Played it, Enjoyed it, Now I'm bored of it.
Can Sup Forums show me some similar games like this but more better?
Played it, Enjoyed it, Now I'm bored of it.
Can Sup Forums show me some similar games like this but more better?
Other urls found in this thread:
your mom
Space engine
Not so much a game, but it's all I wanted out of no mans sky
It's an absolute shit game but still better than NMS
>more better
there is none.
Ratchet and Clank
Star Citizen
lololol nice 3dgi m3m3 Br0 :DDDDD
>What are some better alternatives to this game?
Hitting your dick with a hammer.
Elite dangerous is your best bet. Still has some issues but its on a completely different level than nms. For starters it is realistic: planets, distances, stars, sizes. And there is more to do than just gathering shit. Also multiplayer.
It's just like Final Frontier, inofficial Elite 2
What did you enjoy about it?
I'll second Elite Dangerous, OP. I haven't played N o man's Sky, but I imagine if you like one, you'd like the other.
But we've already got a space exploring game.
Wasn't anything near the size, but there was this free indie game I played a while back where you explored a small solar system that was about to be destroyed and you could find all kinds of cool stuff floatin around there. It won't be more than 20 minutes of entertainment, but it's worth trying out just to see a creative space game.
other game
Shit posting on 4chinz while taking a shit like I'm doing now
wew lad
Space Engine is great to scratch the exploration itch and it feels a lot more like space than NMS. Yeah, 95% of the planets are flat barren surfaces but that just makes the ones that aren't so much more rewarding to find.
Rodina if you want a game with at least some depth to the combat and exploration and an actual story. And atmospheric entry.
To be perfectly honest even spore is better and has more content than that
Space Engine.
E:D, despite it's questionable pricing / season pass policies, is probably the no.1 space sim post X3.
From what I've played of it, Empyrion.
Only like 11 planets but has a lot more depth. It's just ugly as fuck. Like all the way around. Ugly UI, ugly textures, ugly designs etc.
Also EA...
That one underwater game that's in early access
I've been eyeing Rodina for a while. Is it really worth $15?
Is the Single-Player worth it?
Get space engine, it's free and beautiful.
minecraft with a bunch of mods
factorio (high focus on building)
why the fuck does no one mention Space Engineers
amazing amount of mods from the workshop to boot
Elite Dangerous
Empiryion: Galactic Survival
watched the alpha gameplay walkthrough, that shit is insane, I hope it doesn't flop.
They even poked fun at nms with the mp about hanging around in space with friends is very important in such a big place, you tend to get lonely.
All Ubisoft open world games, Mad Max, Witcher 3
Minecraft, Starbound, Space Engine, Elite: Dangerous, Star Citizen
Go with all the expansions as well.
Starbound has everything this game has and promised