What are good PC games for a one-armed guy?

What are good PC games for a one-armed guy?

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Age of Empires

Doom would work I guess, using the arrow keys, right shift and ctrl

The Witcher 1

Rts games need hotkeys to play well.


turn based games
VN but that not really playing

Dota 2.

to play competively sure but if I could beat AoE-AoM without them as a kid this guy could do the same

Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.


Any turn based RPG?


Well, you have almost two entire genres.

>all puzzle games without timers
>all turn-based games
>all point-and-click adventure games

I'm sure there are some good mouse-only games in other genres, but I can't think of any at the moment. Technically, you could play games like Torchlight with one hand, but it wouldn't be super easy.

This, just play Wraith King all day and pubstomp, OP.


turn based games (JRPGs)
tycoon games, Rimworld etc
card games
point & click adventures

You could even jury-rig a setup where you use an analogue stick to control your movement with one of your feet and use the mouse as you normally would.

Neverwinter nights


Basically anything turn based or with a pause button.

get a mouse with a shit ton of buttons and you could play a moba. gsg and turn based stratergy games would be good too.

Trails in the sky
Grandia 2

I'm paralyzed on my left side, can still play action adv games like witcher and edf with mmo mouse, foot board, and macros

Baulders Gate

fallout 1 and 2

Crypt of the necrodancer

>point and click games
I have an idea for you...

World of Warcraft: Legion

Metal Gear Solid

If this guy can play RPGs you can too.


The Logitech G600 is great.

transport tycoon/openttd

all the best games aka turn based games.
Real time twitch fests are for niggermonkeys anyway.


Pretty sure you can play Tales of games with a special controller.

Not PC

This is actually a really good answer you literally only need a mouse.

Turn based rpgs like trails in the sky would be pretty playable 1 handed.

Super Deepthroat


This is the police

Peggle Deluxe
Peggle Nights
Peggle Extreme

If the guy has an MMO mouse it'll probably open up a fair bit more possibilities.


twitch dot tv/halfcoordinated

The guy has a medical condition that forces him to play games one-handed. If he can play it, then you can play it OP.

Kirby's Air Ride can be played with just the left hand. The L trigger works like the A button.

Maybe some racing games, with a pedal peripheral.

EVE online is easy to handle with one hand.

Civilization V

hand of fate

Get a mmo mouse, bind the keys to wsad, and learn.
It works man, and the other keys on there you can bund as well. I know ppl with one arm that play WoW that way and even some shooters. They said it takes a bit to get used to but is worth it. Some mouse even have direction pads built into them and hotkey buttons. There are also foot pedals you can get, but i recommend the mouse with extta buttons where the thumb is

there's also brolylegs, the guy who is a competitive street fighter player while he plays with one hand and his mouth.

turn the stump into an analog stick (wasd) and play any pc games you want


You can get one of those mice with a lot of buttons on the side. Also racing games using steering wheel and pedals.

Most games with one of these and some practice.

Diablo 2, if you're fast enough for potion guzzling/spell swapping.


any tower defense game

Puzzle games

all ds games

The phantom pain

Whole genre of video games called point and click, they're story or puzzle driven play only with the mouse

>what are feet
control mouse with foot and arm presses keyboard buttons

Stick with eroges and visual novels.

that's true, there used to be a streamer who used her feet to play lol, and she had no arms


Porn games. they're designed to be played with one hand anyway.


I can move the mouse with my left hand just like the right hand from all the porn fap sessions

Dawn of War is playable with one hand ,I suggest you to take Dark Crusade

Fighting games, so easy one armed people can play it.


Most anything with Xpadder and the right controller/peripheral.



Not PC but I don't care this dude is a legend

Get a Logitech G600 Mouse if you lost your left

Solitaire and Minesweeper

here's one

I talked with a guy who was a part of the design team for Witcher 1 and 2. They actually wanted to have a better movement system with jumping and dodgin and shit, but one of the funders literally went "I want to be able to play through this game with mouse in one hand and a beer in the other".

>gamer girl :)
>razer headphones

Batman Arkham City.


Sup Forums is a shithole

All of the point and click shit, puzzle games, casual RTS, fightans work fine as long as you have any member to tilt the stick on a arcade style controller, many older console games (before bumpers were standard) can be played on emulators same way

It was the same when they made chess. It wasnt turned based in the beginning but the smokers on the team complained and then it was.

Civlization games
Paradox grand strategy games
Total war games

those fucking platformers ain't

Grand Strategy and 4X
RTS campaigns
Point and Click


fucking metal

A bunch of vns. Try out steins;gate see if you like it, it starts out slow till halfway though.

Konami slot machines

>Not learning to click a keyboard with your toes
>Not complementing the lack of an arm with voice commands
>Not using tongue joysticks

Fucking cripples don't deserve their gaming.

MMO mouse + Custom Maid 3D controller + Metal Gear Rising


OP only has one arm, he's not retarded m8.

Armed and dangerous

>Porn platformer you cant play 1 handed
For what purpose

But what's the point if he can't masturbate?

Dungeon crawlers.
Shit like Ray gigant,Legend of grimrock,stranger of sword city,Darkest dungeon and so on.

Grimrock kind of needs two hands for combat.

The best.

You can enable on-screen directional arrows in both games and play only with a mouse. You'll just be a bit slower in combat.