Why do Jap devs struggle so much developing games for the PC?
Why do Jap devs struggle so much developing games for the PC?
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Beats me.
Yes, Chaika
Nobody cares about PC in Japan
Because they don't really care about pc gaming. It's not a thing to them. Japanese steam games, can't even be bought in japan.
No PC users in Japan
Seems to correlate with the fact that they don't have a welfare system.
A whole industry of video games specifically made for PC disagrees with you.
I'm pretty sure they have the biggest market when it comes to porn games.
All the best ports have been from Japan, what the fuck are you talking about? Not even a weeb but shit like dragon's dogma and MGSV runs way better than Skyrim.
isolationism is still strong with japanese. they do games for ps and wii because both of these systems are japanese, problem with many jap games without english localisation/translation has the same roots
pc isnt used for gaming in japan, its used and seen as only for work purposes. hence why japan is also home to 2 of the 3 big console producers, sony and nintendo.
PC is for hardcore gamers in japan, which are often otaku
That's because good PC parts are super expensive there.
So basically PC gaming is niche and for weebs in japan.
Steam support is abysmal too.
Because they had a much slower start than other countries developing PC games. You must remember it's the home of Nintendo, Namco, Sony and Sega. The other thing to consider is that compared to the burgeoning PC markets in the west with things like the Commodore 64 and the ZX Spectrum at console-competitive prices, computers in Japan could not compete with the aggressively marketed home consoles or the well founded arcade scene. That's not to say it didn't have it's games, it had quite a lot of them but they were largely text adventures - which would give rise to the visual novels of the late 90s and so on. This was stymied though by the rise of windows, which was on very different hardware to what most Japanese computers had at the time which dissuaded developers.
PCs in Japan are for work. They live in tiny little apartments, so no room for a big desktop setup.
well yea because sony isnt going to publish a porn game for the ps4 and sell it at gamestop. the only place they can make them is for pc and burn them onto discs.
They associate them with their 17 hour workdays too much
>Why do Jap devs struggle so much developing games for the PC?
>implying western devs are any better
Which is a niche as hell market.
Name five Japanese PC games that can compete with the following
>World of Warcraft
>Starcraft 2
>Diablo 3
>Heroes of the Storm
heres a free tip you can't
PC is niche in japan for everything except porn games, so they don't bother with PC much.
Japan in general is very behind with PCs, even Windows XP is still very popular there
Well they are porting now many games from console to pc and lets not forget VNs and Hentai games doesnt exist.
You are a dense motherfucker, I've obviously meant the porn game industry.
diablo 3 isnt pc only.
also one baldr sky trumps all 5 tbqh.
It's because Japanese AAA (Sony, Nintendo) don't want to subsidize a competing platform. It's why still only the smaller Japanese developers are working on PC ports. Plus, now that they're all climbing out of the recession they can actually afford to make ports.
You wanna know how I can tell you're an underage shitposter? Here's a tip you'll consider anything that doesn't push the same numbers as all of those combined as worse
>what is the mt framework
Huh I sure do and so do the 2 million people using Steam in Japan. Fuck off and fuck you. It's because of retards like you that's I'm region locked from buying plenty Japanese games on Steam.
Is it?
Pretty sure Betamax lost to VHS because VHS tapes allowed to use them for the porn industry.
No, its that there's no market for them with these numbers so why would they dedicate so much money to making PC ports for their games
get rekt weebs
This is a japanese PC exclusive.
Normies just want to watch a clip on porntube for 3 minutes to jack off.
Japanese otaku will play a 400 hour VN, playing through every route, for a few CGs of lolibutt/tit/pussy.
Why are Sup Forums posters so retarded?
That's a myth. Porn was available on beta too.
It's also a myth that the porn industry is so big and powerful it can dictate technology.
Kamidori and Sengoku Rance are two of my favourite games.
PCs have always the realm of doujin, VNs and porn games in Japan, since the days of NEC PCs. Basically a small as fuck market, so the big publishers don't target it often. Devs like Falcom are the exception, not the rule.
