What is the absolute dumbest vidya related thing you've ever done? Deleted a save? Killed a team mate...

What is the absolute dumbest vidya related thing you've ever done? Deleted a save? Killed a team mate? Get scammed in runescape?

I played at 60hz on a 120hz monitor for nearly 2 years because I didn't realize that it's a setting that you have to manually select. In my defense, it was my first PC/Monitor so I didn't have any frame of reference.

Still, pretty retard.


Probably spend hundreds of euros on Tibia just to get some stupid mount. Turns out it was bugged anyway and not obtainable during the time I tried.

I was pretty mad

I bought Dragon Age 2.

I was playing pokemon snap at a friends house and wanted to play from the beginning and convinced him that starting over wouldn't overwrite his 100% save without actually saving.
Turns out it does and I fucked up everything he worked for.
Forgive me bro. I'm sorry

I sold my SNES when I was 8-10 years old because I got an N64 and thought it was just a waste of space. I still beat myself up about it 18 years later

> I only asked for $20

I was a lazy fuck in my early adolescence apparently because I would try to turn off my Gamecube with my foot, accidentally flickering the system on and off repeatedly a few times in the process. I probably corrupted my memory card at least 3 times doing this.

Traded a gamecube + 94 games for an xbox...

The 360 came out a week later FeelsBadMan

I had a 100% save file on Crash Twinsanity and hadn't played in years so I select the save thinking I'm loading it but I was actually erasing it.

I was 7ish when the Gamecube came out and they had a demo unit with Super Mario Sunshine out at Circuit City and I wanted to get to the areas you can see in the distance from Delfino Plaza. I thought you had to swim to them so I spent 10 minutes trying to swim to them, not realizing I was swimming against an invisible barrier.

Does this count?

they aren't that expensive. just buy another one.

>get first job at 16 years old
>go crazy with having disposal income and buy a dozen ds games
>figure out about flashcart
>buy one and sell all my ds games
>to gamestop
>years later flashcart won't work on 3ds
>but ds games do

I got a "girlfried" on runes cape and when we finally exchanged pics after 2 months she was a fat Mexican
I look back and wonder why I did that

when I was a kid, I was playing Wild Arms on the PSX, the tiny one with the giant circular power and eject buttons on the top. I hadn't saved in days because I was an irresponsible shit. So I was playing and tossing this pool toy, a weighted beanbag meant to practice deep swimming with, up in the air and catching it while skipping through combat, and something made me mad and I lobbed, not in anger or anything just a casual toss, the pool toy at the TV. Old CRT TV so I really didn't expect any damage, well the beanbag hit the TV, bounced off and landed DIRECTLY on the power button, causing me to lose days of progress, and I never finished the game because of that.

Since that day I have never taken any action out of anger towards a game, except for the odd exasperated groans or rage quitting.

I know guy that used to restart pokemon red every time he ran out of pp because he didnt realise the pokemon centre restored it.

>Get scammed in runescape?
Man I hope someone in here admits to being scammed in RS cuz it was most likely me who scammed them

I gave some faggot on this site 10 dollars for the smash 4 3ds demo. Never got it either. Why? Why was I so fucking stupid?

Lost tons of items in Diablo 2. Some guy had a dupe scam really well setup. And he got all my items. He was real smooth. Took like 8 minutes.

After that all the scammed were so low tier compared to him and i never fell for it again. I also havnt trusted a person online since. That was 15 years ago.

I decided to play video games as a hobby.

Bought a vita

bought a 3ds at launch

Traded in klonoa 2

just lost about ten hours of progress in pokemon soulsilver because i got into the habit of just closing the ds instead of saving and the battey ran out

deleting a friends 30 hour save file by accident on his first playthough

using the same friends masterball on a heracross in the original gold silver......haha

Realised i hated ff13 about 60 hours too late while i was repeatedly killing adamantoises just to get a trophy

tfw you get your parents to shell out for a game and it turns out to be utter shit or unplayable like ff crystal chronicles because of peripheral bullshit

The unbearable guilt i feel when i ever i think about violently shaking my little sister for walking into the room and freezing streets of rage on the last stage, im such a shit cunt

Jesus, don't be to hard on yourself.