r8 h8 and deb8
PC controllers
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i have a logitech and a ps4 controller and i definitely prefer the logitech.
which one tho? f310? f710?
Been using a wired 360 controller for what feels like almost a decade now. Is that new xbone controller (The one that comes with the slim, not the elite) any decent? I heard they made a bunch of adjustments to it.
i use my old ps2 controllers with an adaptor
Is there ANY way to hook up my Wii U pro controller to my PC? Easily best controller I've ever held
>god tier
>with that d-pad
f310? huge deadzone one?
I use a PS4 controller.
It's pretty neat-o.
i believe there is a program similar to ds4windows for the wiiupro
>Xbox being god tier
DS3>Everything else.
Xboners dpad is beyond garbage tier.
>Elite controller
Hilarious. OP knows it's the best but has to make a meme category to make it seem worse than what he has.
Xbone>360>>>shit on a stick>>>>steam>sony if you're a big guy like me and your thumbs will hit each other and hurt while using PS stupid fucking analogs
Only the first generation DS3 was exceptionally good, the controller became mediocre a year after when they changed the manufacturing. Finding a first generation DS3 is almost impossible these days.
I'll still take a logitech over a ps4, but the xbone controller is god tier.
>Steam Controller
>aww shit nigga what are you doing tier
How are you liking trying to emulate a Wii-mote + Nunchuck with the 360 controller?
Because it's seamless as fuck with the SC. I can even tweak my bindings per-game to suit shit like sideways wiimote games, and Steam saves them.
Flexibility >>>>> ergonomics
enjoy your stick drift for 150$
>completely convex analog stick
Nope, useless, long lasting but useless for any game where you're expected to aim.
>aiming with a controller
there's your problem
Without b8, is Steam Controller really that shitty?
And isn't it a massive flop?
I've never seen one IRL ever.
replace the 360 controller with a Bone controller and that list should be correct.
Use a mouse, peasant.
what are the best 3rd party controllers?
>Aiming with a controller on a PC
Not everyone is Brazilian.
it's shit
fucking terrible
Honestly I'm not even that big, I'm 5' 85" and whenever I play with a PlayStation controller I feel like 90% of my efforts are spent avoiding to bump my fingers into each other
what's a good cheap mouse?
No joke, Steam Controller is the best controller I've ever had.
I fucking love it.
It's not perfect (I wish it had the d-pad buttons instead of a left stick), but it's goddamn close.
>He plays shooters with a controller
Pic related and a dongle works pretty damn well. Huge battery, wireless, no clunky setup like dualshocks.
Why the fuck would you emulate a wiimote + nunchuck, you can get both with wiimotion plus for less than the cost of a steam controller.
Why even bother playing most wii games without a wiimote and nunchuck?
Man, someone needs to update OP's image with the Xbox 360 Special Edition revised controller in the "God Tier" spot.
You know how everyone says "360 controller is amazing but its Dpad is absolute shit?" The revised wireless SE edition sells for the exact same price (thirty bucks on amazon last I checked) and has a superior Dpad, better triggers, and much better analog sticks.
Pic related, I know it looks absolutely faggoty but it's so much fucking better than the original 360 controller. Dpad and joysticks are so much goddamn better.
Been playing Dark Souls with a Wii U Pro Controller. Pretty fun, I guess claw gripping to control camera while running is a downside but otherwise worth it for me with WiinU Pro.
Might buy a Xbox controller later on
>I'm 5' 85"
>12ft tall
you're a big guy
if you have the bluetooth one, I'm pretty sure it connects with generic drivers.
>Beyond God Tier
Wii U Pro Controller
I'm 6'3 and I've never had a single problem using any gen of the dualshock of PS, stop being fat.
Because then I'd have to hook all that shit up to my computer and keep that controller waiting around when I decide I feel like playing Galaxy 2 for an hour.
You might as well ask "why pick a controller, ever? Just buy them all hurr durr"
Convenience, obviously.
any 10$ optical mouse is fine unless you're looking to compete at the very highest levels, in which case you should be asking your sponsor for their newest model so you can shill it on your stream.
Right because you're never expected to do anything accurate with a fucking controller excluding shooting, fucking inbreds.
Better yet tell me all about how you made it through RE4 on a mouse and keyboard.
aiming on a mouse is too easy
I prefer a challenge.
Don't bother replying to this post. I'm objectively right and you know it.
I've got tiny hands and the DS3 fits my hand perfectly.
It's alright, and it's selling okay. Valve just needed a controller that plays nice with mouse-dependant games when they launched SteamOS.
Anything optical tracks pretty much the same. Get something you like the shape of.
This fucker.
I fell for the steam controller meme. that thing is a giant barrel of shit. It's only good for portal and civilization games.
actually i changed to controller because it was way too easy
>Same horrible dpad mechanic
That logitech gamepad is surprisingly good
lol, why?
Impossible if you are using it how you're supposed to. How does this even happen, you'd have to be using them with the middle part of your thumb.
Been using a wired 360 controller for years, definitely one of the best options. Its natively supported by windows and most games are pre-configured for it and even have 360 button prompts.
Not sure personally but I heard Windows 10 has some driver issues with the xbox one controller.
What the fuck are you talking about, you put in a bluetooth dongle and sync it once then throw it somewhere, are you actually fucking retarded or something? Don't you keep your steam controller waiting around until you feel like playing galaxy 2 for an hour anyway? Jesus fucking christ you're stupid.
are thrustmaster good in general? or just that particular model?
My point exactly idiot, some games are pointless on mouse and keyboard. If m+kb wasn't broken as shit in souls nobody would use a controller.
It's honestly good and worth the money, and the customization options are out of this fucking world. This customization is a bit of a steep learning curve which is probably why all illiterate xbone faggots are shitting on it, but you can just easily load up one of the pre-made configs for each game on steam and then tweak it slightly to your taste if you really need to.