Can you fix her breasts to make them flat?
Reminder that miconisomi's new game comes out this fall.
The demo/benchmark is out already.
That's not the point. The point is that the porn market isn't exactly as small as people tend to think. How much at comiket do the nips sell porn?
>That's a myth. Porn was available on beta too.
Really? So why didn't their tapes take off?
>it can dictate technology
Nobody's talking about it dictating technology, just that it had enough of a financial influence, despite VHS being mostly inferior to Betamax tapes. The only thing I know where VHS outdid beta was in general playtime.
No, there were many legit games on the Jap PC and it did relatively well as a platform for a while.
The reason why the PC platform became associated with the likes of porn in Japan is because it's the only place you could get it, none of the console manufacturers allowed it on their platforms, and Japan produces and absolute fuckload of porn. The same is true today.
Holy fuck, what's in the demo?
I can't fucking wait anymore
Do you mean "why do japs often ignore the PC as a gaming platform?" or "why do japs seem to produce such alien, buggy, unoptimized and unstable games for the PC?". The answers are similar, but ultimately different.
Betamax never took off because it was expensive. Why do you think CD took off, a product of Sony's?
Betamax was mainly reserved for professional use.
>muh amazing blizzard games
PC gaming was a big thing in Japan during the 80s and until the mid 90s, but consoles killed that industry. The vestiges of that are porn games, which obviously can't be made on consoles and indie stuff.
>So why didn't their tapes take off?
Same thing that happened with bluray, backroom shenanigans involving exclusivity deals with studios. The porn industry is absolutely dwarfed by Hollywood.
Porn is not actually as big an industry as people think. It's kind of like the joke that 90% of internet traffic is porn related, the reality is it's not even 5% of internet traffic. People make more money selling toys for pets than they do porn.
None of my understanding about what inherently distinguishes Japs from westerners can answer this. And it normally answers most questions.
Because the games that are traditionally strong on PCs aren't especially popular there. Plus their consoles don't have nearly as many content restrictions as ours do.
Why develop a game (on your own) when your audience already owns a console and you're not really limited in what you can do?
Well to be fair, most of the traffic is spam/non-human traffic.
This. PCs were too big, no one has space for a desk, screen, tower, keyboard and mouse. Just plugging in the console to your televisor was much more popular.
Now with portable computers (laptops, macbooks) it is changing a bit.
>Well to be fair, most of the traffic is spam/non-human traffic.
No, the vast majority of internet traffic is video, i.e. youtube, netflix, etc., of which porn makes up a tiny fraction.
The console market will always reign superior in Japan though.
>Now with portable computers (laptops, macbooks) it is changing a bit.
What are you talking about? Portable computers have been around for 3 decades.
Games may have retreated from computers in Japan but Japan never stopped using computers.
mate literally NOBODY cares about PC in Japan.
this is why your Dark Souls is still literally unplayable because you still have the GFWL version and from will never ever remove it like they did for us because gooks don't give a shit about PCs
here go sign a petition, maybe they'll notice lmao
Cave Story desu
>Betamax never took off because it was expensive.
Well taking a quick glance at wiki, it does say that the price affected it as well, but the major reasoning that everyone mentions seems to be the ability to record twice, and later 4 times longer. Well, either way, I get the point.
>Why do you think CD took off, a product of Sony's?
Never really took interest in it, but I'm guessing it has something to do with production prices.
>The porn industry is absolutely dwarfed by Hollywood.
I agree that it is quite measly compared to Hollywood, but it still is big enough for people to talk about it, so it has to have something to it.
>People make more money selling toys for pets than they do porn.
Well, there are porn theaters and people like Playboy are known to be very wealthy, so I don't think that the industry is that blank.
Plus the porn industry loves to jump on new tech, VR just took off and there's already a lot of porn for it.
Most of them are awful from a tech standpoint.
There is lots of brute force, for something with 2 or 3 characters on screen.
They rarely run well.
