What does Sup Forums think of Kat from Gravity Rush?

What does Sup Forums think of Kat from Gravity Rush?

not a fan of the ornaments and her clothes look like shit
>blonde on anime
jesus christ. ties together with more shit scarf and the worst highheels ive ever seen, clearly fapbait but they failed so fucking hard

Cute, nice character, too bad the game literally answers no questions at all

Own it for VITA and PS4. It was worth the $1 I paid for the VITA version.



i want to put my penis inside her

>clearly fapbait but they failed
No they didn't. ;)

Pretty cool design. She can act cute and serious, I like her.


I think she should ride syds dick

literally reeks of sewage

Pretty likeable and cute, too bad she's not that popular.

She is a reasonably good character in a very fun game, which got cut short due to budget restraints.
And then they're putting the sequel on a completely different console.

Thanks, Sony.


GR was half the reason I bought a Vita and I damn near waifu'd her back then. Girl's all kinds of likable.

>tfw I have to buy a PS4 if I want to play the sequel even though I don't want a PS4

I'm glad it's not on Vita anymore
I liked it on Vita, but i liked it even more on PS4 and you can tell just by looking at GR2 that they had to scale it back really hard for handheld hardware



>You can press a button to eat a donut

this si so cute

>tfw Gravity Rush 2 will be GOTY

It could potentially be my GOTY
I waited 10 fucking years for FFXV and now i feel literally nothing for it anymore

then you must avoid FF15 if you want that to happen

her outfit sucks

That would imply that 15 is still good

good one, buddy

The japanese Duke Nuek forever

>clearly fapbait but they failed so fucking hard

Says you.

No wonder her butt looks so much bigger

>tfw there is finally another game other than SA where you can make your character into a fatass

i knew Kat would be an ass lady, Raven gets to be a boobs one



Big butts are wonderful. So soft!

Kat needs more porn, she's made for lewd.


Lemme grab the titties

I officially nominate Kat as the PlayStation slut

will you fuckers stop posting pictures of this hag?

I like her since she looks like my gf

>light blonde, almost white hair
>tan skin
>dark brown eyes
>legs for days

At least when she breaks up with me I'll still have kat.

Which hag do you want?

she's really cute

I never knew you could have someone like Kat in real life

careful user, this is PCuck and nintendogaf territory, you might trigger Sup Forums since they never played GR

i thought Sup Forums were the only ones who played her game

but she loves it

she's half russian/half greek

literally best combination for ethnicities

Aren't cats' tongues a but sharp?

Excited as fuck


>Kat from Gravity Rush
Genuinely likable. I've seen so many gritty stoic characters as of late, it was nice to see a protagonist that was actually charming and optimistic without being over-the-top quirky about it.

>Kat will bleed out of her pussy thanks to Dusty

Who else wants Kat to do /ss/ with Spike from Ape Escape?

Been a while since I've looked toward a sequel with actual optimism.

We better get to play all the stuff that was cut from the first game especially going up the pillar

Too pure.



But i don't have a PS4...


Just imagine it

Nier too

She is literally the only person that has ever been created that can pull off having their hair colour lighter the skin colour.

Seconded. Wouldn't have thought that two cult classics I enjoyed would be revived around the same time.

Will she get these costumes in 2?

this reminds of the 4thegaymers webm

I want to know why the fucking it had SPINES in it.

Is she covered in meat?

Hopefully i want to fly around as lady gaga

Somehow I doubt it.

Yes, some say it has some deep meaning while others say it's more about the lack thereof.

>slowly realizing that the floating rocks you're climbing down are the teeth of some forgotten cosmic horror

She's my pure vidya waifu.

>go from making some of the best horror games ever developed to mediocre waifu game on the Vita
Everything I love turns to shit.


Don't know anything about this game but the black-haired chick is hotter

GR is more of a horror game at time than most of those dumb first person horror games from the past 5 years

Wait, Singlor was the guy who was doing some experiment and was blown across time and space with his wife right? Oh boy I hope we get to see what horrible truth behind the world they discovered.

How about this one?

Yeah, the art gallery has tons of stuff that was most likely cut from the first game

>waifu game
Good times.

>never outright show her face in-game even though it's obvious who she was.
>show it in some f2p mobile game
That was a dumb ass move.

I really hope they bring back Singlor and his wife in the sequel. That was my favorite subplot from the first game.


>the world pillar is some elder god's throat

To be fair, they could pull some shit like she's the daughter of the queen, or her clone.

From what we know it's pretty obvious she's either the queen or directly related to her and her gravity powers basically demolished whatever civilization existed at the top of the pillar.


Will Raven ever manage to have a relationship again with her older (now younger) brother? It annoyed me that it was barely addressed.

>Alias is slouched to hide that he's the exact same height as Syd

>That asshole father and his faggot kid
Never should have saved them.

I know some people think Syd is Alias, but from the look of things, Alias would top out Syd by a few inches if he didn't slouch like a damn buffoon. And even if we applied a Creator living within Syd, I don't think they'd alter his appearance that much. Cyanea only had a different hairstyle and eyes, but no serious physical changes.

The kids on the arc apparently being in a coma was one of the weirder cliffhangers for me. Hopefully addressed before the end of GR2.

He looks like he'd be a smidge taller, given that if he didn't bend his knees, he'd be just about up there with Syd while still hunching his back like he's about to heave a shit missile.

It's even more obvious if you look at the concept art. He could still be Syd, but i doubt it


Probably caused by whatever field that makes the time displacement happen. Raven and Kat being outside only aged a little by its effects (Raven probably spent "years" climbing up the fucking thing before she reached town), but the ark protected them, but may have had a bad effect on their consciousness and thus put them to sleep.

Syd's always conveniently been in the right place at the right time though. I don't know who else would fit the bill.

Damn Alias lifts.

Hard to say. The concepts have him looking a fair bit beefier compared to Syd who looks more average in build. Though I guess the hair being visible there could be the other tipping sign.

Could always be some shit like an evil twin.

Will Alias end up being from the top of the pillar?

In the two instances, sure. Though he was saving some kid during Alias' attack. Funny that never got brought up.

Of course, I swear there seemed to be a weird translation error in that part. They say the mayor DISAPPEARED, but then some characters say he DIED as if there was a body found, yet some lines thereafter switch between him just being "GONE" and others saying "DEAD".
