>spend $1,000 on a gaming PC
>haven't actually played a video game since I built it
>spent a fucking grand on a Sup Forums machine
>I even sold my PS3 and all its games to pay for this fucking thing
>tfw you fell for the PC meme
Fuck You Sup Forums
dumb frogposter
Not its fault if you can't fucking pick one game to play or even do some planning first
Try getting a game jimmy
How are there no games you would like to play?
Between sales, Humble Bundles and just free demos there a ton of cheap shit to keep you occupied until you have enough dosh to buy something else.
If games are shit to you (in which case, you're pretty stupid to buy a *gaming* PC) there are still movies and shows you can grab
Plug the machine up to a TV and just watch some shit
If you ever plan on going to school or whatever this machine will also suit whatever programs you need to write-up lab reports or make presentations
Why am I even shilling the PC to this obvious b8?
Go be pirate, problem solve. Play old games that can be modded that you missed.
>hates videogames
>Spend 1000 on gaming machine
whaddaya know
Fucking saged
gonna need sauce on this user. Dick is diamonds.
>Like video games
>all the games on PC are the games I intentionally pass over on console
that's hideo kojima, the guy who made MGS. Can you believe it- the other kids bullied him growing up, calling him Hideous Kojima. That's why he had all that surgery, that and he always wanted to be a european weeb-lady
>reddit humor
what's a good Sup Forums joke then
>learn to emulate
>you can now play PS3 on your new PC
You're fucking welcome.
Le loss lol
Loss is so funny xD
Sup Forums loves loss
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Lol (only 4channers will get this)
The only thing you fell for is that the only good games worth a shit on PC are the old games like VTMB and KOTOR 1 and 2, which you can run on a laptop anyway.
>buy a new car
>refuse to drive it
>wow this car sucks
you have the biggest library that ever existed in your hands, so play something?
Our humor is to deep for you, you wouldn't understand. It is not one-dimensional like reddit, humor here is mostly a serious discussion insulting each other in the most unique way possible. Most of the time you post a very funny comment to someone else without realizing.
dumb frogposter
shut up
Oh look another Reddit cuck on Sup Forums. You SJWs wouldn't last 5 seconds on my board without getting triggered by our free speech, nigger.
You're not alone I worked my ass off and spent just under 2 grand on my pc. Now it just sits there gathering dust because playing in a chair with a freaking keyboard and mouse is miserable after an hour or two. I just play on my consoles
but all the ps3 games are on the pc, i dont see an issue here.
>implying that sarcastic green meme arrow posts aren't 99% of Sup Forums's "humor"
You cant
>starts a read with subject: "Fuck You Sup Forums"
>proceeds to make the thread a flamewar
how ironic
I'm gonna reply to you because I want to see how much further you'll go
See, that was a reddit tier response. It's so fucking hilarious that redditor fucks think they can pretend that every one of their posts doesn't ooze reddit. There are no smart people on reddit, there are no unique people. They're all fucking morons who sound the same and share the same opinions. Bunch of fucking sheep.
>spend $1,000 on a gaming PC
>don't use it for gaming
>"wtf i hate pc now"
It's more like:
>buy a new TV
>holy shit there is nothing worth a fuck on TV
Buyer's remorse.
>tfw you fell for the PC meme
Do people make these threads to imply said platform is shit? I'm sorry but i have come to hate this place in such a way that i couldn't be happier if you are actually suffering.
>build 700$ computer
>cant even run all games on max settings
how much do i have to fucking spend
1200-2000. Anything less and you're going to have to stick to 3-5 year old games on max.
> Doesn't play games
> Blames pc
Fucking retards infesting Sup Forums
but thats a bad example.
Im going to imply that the gaming pc isnt the only thing he owns and he has access to a desk, chair, internet and monitor.
With a TV, you are either bound to the public television. If you pay the subscription, you get the exclusive television. If you own a Blu-Ray or DVD player, you have access to DVD's and Blu-rays.
However, these cost extra money and require you to go outside.
However with the PC + internet, you can download Emulators and play old games or torrent the newest shit from piratebay or whatever "Police, please fuck me" site you prefer. Fuck, you can even download movies and watch them, rendering the Television useless.
The only drawback would be that you would have to buy a PC-compatible controler (like the xbox1/360 controllers), but after that you are settled.
A 500 dollar machine I bought two years ago and built myself runs Dark Souls III on max settings. I've only added about 50 bucks worth of stuff every three-four months in upgrades and it's that good, just don't fall for shitty meme upgrades.
That's all kinds of retarded though: there are a lot of fucking games on PC, exclusive or not. Also, if you spend a grand BEFORE researching what you want to play on PC then you are a goddamn imbecile.
Friend of mine got a 1000€ pc which runs TW: Warhammer on max. It depends a lot on specific hardware, if you don't know about that stuff you should get some help. Price is not a great indicator of quality.
If we are using piratefag logic then cable TV is also free, you just have to steal it from someone.
but thats so much more of a hassle.
Piratefag just forces you to download a p2p tool and then the torrent + instalation which requires following a step-by-step readme guide
>If games are shit to you (in which case, you're pretty stupid to buy a *gaming* PC)
Basically this.
>implying this isn't bait anyway