What's Sup Forums's opinion on turn based combat?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on turn based combat?

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it's comfy

a load of Japanese bollocks

it looks stupid, as if anyone would wait for someone to hit them. more games should be like dark souls.

These days it's just lazy.

Shit which is why ffxv is going to be good

I find it boring, but I can still play games with turn-based combat. I just don't prefer it, personally.

Turn based combat is my preferred RPG style of combat. Those half assed MMO-esque games just piss me off because if I'm in control I want to be playing Bayonetta or DMC or the like.

relic of the past that has no place in today's world

kinda works for strategy games but not for combat

Sometimes it's a nice change of pace from frantic real-time gameplay. It allows you to strategize more carefully and multitask if you want.

this, so much

such a shame turn-based combat is dying out in favour of ATB / button mashing garbage

Its okay, but there better be a side cool mechanic to it.

It's the best solution if you're controlling multiple characters, since you have time to think about what you're going to do.

If you control only a single character and the others are AI, it'd be just the same to make it real time.

The shittiest option is realtime mixed with turn based, the UI's are never good enough that you wouldn't lose turns and the enemy getting free attacks.

i can enjoy it, i think there are things turn based combat provides that no other sort of combat can provide, but i won't deny it is a tad boring in comparison to fast paced, fast thinking

i think its better if you enjoy taking the time to think and plan and predict, and seeing that work out can be satisfying

I don't hate ATB as long as it's done right.

Like Chrono Trigger, where the meters will stop if I'm in a menu or making a selection.

>Attack, heal when damaged, attack more
>wow so strategic1111111

Videogames are supposed to be a challenge. That's what makes them fun. Turn-based RPGs are just selecting text, not actually controlling the characters manually. No skill/reflexes/execution required, so it's boring and not satisfying. Turn-based RPGs are shit.

Sometimes it's good and other times it's bad

This user is right

The Grandia series (or at least 2) do ATB nicely. You could risk more damage or opt to cancel out enemies to maintain the advantage.

I like it.

Did you know that different people find video games fun for different reasons besides just challenge, and it's even possible to enjoy some games for being challenging while also enjoying other games for completely different reasons, and being incapable of understanding this is a sign of actual autism

t. shitter

Senpai, it's weak to electric attacks!

what you like in games isn't necessarily what everyone else likes

and no, it is a fact most turn based rpgs have much more depth than what you claim

i will agree that there are games that provide much more strategy than turn based rpgs can, but that doesn't mean that someone very much enjoys the sort of level of strategy that turn based combat provides

more like "wah i don't agree with his opinion, better call him a name since i can't refute his point nor do i have the maturity to agree he has a differing opinion haha"

t. most of Sup Forums

a game doesn't have to be challenging in order to be fun

This feels like something you would see in youtube comments

I like it, it gives you extra time to think through strategy and tends to be less stressful than real time combat.

Turn based gameplay can be very enjoyable when done correctly. I don't think many games these days do it right though.

I like it. It's nice and relaxing to play.

Mind you, i prefer real-time combat or ARPGs but turn-based combat is also nice. Turn-based RPGs will never die as long as they have some audience.

It also feels nearly orgasmic when you hit the enemy with a maximum damage attack. I jizz my pants anytime I hit the enemy and see 9999 pop up over there heads.

a lot of games nowadays try to combine it with real time combat and it doesn't work very well

>I have never played a SMT game the post

It's great.
I don't get this new idea that it's somehow "outdated".
Chess is turn-based. Is chess outdated?

here are the bait takers

now I want someone to "remake" chess and make it have real time combat

you start with turn based chess but as soon as a piece tries to kill another they have a duel and you control your piece.



ebin xD


I like turn-based strategy a lot, RPG or not. It feels like a board game on steroids.


Just a bunch of rng bullshit. This is most prevalent in SMT and old Final Fantasy games.

>get kicked back to save from an hour ago because of save point bullshit
>sit through cutscene again right before the fight
>rinse and repeat until you win

That was a real game more or less. It's called Archon on NES. It got a remake or two as well, one on Steam. Pic related.

Its pieces didn't work like normal chess in movement, but most importantly, more powerful pieces had better abilities/damage when they started a fight. There was even a shapeshifter piece that morphed into whatever piece it fought, which was a cool giant-killer mechanic.

I'm shit at it so I hate it

I generally prefer ARPGs but I don't want turn-based to die out because I don't want every JRPG to be the same. I feel like FFXV going ARPG was a mistake.

SMT does it the best.
Press turn system was a great addition, but the original system isn't bad either.

Real time combat chess is basically MMO guild battles.

i.e. There's no way to control all the pieces at the same time by yourself, and how battles play out willy rely almost entirely pre-battle preparation.

Turn-based combat foregoes real-time "action" and stuff like QTEs to allow you to mentally envision strategy and tactics better. If turn-based isn't popular (which is false, look at Pokemon) I say expand upon it. Bravely Default is the perfect example, what with the way it gives you tools to totally break the game engine if you learn how.

I love turn based combat. I've always loved it more than active based.

