What the fuck is that game even about?
What the fuck is that game even about?
reedus beenis
Will be canceled before release
Silent Hills: Death Stranding
I don't know, ya dangus
He asked what it was about, you fucking 'tard.
Its been in "development" for 6 months, and 6 months ago the new Kojipro was made of 10 people.
Doubt Kojima will reveal too much until 2018 or so.
Its propably another shitty movie kojima game.
Only sonyggers and kojima drones care
Norman fetus deletus Reedus.
Will he even show his benis?
I hope it's spooky to make up for Silent Hills being cancelled
When will Kojima just sit down with Hideo and make a fucking movie instead of 2/3 finished games?
I cannot stand that Norman faggot. Why couldn't that jap fag get anyone else beside him?
It's going to be a third person survival horror game with a shit ton of cutscenes.
MPREG fetishism.
Why does it have that guy from walking dead in it?
check out the letters with the dripping, that's the clue
Think of all the Walking Dead cred he'd be missing out on.
It is an "action game" for "fans of Uncharted and Assassin's Creed"
That's what the game's about
Kojima is keen on him
Why does it fucking matter?
How about you shut the fuck up and BUY IT?
I live near and visit his bar in Georgia. One day I'll catch him and ask what the fuck it is.
>Kojima just sit down with Hideo
U wot
user, kojima hideo is one nip dude.
Eat Sting?
Kojima has a bar in Georgia??
Eat Standing? I'm just more confused
Eat standing?
Probably something along the lines of
Environment = good
Humans = bad
Nope it's not. That's like saying Siskel and Ebert are the same person.
It's a puzzle game.
It's a walking simulator with gamey parts
I'll go...
its a jeckel and hide situation
Video is a genius and kojima is a hack, thats why the games are a mess of good and retarded
I've know Norman Reedus' mom (no joke), I see her a couple times a year. I'm gonna ask her what she has heard.
Who really ever knows what going through Kojimas mind?
Well seeing as it's actually Silent Hills and everyone on Sup Forums has played the Silent Hill games it should be pretty obvious how the gameplay will be.
It will be fucking retarded, mark my words.
Kojima can only make trailers now.
I don't even think Kojimbo has a definite idea. The earliest we can expect this game is 2019
Probably doesn't even care anymore. Just put out some garbage and travel the world promoting it.
Its japanese.
Translated it means Snake Eyed Person.
What did he mean with this?
Kojima's cocaine binge
Norman Reedus embarks on an epic journey searching for a snack bar
Why did Kojima retweet this
You know. Death. Stranding. It's pretty obvious, really.
this guy is such a goofy looking fuck. why do women insist hes attractive? is it just the hair?
you'll find out in 5 years
He strands death?
Probably didn't even read it
>earth is being destroyed by nukes
>aliens are alerted and attracted to explosions
>they go to earth in an attempt to save anything living
>reedus is in the hospital at the time of the sudden nukes, his wife dies giving birth in their underground safe room
>safe room is completely jam packed
>reedus is at the center of room holding baby
>nukes go off, kill everyone around him but he manages to live through the blast because of the surrounding people around him taking the damage
>room is cramped to the point where everyone is huddled and touching eachother, that's why there are hand prints all over him
>aliens discover reedus in split second after nuke goes off
>aliens take reedus
>they try to make him feel more *at home*
>they put him on a planet with similar atmosphere to earth, and place anything else living they could find on it
>they "saved" the sea creatures but they they died not long after being transported
>they take the baby from him because they need to inspect it
>floating people are aliens
>game is reedus trying to find baby
Kiefer Sutherland was HUGE when 24 was in its prime. It just took Kojima forever to "finish" MGS V.
He's has that rough kind of look.
A dude they want to ride and forget about the next day, like a blonde with big natural tits.
Ruseman wants to fuck his tight asshole.
>baby existing
no that sucks, i wouldn't be motivated to fight for a fucking baby. Babies suck.
i hope this is better than the last Norman Reedus game i played
Too soon
>game barely in development
>probably still in the first draft of the plot
>has recently chosen an engine
>still, has already gone out of his way to show the bare ass of the MC
What did he mean by this?
Kojima goes in raw and he goes in hard
pretty good
Reedus and Feetus
Asses make the world go round.
Someone show this guy the "Chris Hayter is no longer my friend, now I'm friends with Norman Reedus" image.
it's about sticks and ropes, nigga
My guess based of the concept art shown so far, the toy models, and the trailer.
