Thoughts about the recent info about Torment sequel coming to consoles?

Thoughts about the recent info about Torment sequel coming to consoles?

It amuses me to imagine people reading walls of text every 5 minutes on their TV screen with their controller in hands

Sure, but don't you feel cheated? If you backed the title.

this game was never relevant.
let it go

I'd feel a bit cheated yes.
Was there any big reaction from the community or an official response ?

I backed it for $30. What should I feel and why? Currently I don't care about this.

So instead of a crpg it's a visual novel now?

I never got to play the original

Shart pls go

if you like writing books, write a book, not a video game.

I fail to see why there are so many people that abuse this medium instead of going to the medium they should be in (film, book etc.)

The original wasn't any different.

Please do so for your own good, before the spoilers arrive. It isn't regarded as the best written game for no good reason.

It scares me a bit. I seriously hope it won't compromise the PC release.

They wrote a response about it a few minutes after the reveal. According to them the PC version was practically finished before they started to port it to consoles, so it will not affect the finished product.

It's that kind of thinking that gets us nowhere, mishmashing stuff like this has brought us plenty of great games.

A glorified pick a path to adventure on consoles.
That will end well.

Why should I feel cheated?
Considering the advancement of the title, it's unlikely it will sudendly be dumbed down and streamlined for some reason. I would have feel cheated if they had suddenly announced a multiplat "gamepad/console friendly" developpement as soon as the kickstater campain ended.

Here, meh. Just more player to buy the game. Fine for me.

gameplay > all

if I can fully experience your game by watching it on youtube, it is not a video game

What can change the nature of a man, Sup Forums?

I don't give a shit as long as it's not dumbed down for consoles.

I've seen some people being angry about the console reveal. I'm worried that it will be the same thing it was with Wasteland 2. They released what was basically a beta build and followed it up a year later with the release of an actual game which was also released on consoles.


Mildly irked that this is probably the real reason why it got delayed until 2017, rather than language localization like they originally claimed. But really I don't mind. I do wish consolbros luck with trying to wade through pages of text and deal with crpg combat with no m+kb though

nu-male fads

Now compare what you posted to Dragon Age.

I hope there is communism somewhere in that game in some kind of form

This is Invader Zim level of humor.

And how does choosing each of these different options affect the game?

Because I have a feeling the answer is it doesn't.

updated my journal

It has to do with D&D and alignment. Like if your good, evil, lawful or chaotic.