Only people with some cartoonish mental image of Japan would think that space limitation were the primary driving force behind their console market.
The real reason behind it is simple economics. Sony and Nintendo have the home field advantage there and both rely primarily on hardware sales for their income. They'll never develop games for PC because its a direct competitor to their platforms and any developer that shows any promise will get scouted and offered an exclusivity deal that they likely can't afford to pass up.
>people like Playboy are known to be very wealthy
Bad example. Hugh Hefner just sold his house for less than half the asking price. You don't do that unless you need the money and you need it now.
I'm not saying porn is a dead business, I'm just saying it's not quite as large as people think, nor does it really have much influence on the mainstream. VR will not succeed from porn, it needs mainstream support or it will a niche product alongside the likes of fleshlights.
They don't have any computers in Japan, plus it's expensive as fuck.
Fair point.
Isn't it because of cost that these aren't really popular? Though as far as I know, in comparison, blow up dolls only took off because it was part of the standard equipment the nazis had in WWII.
Because a certain Microsoft killed their PC industry,same thing happened in Europe but since they never produced consoles worth a damn there they sticked to PCs anyway.
They would if Japanese publishers actually released games in Japan. Japs region-lock their games so they can ell games on Steam for every country EXCEPT Japan. And the games that are available in Japan are massively overpriced. So even if you want to do PC gaming in Japan the barrier to entry is very high. i don't understand why this is.
Microsoft had nothing to do with it.
Japan, in their typical xenophobic fashion, decided that they had to have their own custom, Japan only computer while most of the rest of the world went with the IBM PC compatible. They couldn't support their own standard and so it went away same as all the other non-IBM PC compatible designs around the world did.
>The most formidable barrier by far was the problem of electronically reproducing Japanese text. The Japanese written language has three major components: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Hiragana and katakana are relatively simple phonetic alphabets with 46 letters each, somewhat similar to upper and lower case letters in English. In contrast, kanji is a collection of thousands of complex glyphs originally from China. The sheer number and visual complexity of these characters were beyond the memory and display abilities of most early computers (this is why the specialized wapuro were favored in Japan for so long). For Western languages, a single byte was sufficient to encode most letters and numbers (the US ASCII scheme uses even less memory). But a single byte can only express a maximum of 256 characters, around a tenth of what is needed to adequately display Japanese text. Furthermore, whereas 8x8 pixel blocks are sufficient to clearly display individual characters in Western alphabets, kanji become unreadable blobs without higher resolution. For this reason, any Western computer would require serious hardware modifications to enable full Japanese text support. This remained a problem throughout the decade, until a software-only solution (DOS/V) was developed in 1990. (Apple had created its own software solution in 1986, but it was too sluggish on contemporary hardware.) Meanwhile, Japanese computer makers specifically designed their hardware around higher-resolution display modes to accomodate Japanese text. Remember this, because display resolution became a key difference between Japanese and Western computers, and had a significant impact on game design.
tl;dr is fucking moonrunes
Japan is right though. They never are wrong.
>tl;dr is fucking moonrunes
More like, "Fuck Chinese".
>didn't do nuffin
Tell that to all the European companies that were making IBM compatible PCs and still got wrecked by Microsoft's monopoly.
The don't
In fact, most of the god tier ports like MGSV and DMC4 are by japs
>PC gaming is popular in South Korea, China, Taiwan and Singapore
>Yet it's not popular in Japan for some reason
Seems sketchy as fuck, the whole region-locking thing makes it sound like Japanese publishers are outright corrupt.
Maybe its because Japan has the biggest console market and tradition in the world? No that can't be it,it must be le xenophobic memes.
I'm pretty sure japan doesnt want either sony or nintendo lose popularity againts PCs which most of it is based outside japan. However seems some companies are interested into porting and getting money from pc players outside japan.
Inbred, stupid, xenophobic, pedophilic, sick fucks. What do you expect of them? Their console endeavors are not any better. Galore of retarded date sims, menu based "RPGs"more bothered with numbers and systems than characters and story. Just fuck their whole shit island.