What are some games, where even basic enemies are a huge threat to the player?

What are some games, where even basic enemies are a huge threat to the player?

From soft games. They've made more than just DS/Bloodborne. And also SOTC, I know it isnt exactly what youre looking for but you get my point

Super Mario Bros.

basically any roguelike

>And also SOTC
The lizards?

WItcher 3 on Death March. Everything can kill you. Including low level enemies.

A challenge for all the wrong reasons.

Also, will Sony poor fags still talk about this 20 FPS shit rehash in 20 years?

Holy shit.

Most of the enemies in 2 arent huge threats most of the time, mostly because the damage they do is pretty low.

Is that the same as the Permadeath difficulty in TW2?

How balanced is that difficulty? Isn't it artificial?

OP said he wanted games, not cinematic experiences.

>that butthurt
Nobody is forcing you to play it faggot

Shockwaves dude

No permadeath.

What difficulty mode isn't artificial really? It's pretty obnoxious in the beginning but I would say it gets easier as you get better gear and more skill points to work with. Even then though you can still get stomped if you get careless.

>Play Shadow Tower
>First enemies can poison you
>No antidotes yet

Also, if you try to use your shield in an enemies attack range, it will REPEATEDLY spam attacks, and your shield will break within a few seconds. It feels amazingly brutal, and this also happens on the first level to most players.

Then fire world happens, and enemies become literally impossible to fight without taking a ton of damage.

where the fuck was that shockwaves? you could clearly see the blood in form of the spear coming from the player

STALKER with mods
even a bandit with Makarov can fuck you up if you're not careful

You can't see shockwaves, there unseeable. Scientists only JUST discovered their existence recently.

It's a meme, you dip.

I don't know, man. It's only one of the greatest games ever made.

People want to talk about BB and people like to talk about BB. Why so sour?

they like talking about BB because it's the only exclusive left

any game made before casual age of 00s

That's the only reason, because everyone here is as bitter as you. Fuck off.


no, i won't fuck off. Sup Forums is for shitposting

Screw you. I thought I was sick of this joke.

But you're wrong, friend.


Is DaS3 actually better than BB?

>But you're wrong, friend.

i am?


DMC4 Hell and Hell mode


As someone who's played both, no not even close.

Care to explain?

Shadow Warrior '97 Ninjas. UZI does a lot of damage, crouching Ninjas can see you even with Smoke Bomb, the red, orange and grey ones shoot missiles/heat-seekers/grenades that aren't telegraphed amidst UZI fire, and the green ones are cloaked, hard to see, and spam instakill 'magical napalm' attacks that are difficult to avoid as well as randomly flashbomb/blind you.

And these guys are fucking everywhere.

Not who you are responding to but DS3 feels a lot more linear and has some more dull aspects to it. It just doesn't feel as "fresh" as BB, and also the combat isn't nearly as fun.

You really need to get good. The game is completely fair. If you died, it was your fuck up.

I don't get how anyone can have trouble with these. They're like a weaker version of the mindflayers from DeS. Get the jump on them and they're a joke.


Darkest Dungeon, which might be cheating since it's kind of a rogue-like, but if you're not careful or you're feeling overconfident then, well...

If this runs at 60fps on the upgraded PS4 I might actually buy one

>Darkest Dungeon

It depends.
Dark Souls 3 has arguably better bosses. Not by much, but that might change once it gets its DLC.
Also, if you enjoy the medieval setting and weapons you might prefer it over the whole gothic/cosmic horror thing that Bloodborne has going on.

PvP is pretty awful in Dark Souls 3 though.

Not going to happen, unless you want to die 2x faster.


"lol" is not an argument, friend.
How is it not better?


It was never an argument, it was just meant to point out how hilarious it is to compare those two games. I'm not actually interested in convincing you, play them both and find out for yourself.

No but das3 is as bad as it is because of bloodborne.

So you haven't played both but you still felt like shitposting, got it.
I'm not the one who asked the question btw, I have played both and I was curious as to why people prefer Bloodborne.

No, I have played both. That's why I know it's a ridiculous comparison. I'm telling him/you to form your own opinions. Did you not read the post you're replying to?

Should also mention Death Scissor and Frost, DMC 1 had the most difficult enemies in the series.

Playing through death march right now, it is artificial in every way since enemies are simply higher levelled and you take more damage. But the most annoying thing for me is the fact that you barely get any XP from anything that isn't the main quest. I had to grind out the main quest for several hours before side quests became possible, one time I fought a werewolf that literally regenerated HP faster than my damage.