>Use buffs/debuffs to change stats; those are the only properties you can modify in most games, and even if there are more, they just temporarily remove elemental weaknesses
>Use attacks that behave the same and just have different properties for triggering weaknesses
>Some games don't even let you guard

I love SMT, but its combat is not deep enough to stand on its own. It needs fusion and negotiation constantly feeding into it to be interesting. The only Atlus series with genuinely good combat is the Etrian series. It even makes ailments viable but not broken, when they're useless in SMT, unless they're ridiculously overpowered like in cases where you can Charm Bullet spam. Granted, I still need to play DDS, but all of the other SMT/Persona games since Nocturne are pretty much cut from this same cloth.

This. Also people need to chill

it's good when each action is important.

it's bad when you just mash 'attack'

i love the way the SMT series makes turn-based combat feel visceral.

Not a big fan of "normal" turn based combat with few options. It works, but it often feels lazy.

Combined with more complex moves and skills that demand several characters and/or turns make it more interesting.

Giving characters action points to use on their turn gives more tactical possibilities to win the fight or fuck up.
And if action points are tied to some attributes, maybe I should put some points there instead of just "make more damage" skill.

Making the position and facing of the characters matter makes it even more interesting.

Status effects are mandatory in turn based combat. Too bad they often are useless. AND AT LEAST SOME OF THEM SHOULD AFFECT THE FUCKING BOSSES!

Then there's turn based games like X-COM and Combat mission, that mix the pack with simultaneous actions.

And turn based doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't have a time limit.

tl;dr turn based can be challenging and exciting if devs aren't lazy bastards.

Been really getting into turnbased lately because I have to watch/listen to shit a lot and it's nice when you can make your turns at your own pace and concentrate on something on the side when needed.

Also whoever thought real-time threats on a menu in a turn-based game where you can't pause otherwise needs to fuck right off. I'd give Undertale a pass on it because it did it on a fight that's supposed to be 100% bullshit anyway, but the fact that it was a running theme in Paper Mario TTYD kind of annoys me.

Like it in games like HoMM, hate it in JRPGs.
I love Persona despite the shit combat, not because of it.

how quickly the tide turns

You play one, you play them all.

Since you have so much time to think the trade-off should be that you have to think several moves ahead. The few JRPGs I've played have failed at that.

It'd kind of meh really. Most turn based RPG nowadays are:

Buff Def/Elemental Def
Buff Attack/Spell Damage/Attack Speed/Crit rate

Repeat until success. If the game is hard enough, add healing from time to time to the mix.
I don't hate it, but i like it better when they add something different to the formula.

>turn based game
>gameplay never has enough depth or calls for the use of strategy, so 99% of the time you're just mashing A to hammer out basic attack commands

I only like turn based games when they play to their strengths instead of amounting to nothing because the combat never evolves beyond attack and heal when necessary. So I primarily like SRPGs like FE.

Pseudo-turn based hybrid systems like Xenoblade can eat a bag of dicks.

Honestly this is a very interesting and valid point. good fucking post

If it is fast paced like FFX and TMS then no problem

Not when it'll have garbage tier combat

DESU senpai i prefer turn based combat in games on handhelds because it allows for breaks as well as the fact you can lay down to play these games. I prefer more fast paced games for my PC because i am sitting up and therefore more able to engage in fast paced games.

Does that make sense to anyone else?

it's a meme system favored by reddit

Well. Yeah?

Turn Based or gtfo

Turn based games are vastly superior when the player is allowed an extra form of input that affects the outcome of attacks, like the action commands from the Paper Mario or M&L series.

Necessary evil, maybe someday they will come up with an way to make RT combat as deep.
That being said:
>good TB >> good RT
>bad RT >>>>> bad TB

What about real time with pause? Why is it regarded as cancerous by many?

I believe it has been poorly used in games like BG2, they would problably benefit from TB, its better used in those broken mercenary simulators like 7.62, but that game is bad in other ways.

It allows focus on the rpg mechanics itself since real time rpgs tend to feel mediocre unless they're ARPGs

mainline SMT games do this to a degree, some of the harder battles literally require knowledge of what moves the demon uses and how frequent they use them, turning into a shitfest of buffing and debuffing so that you don't get rekt

Great system for RPGs. It's just too bad so many RPGs are going outright action games these days. Not much left for RPG fans really

Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga was everything on GBA SP

I miss the gauntlet now
I might play a shitty random NES game tonight

I thought I didn't like turn based combat games, then realized my issue was with random encounters

Fuck random encounters

I like turn based when it's done well. Any game that has overly long attack animations belongs in the trash.

Same, fuck random encounters especially in smt1

>that fucking encounter rate
kill me


dull when executed badly, nerve-wracking excitement when done well so just like any other kind of combat system/video game

A minigame in one of the last gen Mortal Kombats was like that, but I suspect you knew from the woring in your post.


Sometimes you have to prepare well and thoroughly in advance for attacking to be a viable strategy in the first place. In fact, it's sometimes so stupid that we may as well call it bruteforcing when there's more elegant ways to achieve victory available.