Recommend games that aren't fun

Recommend games that aren't fun

Bloodborne. Sonyggers only play it because it's hardcore

______all of them_______

dumb frogposter



ur mom lol

Crimson Tears (ps2)


Overwatch, TF2, WoW

i cant honestly recommend any of them

World of tanks. Get to tier 10 without a premium account.



No mans sky

>Tfw some kid in school acted like that game was the shit
>Tfw I recently remembered the name of it and saw how bad it was

Oh Johnathan



Decent survival horror games in general. Unless you're of a particular disposition, those games aim to stress the player out by design more than to have a good time.



The Witcher. Most of your game time is spent running back and forth long distances through respawning mobs and MMO-like resource nodes, for short NPC talks or completing "collect X amount of Y" quests. Boring and repetitive pseudo-rhythm game combat spiced with shit spells and awful skill trees that are mostly % increases to certain "styles" (split between two different weapons that play exactly the same apart from DMG against certain enemies because why not) and make fucking Skyrim seem like the height of character build variety also add to the zero-fun-allowed experience.

Do not forget the revolutionary investigation quests where the culprit is painfully obvious akin to Red-Riding-Hood "grandma, you have very big teeth" type of dialogue and the lack of meaningful choices as the culprit gets away in a cutscene anyways due to scripted, arbitrary reasons.