Finally get the PC version up and running

>finally get the PC version up and running
>game refuses to recognize dpad inputs

Silent Hill thread?

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>played silent hill 2 first because i'm a fag
>fuck I should actually play the rest
>get Silent Hill 1 PAL because I'm a UKfag
>50hz fuckery means my tv won't display it
Fucking hell.

SH1 emulates really well though

wish I could say the same for 2 & 3

I've been running the Silent Hill 2 proxy NoCD Crack and I finally got the game to run without it saying to insert the CD. But now, when I play the game, I can use all the control except the action key. Can someone help with this?

I guess. I could run it, I just like playing games in their original format, especially if it's a classic on an older system.

>game refuses to recognize dpad inputs
You using Xinput gamepad (Xbox controller) by any chance? The PC ports do not fully support those, because the whole standard didn't even exist back in the days! You either use a DirectInput pad, a Joy2Key software of some sort, or just play with KB+M.

What kind of TV does NOT support 50hz anymore?

Anyway, you should just emulate it. Preferably the yank version, because uncensored enemy type.

Here's the latest SH PC Guide + DL links:


SH2 DDL:!rFcj1SIJ!47JH9M4OrzmQKuaiJ6IqUgmgz_SVNtk4LIYNSa-D-_8

SH2 torrent:!bYcEnbhC!rYnhvcJiRC46T6yExS0Y61JHZ-5N3WxFvfZMI8xbyhE

SH3 DDL:!2JNkgJ7b!nfPf5cIs6I5K-sdAs7RcnHvGA2hAvIGdpQuIoBhF3iE

SH3 torrent:!GVVGRLpD!SyklVbuLIkc38ZYji5QL3sWHKtHt9-Bto700My8pH7c

SH4 DDL:!Us1XTaII!cglH0dZOaH5yQEm4cnEh3eyUz4bIf6rACQqcVzkb4Hc

Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.

In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.

>I can use all the control except the action key
Ever checked the Key Bindings from the game's Options menu?

Also, the sh2proxy doubles AS a no-cd crack, which is one reason I still recommend using it. If you wanna use the newer widescreen fix mentioned in latest guide, then only use sh2proxy's .exe, and nothing else.

It does support 50hz, idk, it's weird. The same basically happens with Yakuza 2 where the select screen for 50/60 is basically invisible and I have to fumble in the dark to get it going. I can fumble to get to SH1's menu but when I hit start I can't see anything. Thanks for the DLs though.

I did check the Key Bindings. I'm using the default button (space) for action and it works in the menus, just not in the game. I tried changing it to "enter" but that didn't work either.

NP mate.

Continuing from ,
here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.

The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.

alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.

You could also check out the new PGXP emulator that incorporates Perspective Correction to PS1 textures. I haven't gotten it to work.

Interesting. Has worked just fine for me all these years. Also, I recall Mouse 1 also working as "use", how's that?

If all else fails, re-install the game and just slap sh2proxy on it.

Yeah Mouse 1 doesn't work either. I guess I'm gonna have to reinstall it. I was following the Instructions that were from the SH2 DDL which are here:

Silent Hill 2 NoCD & stability fix Instructions

1. Install the Game - Full with Videos
2. extract all files to the install dir
3. overwrite the sh2pc.exe when asked
4. execute the nocd crack

5. extract sh2proxy's files to the install dir. Overwrite files.
6. extract the Widescreen movies to the game's Data folder. Overwrite.

And it seemed to work fine until the action button screwed me over. And before I was following these from the sh2proxy instructions:

1. Backup your sh2pc.exe file
2. Remove/uninstall any other SH2 modern compatibility fixes
3. Copy contents of bin folder to your SH2 install
4. Make sure the new sh2pc.exe file is 6,123,520 bytes
5. Edit sh2proxy.ini with your own settings
6. Run sh2pc.exe and enjoy!

>You using Xinput gamepad (Xbox controller) by any chance? The PC ports do not fully support those, because the whole standard didn't even exist back in the days! You either use a DirectInput pad, a Joy2Key software of some sort, or just play with KB+M.

I tried using a 360 pad and a wired PS4 pad.

Everything works except the damn dpad, I even bound the dpad keys to perform the same function as the arrow keys on my keyboard (tried xpadder, ds4windows and joy2key) and the dpad still refuses to work in game.