A not far away future setting with an underwater advanced society/city/research facility on brink of decline. Protagonist is a soldier sent outside for help. He fails or is too late and comes back to see everybody dead including his family.
Game picks up from there. Figures in sky seem to be also soldiers due to same count dogtags he wears,
Pretty sure it will have lot of underwater themes like Soma did and revolves around guilt and revenge.
I dont think its a silent hills remake with a different name but a fresh idea.
>>nukes go off, kill everyone around him but he manages to live through the blast because of the surrounding people around him taking the damage
that sounds pretty improbable
But 24's prime was before mgs4 even came out
mpreg yaoi metal gear fanfic, obviously.
Absolutely. But it's exactly the kind of bullshit manchild fantasy idiocy kojima would pull.
is the baby a weapon to surpass metal gear?
This isn't the game though. It's basically a teaser for him making a game.
hehe hehhe
its a bromance man Kojima is genius
I don't know but I'm gonna end up buying it whatever it is
It happened to a kid in Japan when one of the cities got nuked. He was in the center of a bus and everyone around him was killed, but more or less shielded him and he survived.
Still nothing, because Kojima revealed the game too early, it's probably going to get a 2020 release
That is shitty.
>aliens have been watching us since long ago
>they see themselves as divine beings who are responsible for inferior races
>they might have been responsible for the creation of our planet and helped us out giving that little kick in evolution (stuff from Space Odyssey 2001, Kojima's favourite movie)
>humankind have have been killing earth and its inhabitants for no reason over years
>aliens get fed up with humankind bullshit and how they take for granted everything that was given to them
>aliens decide to end earth by starting to collect all of its natural resourses, even life itself (umbilical cords that bring death instead of life)
>Reedus is the offspring of the sterilization program designed by the aliens and his kind is only used as labor force
>this modification in the human body made possible for men to carry out offspring without the need of women
>all women have been decimated given their body complexity and lower muscle mass (not suited for hard labor)
>all men are kept in a slavery regime where they are kept in pairs, Reedus is locked with his brother
>Reedus' happen to get in contact with some kind of equipment, alien technology
>this equipment end up sending both of them though time and space inside a black hole
>reedus wakes up at what appears to be a beach and sees his brother in baby form
>reedus just hugs his brother, he does not understand what happened but he knows that they are far away from that horrible place they once was
yeah but then why his "brother" turns into oil? and what about all these hand prints? the dog tags?
>Reedus does not know where he is, it looks like earth but it could also be one of the many prototypes aliens created before earth came to fruition
>invisible beings that leave oilly handprints as they move seem to inhabit this place
>these beings were the first humans that were judged by their divine creators
>they have become invisible, just like all living being's suffering once were to humans as they slaughtered and tortured without end (the poem at the start has huge implications that human cruelty against the tiniest of beings won't go unpunished)
>their body is covered in oil, just like the thousands of sea creatures that died due to human negligence and lack of care for life
>this being that was once responsible for bringing life, can only bring pain and torment to anything it touches
>reedus was touched by these creatures many times in the beach given he is full of handprints himself, but nothing happened to him since he is a synthetic human
>as he awakens and sees his brother, one of these beings aproach him, and while reedus hugs his brother, this being touches the baby
>reedus' brother has an umbilical cord attached to him, meaning he was fully human
>as the being touches the baby, the baby turns into something similar, an invisible body made of oil
well shit
Time travel
I feel lost already.
>>earth is being destroyed by nukes
>>aliens are alerted and attracted to explosions
>>they go to earth in an attempt to save anything living
>>reedus is in the hospital at the time of the sudden nukes, his wife dies giving birth in their underground safe room
>>safe room is completely jam packed
fucking bad
Yeah, it just leaves too many things open, I am sure not even kojima knows how this shit is going to play out entirely. I hope the beings we see at the end are indeed of a divine nature, that would be cool be it alien or not.
The sad thing is that even if I spill the story here in detail Kojima is going to change it and everyone in the Konami offices are going to go nuclear. It took years to plan this entire shit
All I'll say is, it involves a MGS character going through their own "silent hill" in a inhuman wasteland that makes you question what is real and what is not
In b4, le epic ruse master. Nothing will be shown or revealed by Kojima or KONAMI until you reach the end of the game. Take my words with a grain of salt if you need to, or take a pic.
A man who was unemployed and plays video games all day kills his family, and their spirits haunt him.
Kill yourself.
I'm already a demon
Fuck off dude. Where was that second gamescom announcement huh kiddo?
Not the same trip user
overcoming the phantom pain
Did that other guy just lurk away?