why it was so heavy?

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To sink faster than the Titanic.

it had a nuclear reactor thing inside of it didn't you see the BEST CONSOLE OPENING EVER when you turned the thing on with the green reactor shit

PS1 is a close second even though it's really simple, the sound effect is amazing

>people don't like big bulky consoles

To hold all of that POWER!

because it's a console not a DVD player

come on we dont have big bulky muscles except in the dick

Wasn't it basically just a closed PC in a sideways case?

being 6 ft 7 this was the only controller to actually somewhat fit my hands. I miss this thing. I'd give anything to be able to use this controller on all current consoles and pc.

Because it shipped with a hard drive.
Ps2 was so light, because a big part of it was empty.
When ps3 shipped with a built in hard drive, it was actually bigger than OG Xbox.


I'm 6'7'' and the PS4 controller and shield controller fit really well in my hands

It was a PC inside a box

the PS4 controller is alright but it just wasn't as comfortable as the xbox controller back in the day imo

had a fucking 3.5" HD

and this

two of the most beautiful consoles ever made

fuck these slimmed down variants, at least with those two you felt like you were getting your money's worth

It had an internal hard drive when that wasn't really a thing in consoles.

Because they used a 3.5" HDD and a fullsize DVD drive
That's literally half of the Xbox's internal size

Because if a console can't be used to defend yourself in combat then it doesn't deserve to exist.

>they had to give the controllers break-off cables, because the console might get pulled off a table and crush babies

That shit was a godsend for people with dogs.

It had the power brick thingy INSIDE of it too.
I remember watching a youtube video about the design of the 360, and they wanted to move as far away from the XBOXHUEG label, so they simply took the power brick and HDD out.

Xbox was so ahead of its time, ps3 pretty much a more advanced xbox.

You don't have to tell me twice but in the stone age.

IIRC, the only reason the PS2 was so big on launch, was that it had the empty drive bay, but also because it didn't emulate the PS1. Instead, it literally had ps1 components to play ps1 games. Take away the components, and the HDD bay, and you're left with almost nothing buy a dvd player.

What were the usb ports even used for?

Pretty sure the PS3 contained ps2 parts, which thy got rid of.

It wasn't completely native if I recall right, some games didn't work.

>What were the usb ports even used for?
USB headset for some games online (I think so anyway) & eyetoy.

that's crazy, I'm a 5'3 god-king of manlets and I loved both the duke and the S controller. never understood the complaints and I have some baby hands.

It was native, the IOP in the PS2 is the same as the PS1's CPU but is only used for some I/O and sound processing in PS2 games.

This thing set so many trends in consoles. It's featurelist became design requirements for following console generations.

>USB controllers
I still use my old S-Controller on my PC, and occasionally the old Duke since having 6-face buttons is nice in some games.

>What were the usb ports even used for?
third party accessories like headsets, eyetoy camera, and homebrew

The phat PS2 is almost entirely empty behind the controller ports as well. Easily 40% of the box is dead space.

Same reason the xbone was crazy oversized at launch. Half of it was just empty.

Fat PS3s originally had PS2 components shoved inside. Then the 80GB models removed some PS2 parts and use a partial software emulator to cut down on cost. The slim models and beyond used software emulation entirely and had no PS2 parts.

This is actually a smart design choice. You could have seen the lawsuits coming a mile away if they didn't include this.

>Same reason the xbone was crazy oversized at launch. Half of it was just empty.



>tfw I had the original $599 version
>tfw no ragrets

Is it still working?

it had the overheat issue but we re-pasted the heat sink

this was only recently though, after about 9.5 years of use


The 60GB Fat model is the best PS3 to hack. With CFW, you can natively play pirated PS1,PS2,PS3 games on one console.

because if you bought it you were fucking dense

Like other said, it's a glorified PC.

it also had 4 USBs and built-in card readers. the newer PS3s seemed so gimped in comparison

You could also play PSP games on PS3 as well.

HDD + high-quality Delta PSU + PC grade DVD reader inside. The motherboard itself was very light.

