Agony game

V's thoughts on this upcoming vidya?

I am pretty excited to see more of this.

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would be cool if you could actually pick up a weapon and fight the demons

i don't really like the whole walking around and hiding type of games

that atmosphere + swords would be boss as shit

It looks great and I'm lobing the atmosphere. Especially those little details in the sounds, when you walk on bones (it's bones, right?)and you hear them crack with every step.

But the hide n run horror games unnerve me greatly. I hope you'll have a chance to fight off the demons at some point.

keep in mind it is a work in progress and we might see weapons later on in game but i think they're just showcasing the engine and what they aim the game to be like in terms of spooky and dreadful atmosphere.

>keep in mind it is a work in progress and we might see weapons later on

i really don't think so

they showcased the hiding from the demon, didn't show any punching / sword slashing or any weapons of any kind

i think its just a cinematic spooky walking/hiding game - the kind that youtubers will make videos about and scream every few minutes to rake in the views

basically this game is Amnesia : 2016

Remember the hero slapping his torch around a few times? I think that was supposed to be a (shitty) combat system intro.

Still, it could be awesome... if the developers don't just make "Amnesia... IN HELL!"

i think im sick of horror games where you know your only option is to run/hide

even for a scripted demo that monster has painfully awful detection range

I totally agree with you guys, a combat system would be lovely to get away from the Amnesia gameplay, but that would mean:
- Combat balancing. It would be either too hard and completely pointless or too easy and kill the terror. Creating something that feels right can be done but it sure is hard as hell (Ha, get it?)
- Feeling and focus. I'm sure demons are fucking strong and no weak ass lost soul would be able to do a damn thing against them. Being able to overpower and kill a demon takes away from the feeling of helplessness.

Both points could be worked on and fixed, but if they are newcomers to the genre or even the industry, I would outright avoid the problematic points of development and focus on the strengths of the game even if the gameplay isn't as fresh

Why does it say "Doom/Amnesia hybrid" when it has nothing to do with Doom except demons? It looks like the typical boring "horror" game where you walk around alot and then hide from monsters and you can never fight back because reasons.

When this game is released...imagine all the SFM animations.

the yonic-headed demon girl is pretty cute might play it might be nice.

If it were going to be about the combat that's what gets showcased before environments and theme.

The game looks far too done to have a major feature like combat just added.

Maybe not a straight-up fighting system, but getting behind some hellbeast, smashing them upside the head with a femur, ,then shanking them repeatedly with the broken bone might work with some effort... even if all it does is force the demon to recuperate for a few minutes while you run.

Or have the sounds of fighting and its death lure in other monsters, resulting in you still having to hide and run after, but without that demon in the equation anymore. Plus, you have a timer on how long any fight can take - if reinforcements arrive before you're gone, well, you're dinner.

>head looks like a vagina
What does it mean?

dont post demontits in the op if you want to discuss this game, last night's thread got deleted by mods

I like the world it's creating, but it will be a shit game.

I'm scaroused. Like, I wanna fucc that thing but I also don't want to get my limbs torn apart from my body.

All depictions of hell before Dante's one had yonic and phallic imagery to add to the sensation of demons being some kind of savages

>be in hell
>need to cover breasts
>wear clothes
>clothes burn
>naked again

Didn't see a hell depiction so unnerving since Dante's Inferno

>tfw feeling her headjaws gum at your ears as you tonguefuck what passes for her esophagus.
>She does a weird sqeaky noise as you grab her tits and pinch her nipples.
>Her sweat smells like ash and blood.

Thought it was this game first.

I wonder if this will turn out like that robot game.

Shit but hey it has an attractive female so might as well buy it because apparently having control over your dick is a lost art.

Let's be honest here. The only appeal this game has is hot demon tits.


A Deal's a Deal...

>The only appeal this game has is hot demon tits

Nigga, what? The sound design and visuals look at least promising.

I don't know if I'm getting meme'd on or what, but there are sexy tits and savage tits. I'm pretty sure you motherfuckers understand the difference between Playboy tits and National Geographic tits.

>I'm pretty sure you motherfuckers understand the difference between Playboy tits and National Geographic tits.

Yeah. Playboy tits are fake ugly tits while NatGeo tits are ugly nigger tits

Nice one, big boy, now extrapolate it to a hell setting

Demon tits are sexy. Nothing else to it.

Both this game and Scorn look absolutely terrific, but I'm scared they will both end up being mediocre, SOMA was a big enough disappointment

Need more games that bring out that scaroused feeling.


I've got bad news for you, user...

Giger didn't really die, it seems

what does it have in common with doom besides the hellish kinda settings?

Nothing really

That's it.

>shit walking simulator
>clunky as fuck
>main selling point is edgy aesthetic with u4 particle effects


guys what if you can purify them with your cum?

Does the game take place in literal Hell?

Survival horror? What's the point if you're already in literal fucking hell? This makes no sense. Hell isn't supposed to be something you can survive or escape from. This is degrading the whole concept.

Dumb frogposter is dumb

I wish they didn't get their balls chopped off. What's the point.

Please kill yourself and take your derail gif to hell with yoy

The sauce is Sarina Valentina and it's a trap before you faggots start flooding this thread with "SAUCE?"

>V's thoughts

I think I just saw a scripted/pre-rendered demo, and those have typically not represented the final product. Hype train delayed.

thanks user

I'm worried it will just be fucking Amnesia with a new coat of paint.

Visually it seems on point though, the atmosphere seems to have a lot of potential.

Looks like a walking simulator. At least it has tits.

it looks too violent. the trailer video was just g gross.