What are some games that Sup Forums told you are shit that are actually good? And what are some games that Sup Forums told you are good that are actually shit?
What are some games that Sup Forums told you are shit that are actually good...
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DmC is mechanically more advanced than even action games that people praise like MGR.
Masashi Hamauzu's music in Final Fantasy XIII is amazing and the battle system's requirement of actually paying attention to when you time attacks and properly utilizing paradigm shifts is interesting.
Drakengard 3's has a strong story.
Guild Wars 2 is one of the few MMOs to actually implement action game mechanics into it.
Final Fantasy VIII is the most graphically impressive PS1 Final Fantasy game and also offers a shitload of character customizability.
Enslaved has really endearing characters.
Dark Dawn removed the tedium of trying to figure out where to go in the original Golden Sun games while holding onto the strong gameplay mechanics that made the series good in the first place.
MGS4 is the most mechanically advanced MGS game, and Solid Snake is much more likable than Big Boss.
Sonic Lost World is weird, but once you get used to it its mechanically like playing a Super Mario Galaxy game.
Starfox Adventures is a mediocre Zelda clone with great graphics.
Freedom Wars is a faster paced Monster Hunter with a more interesting fucked up setting with a really oppressive government.
Now name some games that Sup Forums told you were shit that you think are actually good games.
Who ever told you FF8 or Freedom Wars are bad are lying shitposter faggots.
Drakengard 3 was trash. You're in it for the waifus, stop lying to yourself.
>liking golden at all
>freedom wars
worst game on that list
>no trip gf
Literally how? Every character in Drakengard 3 is deranged. None of them are waifu-able. Many of them would murder you or treat you like garbage
Maybe if you're braindead and like easy as fuck games