Same guy again ( ) I'm VERY infantile when it comes to pirating software and stuff so bear with me.

this is one reason I still prefer this babe when playing on PC.

Well, I'd recommend just installing the game, and only slapping the sh2proxy on top, and seeing what happens.

Just out of curiosity... you aren't on W10, are you?

Quick question, is the SH2 DDL the European DC or North American?

I am on W10. And I just found out on the wiki that I need to use the Widescreen Fix and not sh2proxy right?

European, AFAIK.

It at least has French, German,... etc language stuff in the ReadMe files.

I finally managed to get it working with xpadder (version 5.7) I had to unbind all my joypad keys in the game, exit the game, go into xpadder and bind the dpad to my keyboard arrow keys.

the game is super finicky when it comes to these things it seems, doing the same process with either joy2key or ds4windows still refuses to work

>I am on W10.
That explains a lot.

>And I just found out on the wiki that I need to use the Widescreen Fix and not sh2proxy right?
Looking back at this older version of the Guide, the sh2proxy should work just fine on Wontworks 10. You'll just need to deal with that Fullscreen thingy.

That being said, try different things out. I however got a feeling that your OS of choice may prevent you from enjoying some or all of these games.

You can use keyboard only pretty easily. Silent Hill is not a game of quick reactions. Tank controls work nicely with keyboards too.

Windows 10 here. Been ages since I installed but they work fine and I use an XBoner controller

I tried out SH3 and it worked fine for me, though that probably doesn't matter. sh2proxy seemed to work fine but it was fullscreen (windowed) the whole time and (as I said before) the action key didn't work. I'm reinstalling it right now and I'm gonna stick with the Widescreen Fix that I found on the wiki.

I'm sorry for being mediocre I wanted to play these games instead of HD Collection and I barely know how to work pirated sofware. Forgive me senpai.

I've been KB-onlying these games on emus for a decade or so. Might be the good ol' Doom muscle memory still being alive and kicking, but still.

>it wasn't fullscreen
Just fuck me up, familia.

>I wanted to play these games instead of HD Collection
Well, you did the fucking RIGHT choice there, mate. The ""HD"" "Collection", in case you didn't know by now, was legendarily terrible, and should be avoided at any and all costs.

Pic very related, and this' only scratching the surface.

>tl;dr / no spoilers version:
>graphics, audio, performance, stability... everything is DOWNGRADED!!1BMTTQhS!VlqZkhRCP6EBCegZgm0_6CUIdWlT-EefLkz5qaI1U9w

this contains the widescreen patch and a modified exe (removes letterboxing in cutscenes, also works as a crack)

use this if you're having trouble with sh2proxy, just be sure to delete all the sh2proxy files before using the widescreen patch

Trust me I've been around the threads enough to know to avoid that shit entirely.

Okay I installed the files and it asked me to restart but I saved it for later (which I hope doesn't matter). So, I'm gonna extract the Silent Hill 2 Widescreen Fix into the Silent Hill 2 install files (basically in my Program Files(x86)). Hopefully I'm not fucking up already, but we'll see.

>no noise filter

Anyone remember in Silent Hill 2 right after you leave the parking lot in the intro and go on the trail you would hear dogs running and panting? When I first played it I thought it was going to be the zombie dogs from silent Hill 1, but they never showed or was explained.

Any theories?

people like to take it off for screencaptures, to demonstrate the overall graphical fidelity.

Those never sounded like dogs to me,
and it'sall just to fuck the player.

As I expected, nothing really happened after I restarted it and tried to run the program. I'm gonna extract the sh2proxy files now.

Okay so I'm at a bit of an impasse here. What do I start with first? Do I follow the instructions on the sh2procy instructions first:

1. Backup your sh2pc.exe file
2. Remove/uninstall any other SH2 modern compatibility fixes
3. Copy contents of bin folder to your SH2 install
4. Make sure the new sh2pc.exe file is 6,123,520 bytes
5. Edit sh2proxy.ini with your own settings
6. Run sh2pc.exe and enjoy!

