I've played nothing but Overwatch for the last 20 days trying to get this skin. I've leveled up almost 80 times and STILL haven't got either. Fuck Blizzard for not making this shit available for coins, it's the only new skin I want at all since every other Zarya skin is shit.
I've played nothing but Overwatch for the last 20 days trying to get this skin...
>Fuck Blizzard for not making this shit available for coins
How the fuck is that bait you retard
how is it bait
I just want the one skin, I'd spend all these stupid coins I've accumulated on it
Me and my friends have been grinding overwatch for a couple of days in an attempt to get the mcree usa skin. But someone else I know got 3 copies of that skin.
Once you hit the cap for how much exp you need to level up it's a brutally slow grind.
i got this skin
3 times in a row
He was labeling his own post as bait.
>in the same situation but only 40+ levels (thanks to getting my first good boy star)
there's only one more day. One more day. I have one day to get this skin. I've bot boxes before but I rationalized it by saying "it's fine so long as I don't pay more than $60"
I'm going to make a mistake
I have it and don't even play McCree
I thought this was her best skin, but then I remembered Arctic exists.
I got it in the first olympics loot box, but i don't play zarya so fuck it.
>caved in, bought 16 boxes
>have both Tracer skins now
I wanted neither, but they're legendaries at least.
I got the better one twice.
OP Zarya is already disgusting, this skin makes it worse.
I'll take either, I just want one with good hair
I've gotten this skin and it's other varient 3 times each and I hate it, I just want that red mercy skin
I got it today, feels good man
>tfw won a $50 Blizzard gift card from work
>got all the Olympics skins and 90% of everything else from buying 50 boxes
/wewlad/, sucks to be you
i got it three times
twice the red one
twice brexit racer
twice dva
twice both lucio skins
no mercy
fuck u blizzard
>got Sprinter Tracer, Korea D.va, Champion Zarya
>just want to get Mercy's skin or Murrica McCree
>mfw its not going to happen
There's always next year right?
you're not as bad as me OP
I've leveled probably 50 times and not a single good skin. I got lucios olympic skin but holy shit its ugly.
all these other legendarys keep being normal ones, and 3 were coins. why do blizzdrones defend this?
What the fuck is up with Mercy. I have every skin except her and Mcree. Didn't even really want Zarya
give me 1 (ONE) reason why i shouldnt be able to trade skins and duplicates with other players
I got it twice so far but still no Striker/Selecao Lucio or American McCree
Same here, I don't even think its a good skin, all I wanted was the Lucio skins.
they rised drop rate of olympiads legendaries, but not the purple ones
>mfw I got both of Zarya's legendary skins
>and one of Lucios
>kind of want Tracers but I wouldn't use it anyway since Punk Tracer is best Tracer
I got both of the Zarya skins. I like the red one the best. I've opened about 40-50 boxes. Sorry you didnt get yours. See you next summer?
Trading wouldnt be as bad a tf2 is, mostly because everything can be unlocked in game while also being free. Problem? lootboxes wouldnt be bought as much as they should since you can get a dupe and then trade that dupe for someone who has the dupe of your fav skin making buying lootboxes pretty pointless since you could get lucky leveling up and trading all your shit.
you mean see u in 4 years?
Summer Games is gonna be an annual event in Overwatch. It's not tied only to the Olympics.
I hate when companies pull shit like this.
I've spent around $20 now trying to get that fucking McCree skin. I fucking hate myself.
>Really want the DVa skin
>Start grinding daily
>Spend $60 on loot boxes, in increments of $20
>Get literally every skin except DVa and Torj, often dupes
Fuck blizzard, fuck me for buying into their schemes
>Promises you can buy any skin with in-game currency
>Summer games come
>No you can't do that
>Removes all traces of them saying you could do that from the store page
Nothin personnel kid
>yfw you realized very early on that Blizzard has an algorithm set in place for their lockboxes than analyzes what characters a player uses before opening and lowers the chances of them getting skins for characters they play more often
>yfw you didn't buy a single box ever and quit playing
Better buy them lootboxes goy :^)
But seriously though as much as i love the game i understand the skins are supposed to be an exclusive limited time thing but i still feel it was a ploy to sell more lootboxes.
you paid more for skins than the game
Got the dva skin on my first box, still hunting for mercy and mcree
I play Lucio the most and got both his skins first. Also his emote.
There's always going to be some bullshit algorithm for this crap. It's how companies make money.
But my most played character is D.va and I got her summer box skin.
>Source : My ass
Did you honestly quit a game over fucking cosmetics?
He ain't the only one unfortunately.
>got Murrika Mcree, Korea D.VA, Zarya and Lucio olympic skins, got the biker torb while unboxing, Swede Torb skin, and last night after a big losing streak, got the Sprinter Tracer
I got all I wanted.
