Four o'clock and no tourney? Let's change that.
ID: 1903-1054-4274-84
Pass: Rage
Smash Sup Forumseekend
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Joining after lunch, fuck you phillip
Ayy there it is
Was just about to make one myself
I'll be on in 5. bump.
not even me
assumed one would've been made at the normal time.
Wow, that was bad.
Why so late? Did something important happened?
Grey Kirby reporting in
Nice to have ya', bean.
>me, ridley and somerando left
>I'm always enemy number #1 for the rando
I'm not even the biggest threat here.
'Pro' players tend to target the most interrupting player so that they end up in 1v1s
Try to keep a low profile until you find an opening into their flowcharts lol
>That one guy that goes after you no matter the situation
If you wanted to 1v1 just say so
>get launched>down air before airjumping
>my fate is sealed
>bounce off of samus' laser and it slows my fastfall
why did they do that fastfall after launch thing
>Early Sup Forumseekend already filled with tryhards
I'll be back later
>accidental footstools
Is there a better feeling in this world?
Charizard used to be my main. Sucks that he feels so awkward to play now.
>Fats with the ugliest Lucina skin
ggs either way
I was supposed to celebrate my girlfriend's birthday today but her goddamn mother hasn't woken up yet.
>ugliest Lucina skin
What is this a reference of FATS
>but her goddamn mother hasn't woken up yet.
need to ask her permission or something? where do you livem, kazakstan?
I'm going out to dinner with her family. She's a drunk, btw.
Edea Lee from Bravely Default
Skin = texture
Skin =/= alternate
You can only see the same skin if you have that exact skin in the same id. Meaning you would already know it's ugly.
>almost picked cloud
goood thing I didn't that would have been a clusterfuck
Hm, didn't she have a skirt in one of her outfits?
Use that one f am
So you can play online with mods?
Ugliest alt then, my bad
(Tan haired)
Retexture mods, if you change hitboxes n stuff you're fucked
I'm a shitter but I'm gonna join.
Gravity Suit Samus.
Custom music, skins, stage retextures and edited models are all safe online
The only thing that is not safe is changed hitbox data, either through improperly-rigged model bones or other means
Cool, then I may look for a texture mod for Umbra Clock Tower's background that's not so distracting.
Also, does something happens if I add music slots to stages with few music like Midgar?
Xithral, why do you always leave? I thought you were good? Running is away is cowardly
Gtfo with your it internet squid.
>leaves lobby
nice one squid
Walling is not nearly as affected by lag as is Spacing f am, just swallow it up for the time being
You can add or remove game music as you please with SmashExplorer 0.7
I believe the limit is 40 songs for all stages, though I remember people having difficulty adding more than a few to Midgar
I only have 4 songs on that stage
If you play FE characters you're gay
you say that, yet you never fight me to make that assessment. All you do is run away. Fine, by all means. Keep running :j
Sorry. I was on the hunt
>we've gone from at least one player for every character in the roster to the same 10 faggots that play the same character in 90% of games
Now the only person that plays characters liek pac man and duck hunt are that ledge spamming cunt, yoky.
>FATS, Vengeance, OddGod (Marth), Me
Can confirm, we're homosexual
no, YOU'RE gay
Yeah I guess I can agree to that
fucking game and watch rng
>Greninja players
That's a 10/10 match right there, gg beanatwo
Samus player here, I live in a shitty basement with bad canadian internet. Sorry
Isn't the first requirement of basement dwelling having an above-average Internet connection?
It's not bad. Trust me. Yours is not bad compared to some
Was a bucket full of fun
>Homosexual Archanians
>Apologizing Canadians
A culture shock so far.
That dunk was savage
Enjoy that 1v1 guys
...that was quick
>TFW Sakurai made your main shit
It doesn't help that I'm shit either but still.
Link main here. I know that feeling.
At least both our shitty characters got decent after patches, compared to Brawl, Sm4sh Link and Samus are god tier
Tourney ends in 20 minutes, here's the upcoming tourney
ID: 4589-6074-8693-96
Password: rage
>TFW Daddy Sakurai upgrades your main
Feels good after being just there on Melee and Brawl
You can't blame any of that loss on samus m8
Isn't she garbage and most of her attacks unrealistically whiff or are incredibly slow? I swear her charge phases through people.
She's nowhere near Melee Samus level but she's decent if played pretty defensively and through lots of zoning
Samus isn't bad.
Hmm maybe that's my problem. I WANT to missile zone but I don't want to be That Guy.
>Killed by environment
Shit didn't know SD was on lmao
Try not using smash attacks as much. That should help you alot
Her gameplay force her to be a camper and a spammer.
Psh no. Fuck no even. Tier list are retarded and a good player is a good player. They buffed my Hunter gal to were she's a stone cold killa. Just learn what you can with her
>Meta knight targets me
>while other link camps his heart away
t-thanks philapio
Still got my patented side-b to misfire SD combo
Reminder that this game is supposed to be fun so dont take it seriously
Samusshitter here. You did great mang.
Bellabean is playing out of his mind when he's default kirby
Absorbing makes him start memeing though lol
Did you want my copy ability or to fight?
Also who the fuck picked 75m?
We're you ZSSamus? At first, but then I figured that the dead players might get pissed if we kept going
Fats please stop using worst Lucina skin
.t everyone
A-at least I didn't get last since others joined late
RoboGuy/Samusshitter here.
I'm decent at standard fighters but really shit at smash. I often mess up my inputs (right b when I mean to recover with an up b) and I'm awful at timing my attacks. What's a good way to practice and get better?
My bad Ridley, I completely forgot it was teams for like the first 3 minutes of that game. I just find it so natural to try and fight you.
Nice one, Tony. I just picked Little Mac on a lark. Not a great plan.
May not be good advice, but how I got good is only using one attack during matches.
Sooner or later you learn when is a good time to use that attack
Hey, blonde Lucina is the best Lucina
Blond Lucina is objectively the worst followed by black hair
Blonde is better than default and black
Well done, ROB. Sorry about killing you with the USmash earlier.
>Not using black,red or blue haired Lucina
No worries I realized early and avoided you I spaghettied at the end though.
Guess Mom sent me into a parallel universe
Not when you have a blonde fetish
Nice going Vex. You da man. I mean, woman.
Blue is objectively the best followed by both reds and greens
Blonde is literally pleb tier
>Not using Tiki Lucina
What are you, gay?