Or the SH2NoCD instructions:

1. Install the Game - Full with Videos
2. extract all files to the install dir
3. overwrite the sh2pc.exe when asked
4. execute the nocd crack
5. extract sh2proxy's files to the install dir. Overwrite files.
6. extract the Widescreen movies to the game's Data folder. Overwrite.

good luck, mate!

sh2proxy's exe IS a no-cd crack, so just ignore the SH2NoCD part completely.

You NEED to use sh2proxy's own .exe to get its fixes anyway.

It's sound design to mess with the player.

What I hear is extra foot step sounds when James is running. They stop when he stops. It's pretty neat. Not even sure if its intended. But it gives you a little bit of paranoia.

you can be sure of one thing when playing Team-Silent games:

Everything is intentional, and actually means something. Watching the SH2's Making Of -video is really enlightening.

And yeah, all true too.

Thanks. So, just to be sure:
1. How do I back up the .exe file?
2. How do I find the compatibility fixes?
3. How do I make sure the file is 6, 123, 520 bytes?

Maybe you shouldn't be using a shitty Xbox controller and instead got a Dualshock 4 which has native DirectInput support and maps flawlessly to older games like Silent Hill 2.

Source: me, playing SH2 and 3 PC ports flawlessly with a DS4, without even needing a wrapper program too. Plug and play.

Go read a few posts below the OP, I tried both the 360 and DS4 pad.

DS4 didn't work out of the box, I had to use a wrapper for the game to even recognize the dpad and triggers.

>1. How do I back up the .exe file?
Copy and Paste the original .exe somewhere else.
>2. How do I find the compatibility fixes?
google sh2proxy / the widescreen hack.
or, just look up that SH PC Guide pic.
>3. How do I make sure the file is 6, 123, 520 bytes?
Right-click on the file > Properties > see the file size.

The extra footstep sound only occurs in that one area too. So it's likely intentional. Make the player a little on edge, rather than scare them.

By original .exe, you mean the one that's currently in the install and NOT from the proxy folder, right?


Ages ago, there was this "How to revive Aeris" -level myth roaming around the net, that if you pressed the Search View -button (L2?) at exact right time when the sound'd play, you'd see a glimpse of PH roaming in the woods.

PC SH sucks balls, you'd be better off just emulating it. PC version has way too many bugs.

>PC SH sucks balls, you'd be better off just emulating it.
No, you're not. Even less if your machine's weak.
>PC version has way too many bugs.
Like what?
Ever tried the sh2proxy?

Emulation is far from perfect, SH2 FMVs like to glitch out in hardware mode, SH3 has a bugged shadows and noise filter

this. Not to mention SH3's PC port is one of the greatest ports ever made.

Okay, I'm about to extract the sh2proxy files into the install right now.

Also, I found a thing called a FIX File and I'm assuming those are the compatibility fixes, right?


Gotcha. I removed the FIX File (device.fix) and I extracted the files onto the install. I'm going to take out all of the files (bin and src) into the main folder (in pic-related). If I'm doing something wrong, stop me now.

Also, I kept the Widescreen Fix in here since it seemed to work last time.

If that jazz doesn't seem to work, try again with either or fixes out there.

All right they're all extracted and I'm gonna run the file now. Wish me luck.

Okay I ran the file and it seemed to work until the screen was all janky-looking (which I will fix in the ini.). I'm going to enable windowed and borderless function.

I fixed the janky looking screen (kinda) and it's not widescreen. I started the game and it worked, but (again) the action button didn't work.

So I got to do the widescreen fix which I'm glad for, but the action button refuses to work which is pretty funny. I can walk around and do all this stuff, but I can't leave the damn bathroom.


Everytime I try to play SH2 on my pc (win7) I get sound skipping. Any ideas? The audio cuts out entirely and the music just starts skipping before I even get out of the parking lot.

Holy shit I'm a fucking idiot.

The whole time I was trying to go the door in the bathroom and I didn't realize that the entrance was on the other side and I could just walk out. After walking to the car door and going to the well (interacting with the items and such), the action button works. I'm just a fucking idiot, that's all. Thank you for you help and patience, senpai

Top Kek, what an asshole. Enjoy the game user it's one of the my top faves.

Walking through the fog and listening to the music was fucking amazing. Right now, I just wanted to make sure that the game works. On to Silent Hill 4: Tommy Wisseau