The v in Sup Forums stands for videogames

>the v in Sup Forums stands for videogames
Holy shit

Okay but what does the // stand for?

No, it's Sup Forums - viral / news / shitposting

To break up the other sections of this board.

bring back /games/

>fucking moots bitch ass got rid of text boards even though they were only fucking text boards and probably didn't even take up 1MB of space

it's just bullshit

what does the b in Sup Forums stand for???

how come i'm not welcome here to talk about vidya no more

random, are you stupid?

it stands for virgin dumbshit

>the b in Sup Forums stands for...?

People wrote a lot more on text boards so they ended up taking almost double the space.

I'm not stupid my mom says I'm special like super man

fucking newfags


It stands for Sup Forumsirgin.

what does the k in /k/ stand for? I'm not even being ironic, i actually don't know


/k/ill all gungrabbers

Katana and Sup Forums stands for like Booraki or some shit, I don't speak Jap so I can't remember. Just more proffered this site is steeped in weeb culture.

Sup Forumsait

Bring back /games/ and /prog/!

>what does the // stand for?

It's a symbol for boipussi. Why do you think there's so many faggots and degenerates on here?


the v in /vg/ stands for video games

and the g?

Oh shit v and g

>the nintendo in nintendos logo stands for nintendo

>the g in Sup Forums stands for gentoo


Literally anime website.