How do you feel about RPGs where two party members are siblings?

How do you feel about RPGs where two party members are siblings?

Very few good RPGs actually have incest in them, so I don't care.

name one (1) my man

witcher 3

Only acceptable if both are males

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War is god-tier and also features generous amounts of incest.

>fully expected it to go FE Fates level of constant incest "under"tones
>instead they form an actual heartwarming bro/sis relationship and support eachother
>get team attacks in the next game
Based NIS.

>Fucking over FE so badly it will never recover
Hope NoA takes away all the fun

That's fine, but a lot of games use that as a method of skipping on character action with an implied relationship, as opposed to developing it into a unique or interesting relationship based on their previous interactions.

I was talking about Disgaea, FE is shit.