an army guy or something, so hes saying feminism is awesome because it lets him kill women.
Boy I hope someone got fired for that blunder.
How many literally meaningless buzzwords can you fit in 140 characters.
if the joke needs this much explaining maybe write it about something people can relate to easier instead of reading too much of your twitter timeline and thinking that material is ripe for parody.