For Honor all classes

Who are you going to main, Sup Forums?

Warden is best bae

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Why are the japs big and muscular? They're supposed to be small and thin

Warden or Lawbringer here. Maybe Nobushi but fuck the vikings

I had most fun as the Orochi. I like being a fast little Nip

Warden is THAT NIGGA

decentish Kensei gameplay

ok Warden gameplay

Raider, orochi and conqueror respectively

Lawbringers really calling to me though, i super dig the aesthetics of that neckline armor, whatever its called but flails are criminally underused in vidya

Orochi and/or Kensei
female Warden

Nobushi and Lawbringer if I planned on getting this game.


In that order

>they all look the fucking same
Worst race.

I will be maining Nobushi and Lawbringer.

That looks really uninspired and stupid. Why are the knights colored like contemporary heavy machinery?

Who do vikings have horns?

What's with Shugoki's green, that looks like it's radioactive.

Warden gonna be my go to. I really hope certain classes or combos dont become OP or the meta to always have those guys or some shit.

>Another game that forces diversity just for the sake of it even it it dosent make sense at all.
Where are our games Sup Forums ?
Every dev panders to these fucking libtard sjw's and feminazi tumblrina's now. :(

Conqueror masterrace

>Who do vikings have horns?

Its like youve never seen the trillion depictions of Vikings

you can customize your characters my boi

>that one inbred nigger in the thread that fights with a fucking shield
Tip top kek

Nobushi and lawbringer look cool as fuck

But shieldmaidens were an actual thing.

shugoki looks pretty neat. Also is Nobushi the jap female?

And yet ever kid nowadays knows it's the wrong depiction. It's just inconsiderate to give them horns with that in mind.

Good to hear for the sake of the eyes of people who'd play this, because most of those color schemes are kinda ass.

>Two axes

>a game about vikings, samurais and knights fighting on the same location
>complaining about women in it

Samefag samefagging to death or people with similar taste?

I think the former. The latter is too unrealistic.

>Not picking Shogoki
Explain yourself fucking plebs.

>female samurai

Here we go.

Good thing you can customize or else I'd never use a Conqueror, having one arm unarmored but wrapped in chains just looks too stupid for me.

>black viking

No idea how he plays, but I will dedicate my life to Lawbringer. Just needs a tinge of holy magic.

I don't even mind I'm just curious it's easy to tell what the female knight and viking are.

Nothing in that image is realistic, user.

There is literally no one called Shogoki.

Fucking weeb learn to fucking read.

All of these actually look really cool. Except for the peacekeeper, that guy looks absolutely retarded


>female warriors
>dual wield
>helmets with horns
>bright colors
>the 3 factions sharing era

Yah shugoki looks the most appealing one from the japs.

I also like the conqueror just because he is the only one with a shield and i think this game could actually have a good shield blocking system.

On the vikings i like the serker's aesthetic more than the other 3.

>one wrong letter.

>implying I'm going to play it
>implying it won't be shit like everything Ubisoft makes nowadays

I would love to be wrong, but then again I don't even remember the last time an Ubisoft game surprised me.

Who wants to bet that Valkyrie, Nobushi and Peacekeeper are females?

Because it's a video game


Those poor Vikings...

It's not about realism. It's about having a modicum of attention to detail

I said literally.

>Jap warriors names are in japanese
>Viking warrior names are not in Norwegian

How full of shit can the makers of this be?

Gears of War character designs.

>Viking warrior names are not in Norwegian
I think you mean Icelandic you imbecile

Stop shitposting.

Vikings had horns.

Anything viking.


Into the trash it goes.

>All these retards complaining about historical inaccuracies...
It's a fantasy setting about 3 caricatured factions. It's made for fun, not to trigger your autism

>the exact same animation every time

Boy thats gonna get tiring. And annoying, same problem avp 2010 had only that was controllable

Suddenly M&B is bad because it also has female warriors.

none.. ubisoft makes only garbage games those days.. not giving them my money.

Polearmfags are a fairly common group on Sup Forums, and it just so happens that Valkyrie looks like a fucking poofter compared to the other two.

Valkyrie and peacekeeper are obvious, nobushi is a little more ambiguous.

Kensei or Nobuchi
Conquerer or Lawbringer

Is this game actually decent or what?

No shit Sherlock.

Nobushi looks like a faggot so I'm going with him

Was planning on maining orochi after the beta but Lawbringer looks DEUS VULT as fuck

Are they doing any more technical tests before release?

Vikings look like fucking shit holy keks they are hilariously terrible.

Remember when people thought this game would be cool and then they showed gameplay?

>Female """warrior""" shoehorned into each team
>Character designs straight out of fantasy

But your points were regarding realism.

>le fantasy is bad meme
>in a fantasy game

>getting triggered over it
If this happened 10 years ago no one would care.

How the fuck does lawbringer see through that helmet

every class has a male and female option

Rainbow Six Siege is an amazing team shooter

It's a fantasy game, you idiot.

Nobushi looks like a dexfag so propably him.
Is this game actually decent? Is there some open beta or something?

>Cookie cutter answer
I see Sup Forums trained you well

Read the fucking thread animeposter.

They have one sole male and one sole female class on each side. You can't be a female Raider or Conqueror or shugoki.

/his/ fags get out, were playing videogames


You mean the execution? There are multiple, he just always uses the same one

>no male valkyrie

>Hit a guy
>Nothing happens

oh wow thats not what I thoug this was aiming for a tall. Why does it go into a super tense duel angle if it boils down to wailing at health bars? Wouldn't it be better if when you cut a guy he loses a limb/dies?

This looks dumb

yes you can

My gf works for ubisoft.

there was a tech test awhile back. combat is fun but its buggy as shit and matchmaking was host based. I wouldn't get it for 60 bucks on release but it'd be worth it for 30 down the line

Berserker, Shugoki, Lawbringer I'm thinking.

>My gf works for ubisoft.
user please heres your free you.

i'm not saying it is a "great" game, but I had a ton of fun in the closed alpha

I think if they change some stuff for the better, it can be close to "great" if they leave it like alpha it will be "good" and if they ubisoft it, it will be "play campaign co-op with friend and maybe some multi when it's 20$" tier

>muh realism
ayy lmao

we get it, the devs clearly are not going for historical accuracy

don't tell me its not true...
fanboy kid got butthurt

september 15th till 18th is next alpha date

Raider, Shugoki, Lawbringer. Reppin' the fat boys.

>closed alpha
more like closet homo because you're a fucking faggot if you play this garbage

Less about realism and more about actual tension, and fun, to the duels. I dont see the point of the way the combat is set up when its just elder scrolls tier stuff

skyrim is a good game

What the fuck did you say about me you little Aztec?

were there actually any offical knights that were also women?

+the designs are pretty bad especially the knight ones

You can enjoy it but you cant tell me the combat is worthy of any praise. And For Honor is entirely about the combat.

actually you CAN be female raider and conqueror.

female only classes are peacekeeper, nobushi and valkyrie. male only are warlord, lawbringer and shoguki

o-ok user, s-sorry for playing a f-free test I was i-invited to...

Ever heard of Jeanne de Arc?

Also the knight ones are the best ones and more historically resembling than the other 2 teams combined.

Legion = Blue
Snoreborn = Red
Chosimbaone = Green except Kensei for some reason

Yeah, that combat doesn't look very satisfying