Has the "western devs can't design good women" meme been completely blown out of the water?
Has the "western devs can't design good women" meme been completely blown out of the water?
>western game
>copy eastern artstyles
>"see, western characters aren't bad"
for that to happen wouldn't someone have to make a good looking women?
Except even in this case there was all that bullshit controversy
Then the devs changed the pose to quell the issue
Of course eastern women design is better , they all look the same
>irritating british pixie-dyke
>good character design
>Don't sexualize muh female characters
>Makes them look like they do
We have confirmation of it's death, user
>the clock on her chest says 13:37
haven't any of you played Arkham City?
The one on the back says LEL
What's so bad about 1:37 PM?
>Short-haired titlet
Western devs suck at making women
Japanese devs suck at making men
if they have, it sure wasn't by a dyke that talks like mary poppins
>overwatch female character designs
>developed by """western""" devs
>Japanese devs suck at making men
its gamer speak for leet, as in elite. It's a very 2007 Halo 3 word, like n00b and pwn.
Meanwhile, you're just sitting there sucking dick.
Head artist fo
r Overwatch is an Udon artist, the guys who make Street Fighter comics (Japanese)
It's copying Pixar.
>Japanese devs suck at making men
This has never been true, it's just making cute males sells better.
Making ugly women doesn't increase sales.
It was BTFO long before ogrewatch when this semen demon came along
The real question is why can't western devs make a good game
It's a man, faggot
You do realize anime started off when some Jap copied Disney
>ITT: a bunch of people who will never even see a real boob argue about LE SEXY CHICKS
I came to laugh at you.
>3D still looks better than any western female vidya character
They have a long way to go
Yes because the east can't do it either.
Not just copied,improved
>Japanese devs suck at making men
Right game. Wrong man.
Married, with sex twice a week every week for the last 8 years.
But hey, whatever helps you not kill yourself, kid.
pls go
>tumblr nose
lol, yeah. Great design.
Blizzard is the exception to the rule
I was just pretending to be retarded.
>being this insecure
blizzard isn't an exception, they don't design their shit, none of their games in the past 20 years had original design, they steal and copy and ounterfeit. Overwatch looks like a korean mmo because that's where they took their "inspiration". America doesn't give a shit about foreign copyrights so they'll never attack Activision for that obvious palette swap job.
blizzard is aiming at the eastern market, the western market is more a good side thing than anything else
it's like saying League of Legend is western
More like 1995. Hi I'm turning 40.
>west imitates east when making female characters
>"omg western devs can only mkae good characters when they copy"
>east does the same thing for male characters
>"grorious nippon bros!!!"
this thread is AIDS.
i wanna take tracer's shoes and socks off.
Metal gear is an exception, along with other western-influenced japanese games like resident evil or silent hill
But most japanese video game "men" look nothing like men
Slavs are honorary japanese
You don't know what you are talking about
-Any Castlevania character
probably others, I could go on but just like these 3, you're just going to hide in the "but they don't count" hole
Most people who work for Blizzard are not from the West in the first place.
Most of their illustrators are of Asian origins. Go look it up I dare you, you fucking retard.
*tip's fedora*
Is that why all of their anime failed After AstroBoy until Gundam saved them? And nothing else until Miyazaki which Disney funded?
lol gtfo you smelly NEET. get a job and a life and learn about real animation
Yes but tracer is tomboy garbage, you should ha e posted widow or mercy
>"lol get a life loser"
>he says as he posts on Sup Forums
Hypocrisy is a sad thing
Is 9gag spilling out again?
She has nostrils, and mouth definition. Anime is same mouth and eyes on all women.
Hell even the new FFXV features your "men."
underage b&
It's a sunday if you didnt notice, a day of relaxation to do whatever. I spend it on forums and playing games. otherwise i work during the week and on Saturdays if they need me in the office. you on the other hand are calling me out for just being on this site, which you are probably on every day all day because you have no life or job. At least i know what fucking day of the week it is you smelly weeb. Days of the week actually matter to people with responsibilities and jobs. lolololol Telling me to get a life on my only day off. That's great. Now Run along and fold your laundry your mom washed for you.
also nice job at saying anything intellectual to retort to what the convo was initially about. you are quite the debater there mr high IQ
VTMB was made by Americans, kid
>what is Big Boss and Solid Snake
Just another reason why I don't buy western games.
And the company failed after making the game,just more proof that westerners hate good looking women.
Did something happen?
Aww dont make the weebabay cry user. He might go cry into his Hinata body pillow and make a rage post later
CopyPasta Acquired.
Never seen this pasta b4. Not on google ot anything or pasta site
>takes cartoons seriously after the age of 18
>pretends to be mature
isn't 1337 a meme that is now more than a decade old? It's just part of internet culture now, you have to change with the times, old man.
I said Acquired, not Detected.
There's a key difference.
>Takes cartoons seriously at all
Yes you are clearly the better weeb
Lmao retard
>He thinks I like sharks.
Guarentee you are fedora enough to use your phone to reply as well lol
>steal eastern designs
>make it your own
I've seen better girls from 90s OVAs.
Tracer looks like Jacob Sartrorios
She's also annoying in every manner of the word and only literal homo nu-males think otherwise. Best female is D.va.
Ah was gonna say
"improved" by completely failing to match the animation quality of? Okay buddee
sure is summer
I'm not even the original user you were arguing with
seriously one the movie Akira, and most Miyazaki films could compete in any way to Disney. Disney animators ever said Akira was beautiful visually and revolutionary in the art. and animation. But other than that they really do trump in animation
Is there seriously anyone who doesn't think she looks/sounds like a literal retard? With most waifushit I can sort-of see the appeal but this bong is just beyond me.
Disney animators are shit, go fuck yourself.
This game is worthless unless you enjoy it ironically
>less on screen movement
>lazy art quality
>fewer frames
>Japanese voice acting
I guess it's superior to Disney because noseless bug-eyed dagger-chinned bimbos get your rocks off.
Akira's not as good at the director's later works
The lengths that weebs will go to to validate their shit tastes will never cease to amaze me
>Eastern characters
>They are white
You're welcome Japan
There is no Disney film that looks as good as Metropolis though.
lol no
Ana and Pharah are the only good female overwatch characters. Widow, Mercy and Tracer are good for fapping of course
>Japanese devs suck at making men
>Steamboat Willie (First Disney Cartoon)
>Dekobō shingachō – Meian no shippai (First Traceable Japanese anime)
Nope, Disney was not the first.
You are literally delusional and I'm saying that as a person who watches a lot of anime.
KanColle is just a rip off of steamboat willie. WHen will Japan produce something original?
>He's never played Gru
Japanese devs make some great furry men desu