just don't crash my server
* use 's' to fire shit
* use 'space' to place tiles
sometimes im doing something and then out of nowhere it asks for my nickname again
then when i press enter it teleports me somewhere random
pls fix
If you get hit by a dot then it kills you
Then you respawn
the nickname prompt keeps coming up constantly
If you die
don't play this, it gave me a virus
your hitboxes fucking suck
their too damn big
why can I only fire balls upwards and why do my own balls kill me
sorry but have had aids for a while now
Right now if you're in range of the explosion, you die. No visual indicator for the size though
Let me know if I should make the size smaller guys
Get a better server, getting real tired of these browser games with potato servers.
Do explain
whats the objective
Server is pretty decent for now, I just have to optimize a lot
you really need the explosion to be visual
its very hard to tell when your about to die
I have no idea how the balls work
I can only shoot them upwards, sometimes you can touch them and other times you dont
Can't get past the nickname screen
you what this needs? killscores
Currently just testing it.
But later the objective will probably be like kill other players, get to the top (king of the hill)
I'm open for suggestions though
Am I actually having fun?
needs dating elements
You hit 's', it spawns above you. Then you hit it with your player to shoot it. On impact it blows up and if you're within that radius....you ded
you need to be able to see the explosions.
also, make a death screen, dont just go to the nickname screen where i add a fuckton of Ds to my name because i was moving right when i died
I agree with this guy, dating simulator.
Yay! And this is just a mockup. No frills....yet
Oh I see
This is shit
-don't see explosions
-speeds falling for bullets and players are awkward
-shooting in only one direction
-shooting down and building a block kills you
Good advice. Also should you be immune to your own dots?
> .tk
Enjoy your attack site faggots
i really like the player sprites
really cute
quick an dirty op:
- name keeps popping up and forcing me to respawn
- spent most the game falling endlessly
- really unintuitive what is going on in general
Otherwise great start.
Just testing for now, I'm going to add more of this stuff later. As far as shooting goes, you can spawn it above you and then hit it in any direction....try it out.
Anyone else getting mad lag?
sometimes the ground near me just disappears
i was trapped in a box and was safe from pellets but i still died
this is neat .. but it keeps crashing and the controls are shit
can I ask what you made it in ? just HTML and javascript or what?
>Enjoy your attack site faggots
what did he mean by this?
remove random balls from the field
limit number of balls a player can shoot at a time
if you could like make allies so that your friendly fire didnt kill each other but then you could backstab others at any time that would be so good
And dating elements
Yeah too much balls for one user
Right now the ip address is just
but I used a dot.tk for convenience.
You can use the ip address if you want
how long did it take to make this OP?
Thats 'splosions. The dots explode. Hit 's' to fire shit
It's due to a lot of players, and a SHITTON of dots. Currently making a fix that will delete dots that are inactive for a while
2/10 need more polishing.
Lag up the fucking ass
Lol yeah. Each player technically has 2000.
In the actual game they will rain from the top and when you get a dot, you either fire it, or you can use it to place a block
you can trap players by building blocks on top of them
F servers
Yeah, a little html, nodejs server, javascript client, but it's pure js, so no engines
About a month for this, but I've worked on a few other multiplayer games before this, and a lot of that code was reusable
>Reduce the amount of time a player can create a white shit
>Get rid of unused white shit after a couple of seconds
>Shrink the hitboxes of the white shit
Runs slow on my pc. For something this rudimentary, it should not. Your netcode is painful.
it's shit, just like the last three games you made
go make money off reddit
A shit lot of dots on the bottom.
Its probably the amount of people connecting to what is most likely just OP's computer.
is this hell
TEMPORARY server shutdown (about 10 seconds)
Going to update it so that dots despawn after like 5 seconds.
During this intermission, any more advice? I'll try to answer everyone I can
>v 0..0.1
This game is a lot of hoopla.
You missed that unicode snowman :P
maybe don't focus the name box after respawning so it doesn't get filled with a's and s's
doesnt work on my phone fuck off
Make blast radius smaller
make arrow keys work too, not just wads
add color changing to this game
i want to be purple
Remove random balls
* Limit # -- currently each player has 2000, but in the release you will start with 0. The dots fall from the sky and then if you catch one, you can either fire it as a dot or use it to place a block
* Allies -- As you can see now everything is green except for other players. I'm planning on making it so there's 4 or 5 colors that are like teams and they can fight each other
* Dating -- currently working on an eHarmony tie in
Just fixed that :) Should roll out that change in a few minutes
It's not very fun. Can you do something about that?
RIP reeeeeeeeee. I will miss holding space and jumping with you up as far as we could go.
Can you rebind movement to the arrow keys? doing this all with one hand is awkward
a drilling move is needed
I thought that felt weird when testing it. I'll work on adding support for that, shouldn't be too long.
That's bullshit I'm getting hit and nothing happens and "dying" for no reason when there is nothing near me
Miss? Did the server crash? If it did it restarts automatically
Shit's fun. Make it so you respawn instantly without having to imput the name again and make some visuals for the explosions.
what is the message of this game? what are you trying to convey to society?
That the world's a green place. You're a green person. Everyone else is fucking blue. You got shit and other people got shit too.
broken shit
Every time I try to go as high as I can go the game will just freeze.
this shit freezes constantly
Thanks. I'll work on the respawn. In a minute I'm going to release an update that will prevent you from spamming keys after you die
I keep getting killed by invisible shit
explosions need some visual
Keeps freezing for me too
Shit keeps crashing on me.
required additions
>Visible explosions
>white shit will respawn after a few minutes
>Use F as a suicide button, so that if you get caught in a block you don't kill others
>options for the character
Solid game, simplistic but fun. Also remove the amount of lag.
When you get hit, instead of booting players back to main menu, start a timer, disable their controls and change their model/color
that'll make it far more obvious what happened and it's a minor "fix"
fuck off you retard
A goal would be nice. Like, maybe a scoreboard for kills, or for blocks placed? Unlockables after doing certain actions, which also feeds into the customization idea people were suggesting.
>Sometimes can't get passed nickname screen, just doesn't progess
>awkward controls, throwing bombs seemingly doesn't work half the time for me and yet other people seem to be throwing off 5 a second in varying directions
I would have more fun for it if not for the dissonance of what I see and what is actually happening
>just don't crash my server
i don't even know why this is fun but it is
make arrow keys directional shooting
walls should protect against explosions