Buy a 1060 and stick with it until you need to upgrade or get a 480 so you can crossfire that shit later on?
Buy a 1060 and stick with it until you need to upgrade or get a 480 so you can crossfire that shit later on?
Buy a 480 for Dx12/Vulkan und more Vram and upgrade then to 1080ti or whatever AMD cooks up with Vega
good luck getting non amd/nvidia fanboy answers here
been wondering how much difference the 2g vram extra the 480 has over the 1060
also how many games will be able to utilize crossfire?
both are pretty good options.
DX12 has much better multi GPU support and it's becoming increasingly unacceptable for games to not scale well with SLI/Crossfire.
never again, unless you want need the power for multi monitor just save yourself the colossal pain in the ass and get it done with one card. when i had a crossfire set up i spent more time fiddling with it and waiting for drivers than playing
Didn't the 480 had some problems with pci-e specification?
This user speaks the truth. I have heard nothing but bad things about sli/crossfire, spend the money on one beefy card instead.
>tfw not wanted in Sup Forums and not wanted in Sup Forums
Is there a place in Sup Forums for the tech illiterate?
I'd go with 480, but honestly, you can even save some money going with a 470 and overclocking it right now. They might fix it later though, since the 460 fucking sucks, it's the same or even worse than the 950.
I'm in this situation.
If Nvidia enabled SLI for the 1060 it'd be a no brainer.
If AMD got their shit together and produced enough RX480 chips for manufacturers so pricing would sort itself the fuck out and it was significantly cheaper than the 1060 it's be a no brainer.
If they both did these things it'd be a happy conundrum, but now I'm just stuck with compromises.
Thats the entire opposite of whats happening
Nvidia and AMD are shooing away from crossfire and SLI set ups and Nvidia isn't supporting SLI drivers for many cards at all anymore
it makes the RX480 25% faster, duh
for 1080p probably 0
I think the best deal right now is the $200 4GB 480 thats out the 1060 3GB is not the exact same card as the 1060 just with less vram
Going to buy 1070 now and will buy Vega/Volta HBM2 cards when they come out with 4k monitor. Got a secondary computer without GPU, so 1070 won't go to waste. Y/N?
I'm thinking about buying a 1060 3GB to replace my HD 6870.
Is my i7 950 still ok ?
1080p btw.
just save up another 40 and get the 6gb version
Good luck finding a 480 in stock
Just get the R9 390 while it's still on sale.
Are the 3gb this important ?
That is way too much money to spend on a card you are going to replace in probably less than a year
I just got a RX480 for $300.
Just finished my first build yesterday. It's glorious.
Guys is the evga single fan 1060 a good buy? Is the single fan bad for heat and noise? No reason to get one if it ends up throttling down and being louder than a 480.
From what i've seen, the 390 and 1060 give the exact same perfeomances.
Wouldn't it be better to buy the newest GPU ?
I forget the specifics of it but I remember hearing the more expensive EVGA single fan one was significantly better for not that much more.
I'd go with the 480. I just got mine a few days ago and runs pretty much everything at max settings at 1080p. A lot of bang for the buck. It also seems to handle DX12 a lot better than the 1060
That would still be the 390, wouldn't it?
The superclocked one?
Why ?
Same price and same perfs.
1060 Superclocked > Rx480? Figures.
Either card is fine the 1060 is about 5-10% in dx11 games but both cards will max 1080p 60fps+.
Don't crossfire many games usually don't support it and sometimes it lowers the fps.
Save money for the 6gb version also depending on some games you might notice a drop in performance with that i7.
Which 1060? The standard 6GB one performs significantly better than 390. The 1060 is pushing GTX 980 performance territory.
Not op.
Rate my build
>obligatory cherrypicked.jpg
At that price point I'd just get the 8GB 470. It'll stand to you for much longer. 3GB is already pushing it at 1080p.
The 6GB version is 269€.
I'll buy a 6GB then, thanks.
So every benchmark and review cherry picked their 1060 results? I've always leaned more towards AMD but if a 390 and 1060 cost the same you'd be mad to go for the 390.
I'm poor, and need to upgrade to use a 144hz monitor, should I
- Get a 1060
- Save up some money and get a 1070
- Get a cheap as fuck 970
I'm still using a 560TI, and don't mind running stuff on medium
>I'm poor, and need to upgrade to use a 144hz monitor
But for 144hz on a budget I'd look for an on sale Fury and a freesync monitor.
save for 1070
get a fuckin real GPU not that midrange crap
>I'm poor, and need to upgrade to use a 144hz monitor
144mhz is a bigger meme than 4k. It's all about 1080/60fps for another four years easy.
Already have the monitor, and I mostly use it to play quake and csgo so it's fine with my shit GPU.
Your whole life is a meme.
It seems like the better idea yeah.
I heard rumors Volta is coming next year. How credible are they? I kinda want to dump my 970 meme card, but I can hold off another year for something better.
My brother had crossfire of HD6780 and it was shit, should have just buy one card.
later he bought GTX970
Well you won't play any game at max @144fps with evan a 1080 so you migh as well wait for the actual nex gen cards coming soon.
Current ones struggle with 60fps on 1080.
The new deus ex takes the lead with barely 60fps @1080p with a DUAL sli 1080s
If you buy anything nowjust get a 60fps monitor.
Dude I'm playing with a 560TI do you think I care about playing on ultra ?
Also I'm not going to play shitty unoptimized console ports.
Crossfire and SLI is bullshit. You need individual optimisation for each game and guess what: devs are lazy bastards.
Single GPU is the only way.
Every game works like that my dear.