Don't think you could. You could download them and transfer them to a PSP/Vita but not play them.

It was literally a Direct X capable PC inside a box, hence the name XBOX.

Having a modded Xbox was god tier. You could install custom operating systems on it to really advantage of it. You could turn your console into a FTPbox or HD media machine, play emulators, store music on the hard drive and listen to them, and more. If you knew how to solder, you could even add more RAM to the Xbox which improved its capabilities.

There's actually working official emulator.

There's a native emulator for PSP on PS3 used by Sony for various games (Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, that K-On PSP game, Dynasty Warriors, etc)

With homebrew, you can load pretty much any PSP game into it and play it on PS3. I've tried Dissidia and it works well.

Problem is keeping the damn thing alive with the cheap solder joints giving in with moderate use. Also, only PS2 is native and I heard some issues about HDMI output.

You can, but it's mediocre emulation.

If it's just a PC then why aren't there any emulators for it yet?

>people actually chose PS2 over the Xbox THICC

I had both and I only used the Xbox for Halo and Jetset Radio. I did love it though.

I still got my OG Xbox lying around, but I have no working controllers.

>All those limp bizkit tracks saved on the hard drive

Yeah I had both too 2bh. Wanted to play Ninja Gaiden

I had all 3 systems as a kid, and I played only Ninja Gaiden/Black, sports games, Halo and SWTOR on it.

PS2 was the goto for 80% of everything, then I devoted 50% of my time playing the 10% the Gamecube offered.

I still like the Gamecube the best of the three.

Blueshogun96, the creator of the original Xbox emulator has already explained it. This could be pasted in every Xbox thread.

All multiplats i played on Xbox because they ran better.

I only played SH3 and FFX on the PS2. SH2 on Xbox is much better, it's basically the definitive edition. A bummer SH3 didn't come out on the Xbox, the lighting effects on the PS2 version are atrocious.

>Not being an idort

PS2 for weeb games
Xbox for multiplats
Gamecube for Nintendo exclusives

Man, the Xbox was an impressive piece of hardware when it launched, and the software was on pair with it. It sure was a console made with love, unlike the One.

Also that intro was god-tier, like said:

>Towards the end of the design of Xbox, we had a problem. When you power on a game console, you’re entertained by the startup sequence—that’s there for a couple reasons. One reason of course is to provide you with a visual and sonic ‘logo’ for the box. The other is somewhat more practical. When you turn on the Xbox, you want something to happen immediately; you want fun right away. But the system still has to "boot" itself-- start spinning the hard disk and DVD drive, as well as go through all the things computer systems need to do when they start themselves from scratch. And the Xbox team spent tremendous effort to minimize that boot time. So, the boot up sequence, although fast, was still about 8 seconds. And the artists did some cool visuals to cover those 8 seconds.

>This left sound. Normally doing the sound for existing visuals would be pretty straightforward: get the visuals, go into the studio and create a wave file to match the graphics and you’re done. There wasn’t enough memory available to store an 8-second wave file. In fact, after the Xbox kernel and the opening animations sequences, there was only about 25kilobytes of room left in the 256kB ROM it needed to come from. 25kbytes isn’t even 1 second of 8-bit mono sound.

>The brief melody at the end of the boot sound is done with a combination of digitized attack and synthesized sustain—the digitized glockenspiel attack is used for the attack while a simple sine wave was used to give some more duration to the decaying sound. All in all, I used 9 concurrent tracks of sound. Put it all together, sequence it and you have the original Xbox boot sequence.

Long story short, they managed to fit this sound in only 25 kilobytes of memory.

Will we ever get a decent Xbox emulator?

>want to mod my old xbox
>don't have usb adapter or splintercell
>poorfag with no way to order online

Life is suffering

It's so weird how the game industry works. When devs are constrained by hardware limits they do stuff like recoding a game to fit Kanto or doing the wizardry you just mentioned, but when they have these 8-core PCs they struggle to just meet the baseline. Is it just harder to do this today or is it laziness?

This is some demoscene level shit.

Throwing it in the ocean is about all that system was good for. Talk about terrible.