There's not much of a reason to use a controller on PC unless you are either playing a 2D game or a hack n slash. Hack n Slash games are acceptable, but if you're playing a 2D game you need a good Dpad and none of those Dpads with maybe the exception of the Xbox elite controller and PS4 are even decent.
OP is a faggot and perpetuating the existence of bad controller Dpads.
All memes aside, how's the steam controller? Anyone have one? I want one for playing on the couch
>Steam Controller
t. person who hasn't used it
>12ft is 3,60 meters
Microsoft shill
There's a level of shittyness to all third party controllers. I just really like the FSDA2 because it has six triggers, plus they're designed to last past their warranty.
Arcade racing games and terrible console ports
I have:
>2x Dualshock 4
>2x Dualshock 2
>Original PS1 controller with no analog sticks
>2x Grey Japanese Sega Saturn controllers
>PS2 Neo Geo Pad 2
>Thrustmaster T Flight HOTAS X
>2x Xbox 360 Madcatz TE arcade stick
>PS1 NAMCO arcade stick
>The green Dreamcast arcade stic
I had 2 wired Madcatz 360 controllers which I actually quite liked but being Madcatz they eventually fell apart. I might buy 2 wired official 360 controllers too, the dpads are horrible but they're decent enough and it's cheaper than buying 2 more DS4's.
>hurr what's a platformer and what do you mean analog sticks are actually good for certain genres
nah, it's shit
My thumbs' """"elbows""""" hit each other
I play Quake/Deus Ex/ Dawn of War on the couch with it
Best controller i've used
i thought so. all 3rd party controllers usually are crap. I just don't like the 1st party ones, i'll keep looking for one good enough
The Xbox controller always felt a little clumsy in my hands, since it has no obvious or familiar shapes.
I prefer the PS controller.
>Using analog sticks for precision instead of a literal direct input from your body.
Just leave you fucking ape.
Why have a shit gamepad AND a shit mouse.... when you could have... both?!
I use a controller for third person stuff, mainly just because some PC ports of third person games have bad kb+m support.
Subjective as FUCK, you gotta try it first. A lot of people try to use the touchpad for aiming, but you can actually play FPS games Splatoon-style with the gyros.
What do you main?
Touchpad is fine for aiming once you turn haptics to medium/high
How is the XBone controller senpai
I personally prefer the Xbone controller over the 360 one. Aside for the driver issues in win 10, it's pure sex for your hands. Am probably the only one who thinks that way.
PS3 controller, aside for the fucking horrendous triggers is okay, PS4 controller is cancer, I don't like it one bit.
I just got a Wii U adapter and a Gamecube controller for emulating like 2 weeks ago and already it's become unusable. It seems to arbitrarily choose between only having the vertical axis responsive or just automatically going to the up-right direction. The fuck happened? Is it the adapter or the controller?
They took the awesome 360 triggers and made them shitty.
Best controller coming through you faggots won't be able to trickshot like me :^)
>no ones posting the best cheap controller
I use my SC for everything. It's the one controller I have. I don't have to keep around a separate Wii peripheral for just when I feel like playing Wii games.
>Sync it once
You know it needs IR-emitting light sources to actually WORK, right? I mean, assuming you want to actually use it in the way it's meant to be used. You have to get that hooked up and supply it with power, too (or light candles).
It's excellent, but only if you take the time to learn to use it and build a template that you like the feel of.
If you try to make it work like a 360 controller, it's not gonna be very special. It's only really something if you make extensive use of both track-pads and the gyro function, and really commit to its weirdness. Expect to die a lot to stupid shit the first week you're learning to use it, because it isn't the type of controller you're accustomed to... but once you've gotten comfortable with it, it's a huge improvement.
I can personally vouche that it's a much better dpad than the original, if only due to how it's structured (original 360 dpad juts out, where as SE edition is smoother.)
But yes, you're right that it only takes it from "absolutely shit dpad" to "mediocre (but less shit) dpad." But it's a big improvement.
Anyone who praises the dual shock gamepads is a fucking troll.
that fucking thing has the worst D pad in the story of fucking forever, it only has 4 directions for fuck's sake and people STILL defend it.
Xiaomi made a gamepad?, shit son gonna have to look into it
As a sidenote, anyone else still remember all that ocean marketing shit? Like goddamn, how do you work so hard to tank a product.
Worst part is that the controllers help disabled people.
Best is to use fine control on the gyros; it's really awkward to try to make wide rapid turns with the gyros, but when you've got the cursor in the neighborhood of your target, twisting the controller is a really natural set of movements for tracking that target.
It's also probably a lot easier for people who are accustomed to using trackballs rather than mice frequently, since a mouse isn't a momentum-based input system like a trackball is.
I think you guys are forgetting something.
Those are actually really good for disabled people.
>What do you main?
It depends on the game to be honest. For PC games I mostly just use one of my DS4's since they're the best "all round" controllers in my opinion and all I need to do is hit the PS button and start and I'm good to go. If I'm planning on putting some time into a 2D game, especially an emulated one I'll use a Saturn controller or the Neo Geo Pad 2 since I think their D Pads are among the best ever made or I'll use an arcade stick.
Logitech controller D-pads wear out quickly and become mushy.
The Xbox 360's D-pad is fucking awful.
Nobody seems capable of making a good D-pad for PC controllers.
>using a controller with your computer
Why not just get a console?
Some games have really shit PC controls. Everything relevant is a console port these days.
i like my games at more than 20fps thanks
I always thought the neogeo pad looked shitty. Is the d-pad thing clicky?
Because a controller is better for certain types of games and I'd prefer not to play my games at sub 1080p/30fps?