If you want to play with shit visuals then why would you even get a good 144fpos monitor
unless you are some weirdo sanic that has a smooth fetish
But regardless, buying any card but 480(for its real price not overpriced)if one is a poorfag or just wants some temporary card to sell in a year is a stupid thing,
The """new""" cards are not new at all they are the same shit as before but on a new process and OC'd to hell. The ones coming up will be the true next gen.
>The ones coming up will be the true next gen.
Seriously ?
It's been 6 years now since I bought my GPU.
Can't I change now ?
Don't crossfire/SLI budget builds, just sell it and buya beter card.
I like how mad Linus got over this. I agree that the 1060 6gb should have been called the 1060Ti, they're two completely different cards.
>The new deus ex takes the lead with barely 60fps @1080p with a DUAL sli 1080s
The 1080 doesn't scale well with SLI in Deus Ex, it's likely being CPU-bottlenecked or something.
you can but you will regret it.
The cards coming up will be a new architecture designed for the new 14nm process(current nvidia ones are just a maxwell shrink and in the case of 1080 a shrink with slightlky faster GDRR5x memory). Also amd will release their full lineup, not just a low/mid range tease like 480.
Nope, not bottlenecked by anything.
Such is the sad state of nowadays videogames. No one gives a fuck about performance.
GPU manufacturers are happy because it forces people to buy new cards all the time and devs get to fuck around and be lazy while publishers save money.
>wont play any game at max @144fps with EVAN a 1080
>bullshit, the post
No, it's manchildren arguing over which brand is best everywhere
4gb 480 if you are 1080p
1070 if you are 1440p
some old card in a sale if you are fucking poor
nothing if you are in any other situation. even more gpus are on the way.
There's been another rumor
That volta will use complete new architecture aka something can can probably make use of async compute properly lel
Pascal owners will be eating shit my friend. You hear it here first.
>4gb 480
why not 8gb?
besides, doesn't the 1060 wipe the floor with the 480 in almost every benchmark?
Or you could for the 490 and hope it's good..
1060. You'll regret AMD.
I see, you might have convinced me to wait. Not that guy by the way. What would you recommend to get right now, my old OC EVGA 570 has artifacts so it's busted, that shit lasted me 5 years and ran latest games on medium.
Literally everyone I know who's bought a 480 has complained about heating issues. I guess AMD wanted the Rx 480 to be the spiritual successor to the GTX 480.
go around the net and read many different benchmarks
then after you have your couple of cards google for problems, complaints and any bad shit you can find
just buy some cheap shit and wait for new cards
if you feel a burning need to do it now then get a 480 since it's the only thing with all that new dx12 async crap in it alread yso it wil; age slower than nvidias and it's cheap.
But i don't know much as i'll not be getting any gpu now, so do your own research. It's always the best way.
Can I crossfire a 480 with a 7950?
That's because literally everyone that has ever bought a reference card with a reference cooler complains about heat issues.
Your nvidia owning friends complain about their heat issues in their reference cards too.
1080/60FPS is basically mid to low end now. 1440/60FPS is easy for a 1070 and probably the 490 when it finally comes, 4k/60 has become very doable if you've got $1200 lying around for a titan xp.
>Pascal owners will be eating shit my friend. You hear it here first.
1070 and 1080 owners who were expecting something super future proof maybe but the GTX (x)60 to GTX (x+1)70 and GTX (x+1)80 is a pretty common upgrade path that I'd imagine a lot of 1060 owners will avail of.
i have a I5 4670 and will replace my 650 soon
1060, 480 or save a bit more and go str8 to 1080?
im kinda tech illiterate, is my processor good enough?
upgrade to i5 6600k at least
and then get a 1070. 1080 only offers 10-15% more performance for 50% more moneys
by saying 1080, i meant 1070
do i really need to upgrade my CPU now? Jesus, i was hoping you guys to say that mine is fine for some time
I only ever hear problems with nvidia and there bloated features that do nothing, I had my AMD card for 4 years and not one single problem and I barely hear complaints.
The 3 GB is slower don't buy it.
Don't listen to him. I still have a 2500k (oc'd) and most games hit their limit with my 1070 rather than my cpu (1080p 120fps).
Eh, your cpu is fine actually. You don't need an upgrade just yet.
>1440/60FPS is easy for a 1070
i wish
would maybe consider buying it if that as true
Yeah disregard me saying to upgrade your cpu
I suck cocks
I wouldn't invest too much in Pascal.
but it's true???
Very Nice, thanks for giving me peace of mind
cut the fps by half if you want 8xmsaa
Honestly I'm waiting for release bechmarks to come, everyone's spamming the shady Russian ones but RotTR was getting much better results even with a rocky launch. A 1070 can max out Tomb Raider at 1440 easy even with all the Gameworks setting on. Unless AMD literally cannot optimize their technologies for shit ultra very high shouldn't be getting these reults.
That's just not true. There was more sli support back in 8800gtx days, when 8800 was still struggling to run some games of the time and it was the best you can do.
Now days with 980ti, or 1080 that are so singularly powerful except for the most insane set ups sli has become more and more useless
>Nvidia actively discouraging SLI except for enthusiasts
>AMD all out shilling 480 Crossfire
This is a bit disturbing, I've played on multi-GPU setups and it's just not worth it. Even if it looks noce in benchmarks it's not worth the microstutter or fiddling around in Nvidia Inspector trying to force compatibility.
It's not entirely useless. There are 980s going for sub €300 right now, if you already have one it'd be significantly cheaper to get another than it would be to get a 1070 and it world net you better performance in general.
Obviously the downside being there are some games where it would get you nothing, but not too many of them are worth playing the first place.
I was about to say that the only situation where SLI/CFX would make sense is if you somehow got a second card free, but even then it would be better to just sell it, or both of them and upgrade.
Multi-GPU really is worthless trash.