Once you start levelling up and finding enemies at your level, the combat is the best above other difficulties because it really becomes focused around precision and timing rather than spamming attacks.

theyre just shitty enemies


>Dark Souls 3 has arguably better bosses.

I did, that's why I pointed out that "lol" was a shitty, unsubstantiated answer that contributes nothing at all.
You obviously can't be assed to explain it or, much more likely, you haven't really played both.

Either way this conversation is going nowhere.

Prove me wrong.
You might, I dunno

Legacy of kain: blood omen 2.

>Dark Souls 3 has arguably better bosses

Only because you're really missing the point here. Bitching about an unsubstantiated answer that was never meant to push any viewpoint? Really?

>you never played it

Because I'm saying people should play it themselves and see the massive difference? After I literally said I'm not here to convince anyone? Alright. Well substantiated, friendo.

Yeah but mistakes happen and with these guys if you get caught in just one attack it's likely over.

Refer to Reaction images are not arguments.

This. It's literally better to just KO or sneak around enemies than try to fight them.

It's not that they're hard by themselves.

They just make your first run of the dungeons incredibly un-fun. Alone, they barely attack and stand still when they do the health reduction move, making them a joke.

They're never really alone though.

See, they're not bad because they're mechanically bad, they're bad because they're in a shitty level and placed badly. The dungeons are, bar none, the biggest shitty "jumpscare" level in the game, with random shit popping out from around every corner with a sneak attack that alone wouldn't do any meaningful damage, but with the HP reduction, one shot you instead.

That or there's a shit fuck ton of these motherfuckers thrown in a narrow hallway or room, and they walk fast as hell and have a retarded tether range.

If they were in any other level they'd be fine.

You clearly just fucking suck man, give it up already. In life.
Never seen bloodborne get to 20 fps. Are you a poor that can't afford ac?

>Reaction images are not arguments.

>they're bad because they're in a shitty level and placed badly.

You do realize that they would pose basically no threat anywhere BUT the dungeon, right?
Why is the area shitty? Because you are actually pressed to move around carefully the first time you run through it?

I'll give you that their placement was shit and the dungeons itself was a really shit version of Latria.

>that one room where they just thought "fuck it" and slapped in about 10 of those things on patrol

Shit is easy if you use your points on skills that increase weapon damage.
There are only two difficult fights in the entire game if you play on death march and with enemy level-scaling, the fight against the djinn and the one against shadow olgierd

That sounds really fucking tedious.

If you spec in Signs, human enemies become so easy it's not even funny.
OK, it is kinda funny:

>Igni basically always inflicts burn, so they writhe in pain for like 5 seconds.
>Aard knocks them down for you to insta-kill them
>Quen makes you untouchable and helps you regain life
>Yrden for unblockable lighting bolts

and so on.

It's shitty because it WANTS to be an area where you have to play carefully, but because the whole level is tiny ass hallways or gank rooms, there is literally no physical room to be careful.

I hate that fucking room.

>Dark Souls 3 has arguably better bosses

Yeah, no, you are right, Micolash, Camerabeast Paarl, Witch of Hemwick, The One Reborn, Shadow of Yharnam, Rom, Celestial Emissary, Celestial Emissary 2, Merciless Watcher and Maneater Boar are the fucking pinnacle of boss design.

>Dark Souls 3 has arguably better bosses.

What's the issue? If you're solely looking at Bloodborne's base game, you'll notice that a lot of these bosses are just 'Okay'. Most are more interesting thematically, but DS3 had some really great bosses, too. Nameless King, Twin Princes, Champ, Abyss Watchers, SoC, and that are just those everyone agrees on.

user, you are talking to people who can't be assed to explain their point so they just post reactions pictures, I'm pretty sure that gets you nowhere.

>everyone agrees on.
Soul of Cinder is the only boss from that list that stands out to me, and even that fight has its issues. The rest are just 'okay'.

Not that user but I'm kinda curious, what bosses did you like? From Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne, if you played that of course.

Bloodborne's DLC bosses are all great, and Dark Souls 3's just didn't hold a candle to them. Playing Dark Souls 3 after ToH is naturally disappointing. But even the base game has better bosses, and I think a large part of it is the mechanics and general encounter design of each game. Dark Souls 3 has the fast combat of Bloodborne, but none of the bosses seem to be able to deal with the aggressive playstyle and the rolls make it easy to spam your way to safety. The combat is just less interesting in general as well.



If you don't git gud, XCOM enemies can fuck you over.

Etrian Odyssey.
>It's just a deer, can't be that hard.

mfw i thought the same thing