Do we really need to wait for a fucking new game to have some touhou talk here?
No one playing the old ones?
Do we really need to wait for a fucking new game to have some touhou talk here?
not much to discuss about the games that hasn't already been discussed to death
hence why every 2hu thread devolves into shitposting about waifus
hence why 2hu threads get deleted
hence no more 2hu threads
hence why /jp/
>Starting the thread with meta shit
Thats not metashit you fucking retard
oh wow what a great comeback
Says the meta shitter OP
What are you a child? Oh wait this is le Sup Forums
>No one playing the old ones?
Do you mean PC98 or EoSD/PCB/IN?
>this is le Sup Forums
Are you retarded or just pretending?
Is this the soku thread
I don't think we would get a lot of PC98 discussion though
The main problem is that nobody actually talks about the games, the cute girls are too distracting for these low attention-span retards.
Go play other shmups if you want game discussion.
>game for autist
The player/fanbase is more autistic than smash, this shit shouldn't be possible
Sure because everyone should play modern FPS/RPG or Moba horseshit right?
How about them meme open world, like them too?
Probably not.
Anyway, I'm playing PCB lunatic.
I don't think other shmups really get any more gameplay discussion. Anyone who wants higher level, more specific information wouldn't be asking on Sup Forums anyway, so that's why these threads get kind of samey.
>more specific information wouldn't be asking on Sup Forums anyway
Where would they be?
Also I have been in some of these threads and they do get nice sometimes
I was,but I'm injured so I can't play shit.
Always checking on Sup Forums for a comfy 2hu thread,with shitposting or not,but lately Sup Forums has nothing but a deathly silence.
What games are you playing now user?
Are you fairing well against them?
>more specific information
It depends really. A lot of stuff you just gotta figure out yourself through watching replays. Or you could ask the people who've played those categories extensively.
When these threads don't devolve into shitposting they can be nice, yeah. It's good to hear when an user achieves their goal.
>What games are you playing now user?
I'm playing IN lunatic, trying to 1cc SA and UFO on normal.
>Are you fairing well against them?
IN is quicking my ass, I almost got that 1cc on SA and UFO is fun as fuck, I'm really looking forward for TD
Oh cool,I was also trying to 1cc SA on Normal,but I have a question.
Why are you playing IN Lunatic if you aren't skilled enough yet to 1cc SA on Normal?
Even though IN is easier than most of the games ,which is bullshit btw,I think MoF is the easiest of the bunch ,I would assume IN Lunatic would be WAY harder than SA Normal.Why not finish SA then start from Hard and work your way up to Lunatic?
Not him, but I find that getting used to the controls, game engine and shottypes from one game to the other takes quite a bit of time. I think that because of this, focusing mostly on one game for a while leads to the most improvements in overall play.
No we want you to fuck off to /jp/ where you belong
MoF is definitely the easiest, I was able to 1cc it in like my 5th run, and I did most of Kanako blind I swear I almost capture mountain of faith in my first try
I don't consider SA stupid hard, it is just that I choke on stupid shit and die to stuff I normally wouldn't and just lose it. I know that I'll get the 1cc before I can even clear IN lunatic, but I started it anyways and give it a few tries every day, I really enjoy IN, also I promised it would be my first lunatic clear/1cc so better start practicing now.
Oh look another thread about video games.
How many of those have you actually 1cc'ed? Going to bet only IN.
SA,EoSD,IN,TD,and MOF.I didn't really like the UFO gimmick and couldn't finish it when I got to stage 5 in UFO I got my shit kick in hard,TD was way to easy and manage to 1cc on my third try,LoLK was just stupidly hard for no fucking reason,and you could tell it was balance around Point device mode
>I find that getting used to the controls, game engine and shottypes from one game to the other takes quite a bit of time.
Is that really that big of a deal in the higher difficulties?
I had zero problems transitioning from IN to MoF in terms of controls and game engine.It just felt the same,only a lot more polished.
I had the most trouble moving from PCB to IN because I was forced to change my usual shottype and playstyle,ReimuA with Team Scarlet ,because Lord knows I didn't want to put up with Marisa's crap ,who play way different from one another.
Oh so you just practice it,even though you know you are not going to beat right now?That makes sense,I used to do the same thing with Flan's Extra,just giving it a few runs here and there,getting used to the attacks beforehand so I don't in completely blind.I kind of avoid doing it nowdays because I think it's better to just focus on one game,rather than doing multiple and harder ones at the same time.
I have a friend who plays Lunatic just for the hell of it,not even trying to 1cc it or anything,saying "he's playing for the lol's".I will never get his mentality though,I'd get pissed off and lose all motivation to continue if I kept dying over and over at a thing I'm clearly not ready for.
>Is that really that big of a deal in the higher difficulties?
I don't think difficulty level has that much to do with it. Movement speed of your shottype and how big the hitboxes are more important.
For example, EoSD bubble hitboxes are large and square compared to the rest of the games, and jellybeans in Double Spoiler are also especially large.
If you're playing a game with charge (PoFV, fairy wars, photo games, Youmu in TD), getting used to that takes time as well. You obviously want to have those charge times down solidly.