>dont care at all
>play like 2 hours top a day
>unlocked every skin
Wow, you beat the algorithm, that's real skill
No, I quit because it's boring. The cosmetics was just one more reason to do it.
Can you figure out what I'm missing?
its a purple.
>get two legendaries and an epic in one box and still feel disappointed because none of them are olympics
They said these skins would be available some other time next year or so so dont get so upset you'll have time to get it if you dont have it now
Torb purple
Man I feel you.
I grinded for almost all the duration of the event and still haven't gotten the junkrat's highlight or the reaper's audio.
It was the one I wanted more.
Suspiciously they are the character I use more and haven't gotten anything for them, even the little shit like the audio or spray, nothing.
It's like the game knows what are you using most and try to not let you have it unless you buy the chests
don't give up user
cant wait to see this event end so massive outcry begins
>tfw I didnt got BLACKED
As someone who likes unlock shit, this is bad on the other hand I feel happy.
bruh you been tweeting about this shit for days
Never trust Blizzard to have your best interest at heart.
You and I both know that's bullshit
I use Lucio and McCree more than anyone, and haven't gotten a single legendary nor summer skin out of a box for either of them
Instead I've gotten almost every single Tracer skin, and I hate that cunt
I've been an on-and-off TF2 player for a little over 8 years now, and Blizzard's animated shorts keep getting me hyped to play Overwatch even though I don't own it yet.
Should I buy it? Is it fun? Is the community toxic?
That's what he said.
I feel like a fucking chump spending money on boxes.
There will never be a community that isn't toxic for any games, and the word toxic is a stupid buzzword people use when they can't handle getting their feelings hurt
Sorry, I read that wrong
It's fun in that it's new and feels fresh but after putting 30 hours or so into I'm already bored. For some reason, all these maps just feel incredibly stale but I can always play dustbowl.
>Is the community toxic?
The idea of a TF2 player asking if ANYTHING is toxic is hilarious to me
>Is it fun?
Yes. If you like TF2 I'd say you'd probably enjoy it, although, they aren't THAT similar
>Is the community toxic?
Every community has assholes, just ignore them
>Should I buy?
That's up to you, watch some gameplay of it or something and see if it looks like you'd enjoy it, that's how I decided.
I got that shit 2 days ago, I don't give a fuck
all I wanted was American Mccree
I got the red version yesterday and I didn't really even want it. It's a shitty system.
You should, it's one of the biggest scams I've seen in a game.
Is this your first experience with optional content?
It's the same shit CS:GO does.
I'm not the only person that finds it ironic Sup Forums doesn't like the word toxic, right?
Cool, I'll do some more research. It looks like a great time.
you're a retarded baboon if you ever spend cash on cosmetics
Is that supposed to make it any less worse? Though I'd argue any P2W cell phone game is a bigger scam.
At least phone games are pay to win, these are "pay for some shit that looks nice"
But user then how would the game be free to... oh wait
How is it ironic? We know what a shitty community Sup Forums can be, but nobody gets their feelings hurt here cause you come here knowing full well how this place is and how nobody gives a fuck about your feelings even if they are hurt
Meanwhile in other communities
>Dev: Ok, this is supposed to be a safe place, nobody can talk bad about each other ever
regardless there are enough baboons who will pay for cosmetics
see dota
gamers in general dont like the word, because THEY ARE TOXIC THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!!
Dota 2 is free.
>Tfw got both lucio skins and only wanted the mcree
Please end yourself
Never. Blizzard hates it's community and does everything they can to suppress it. See SC2 custom games.
toxic post is toxic
Exactly. You see.
It's a fun game but the community is cancer. and the price tag is too high for the amount of content that it has.
I got it twice LOL
Had to spend $15 on boxes but finally got it guys.
The only one I didnt get and wanted was Nihon Genji but I dont even play genji that much so it really doesnt matter.
How much are they anyway?
you'll buy my loot boxes and like it goyem
>Nihon Genji
Blizzard ran out of fucks to give while making that one.
The minimum is 2 boxes for $2
$1 a box but the bigger packs you buy they add extra boxes. Like 24 come with the $20 pack etc
>Get Orange Tracer and Yellow Lucio Summer Games skins in my very first Summer games lootbox
>"Oh, the chances for getting these must be ridiculously high so anyone who plays regularly can get them all. That's cool of you, Blizzard"
>"Man that, Zarya skin looks awesome. Can't wait to get those later today"
>Cut to 40 levels over 2 weeks of nothing but 3 grays and 1 blue
>"Ok fuck it, here's $10, Blizzard. Give me the skin"
>Don't get the skin
Fuck this shitty fucking game.
Hey, minimalism can be pretty cool.
I don't even play Zarya, my most played character by miles is D.va
i got like 4x london tracer...
all i want is the daddy golfswing victory pose
I think it looks pretty cool. That red sword is real nice.
Same exact situation for me. I got the fucking nigger Lucio olympic skin 4 times but not Zarya.
your dignity