You have to be 18 to post on this site

Why was that peoples' main problem with it? The fuck is the difference? Do you have to bench press it repeatedly to make it work?

Mostly laziness. Why bother optimizing something right now when you could just patch it later or consumers won't really notice the problem anyways.

that's pretty cool.


Yeah and power problems meant that Microsoft sent a power brick to my house as a precaution

I spent all my time on Gamecube and Xbox, never played a PS2 because none of the games really interested me and I could just platy multiplats on Xbox. Wish I would have gotten a Dreamcast though.


It was pretty much a pentium 3 gaming computer. The weight comes from the hard disk drive, the DVD drive, the power supply unit, and the metal frames used to hold the thing together. I know because I took mine apart.

Xbox had shit for games, PS2 had so many games the Xbox didn't. It's the console for trailer trash and now its even more pointless since every single one of the Xbox ones games are on PC. I don't know why Microsoft just doesn't go third party, the Xbox failed, windows live store failed, just cuck my shit up.

Sadly I don't think there's the interest. A lot of the big games you can still play on PC with higher resolution and any others that were genuinely good didn't sell a huge amount.

Because it was basically a PC, only console with a hard drive which was a lot bigger than a current one. It also had by far the best hardware that gen.

PS2 was basically the proto-Wii, basically casual shovelware trash. Most overrated console in vidya history. Xbox had actual GOOD Japanese games (including Metal Wolf Chaos, unfortunately it never came to the West) and some of the best-looking games of 6th gen, both exclusive and multiplat.

Well, consoles as a whole failed. Nvidia essentially finished consoles for good with Maxwell and now Pascal.

No point in buying a console when for the same price you can buy a video card that is 4 times faster.

Actually Xbox had a pretty good amount of great games.

Metal Wolf Chaos
Jet Set Future
Steel Batallion, among others.

The Xbox was truly, the console with the most hidden gems.

>hooray for shittier graphics, online, memory cards, and tiny little controllers built for my dainty girl hands

>tfw only 40GB 5400RPM drive in my xbox
good IDE drives don't fall into my lap like they used to

Just get a sata to IDE adapter. Won't improve on anything, but at least you can use any sata hdd.

Xbox actually had great games and improved ports from PS2.

I'll take Ninja Gaiden: Black, Tenchu: Return From Darkness and Genma Onimusha over anything on the PS2 anyday. PS2 was cheaper and everywhere I mostly knew poor Mexicans and trailer trash to own it over another console.

is there a good stick for xbox? i like playing the dead or alive games but i don't like playing fightan on pad.

I'm currently shopping for an xbox with an upgraded drive & cooling system.
>mfw no blood omen, blood omen 2, legacy of kain:defiance, turok evolution, deus ex invisible war, etc.

Limitations lead to creativity.

I just uploaded an XBOX softmodding + HDD upgrading tutorial. No bullshit of searching hours for info and outdated crappy tutorials

>had shit for games
Eh, at least Xbawx could have 4players playing on the same console without add-ons.

damn nigga how do I get fit like you

Fuck, I'm gonna watch all of this later. Thanks!
I really need to figure out actually using ISOs, the reason my old softmod Xbox bit the dust was because the DVD drive died.

it's as simple as extracting them to a folder with qwix and copying them to your hard drive over FTP

be extremely dedicated to the gym and sports, plus eating right.

Gonna be honest: When I was in middle school my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas.
I asked for an Xbox because it had DOAX (which I bought) and Steel Battallion (which I never bought)
I had a PS1 before that and I missed out on the rest of the MGS games and every Final Fantasy past 9.
I have intensely regretted that decision for most of my life. I got Metal Wolf Chaos and JSRF out of the deal, but it wasn't worth it.


Are there any advantages to hardmodding vs softmodding an original Xbox in 2016?
Just curious. Original mod chips from that era seem pretty hard to find nowadays

That's not how nuclear reactors work...

>I had a PS1 before that and I missed out on the rest of the MGS games and every Final Fantasy past 9.
Don't worry, you're not missing out on much.

Bless this post.