How was 11 year old me supposed to know what R3 was
How was 11 year old me supposed to know what R3 was
trial and error. besides, it was intuitive.
They're not intuitive when you're 7.
>buttons below a joystick
The first thing a person might think is that they've broken something down there.
I just looked at the manual and saw thats where it was you mongoloid.
>ever since the PS1 days always thought clicking the analogs was bad and would damage them
>fast forward to 2010
>buy 360 controller to use on PC
>wonder why there's 2 buttons on the driver screen that I can't find on the controller
>watching my little cousin play his 360 one day
>see him do thing
>ask "how did you do thing?"
>he clicks the analog
>realize for nearly 20 years I have been ignorant about the existence of the buttons under the analog sticks of almost every console's controller
for some time, I thought you had to press R1 and R2 at the same time to get R3
of course, it didn't work
if you are 18 or over, your 11 year old self would still get manuals in the game boxes.
>How was 11 years old me
>now suddenly 7
You are retarded
why don't you look at unique ID's you fucking retard
same here OP. Took me months before I found out about thumbstick buttons. Good thing barely any games back then utilized them
Even if you bought shit used and manual-less, you could just look shit up on gamefaqs back in the day(assuming you weren't terminally retarded).
>unique id's
both posts were from Anonymous, you fucking retard
I meant to say IP you fucking cunt
now say me how without getting into the database, fucking bastard
i don't know top right you fucking dense maroon 5 loving faggot
I remember getting stuck and feeling like an absolute retard in the training sections of Ape Escape because even with the big sign telling me to push the stick in, it didn't occur to me the stick was a button too.
>not checking the controls in the manual first and foremost
doesn't fucking matter when the OP says 11 years old, someone says it's intuitive, and you reply with that shit.
Intruction booklets would have told you where R3 and L3 are if you needed them for the game.