Pic related: literally Sup Forums the youtuber
God Tier vidya youtubers
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Vash is breddy gud
Isn't that the dude with legs too short for his body
>Vidya youtuber
>Not an insufferable faggot cunt that you wish would die
I want 15 year old e-celeb shills to leave Sup Forums
haha, look at his cute little legs!
little do they know
he's actually just a really stealthy sagger
Looks like a total faggot
something tells me he's riding his pants low and his long shirt is creating the illusion of tiny legs.
Unless he like, actually has dwarfism
The amount of times you've made this same thread is frankly embarrassing. Please take a break from your terrible choices in entertainment and consider where your life is going.
Lol he looks like an edgy faggot. Why do the kids like these Internet homos these days?
>camo shorts
>combat boots
>long hair
Metal fans truly are laughing stocks
>oh look it's another retro console gaming Youtube channel
If that mario is of average height, then the guy is average too. Looks like bad angle to me.
>chinstrap beard that turns into a horrible long goatee
Lol. Every time
Only good thing about him is he introduced me to The Game Chasers. Those guys are actually entertaining to watch. Especially when they bully Eric.
His eyes are too low on his head. He has a six head.
This guy has a daughter with means he still has more game than all of us
AOS is OK,
too bad he's bit of a SJWcuck.
Speak for yourself virgin
now i realize why i thought he looked so familiar
he sends pics of himself to underage girls
source on that? how do you know hes a pedo?
Who doesn't?
Oh, wait, you said girls.
Is he? The only stuff I've seen of him is him being angry about censorship or Anita's crap.
Razorfist is great. He's pretty funny and seemingly everything he does manages to piss Sup Forums off.
Nico B is something else. He's a good player, he does great voices and sometimes adds funny edits in his videos.
it's a son and it's his wife's son
that tells me nothing about the person hes sending that picture to. could be another dude, could be a milf.
>goes together like astroglide and anal sex
This fucking manlet is pure cringe tbqh senpai
>tfw he finally finished Freeman's Mind
I thought that day would never come.
It was what, 7 years?
he fell for the Achmed Clock boy meme and defended some woman who cosplayed in work.
3rd of December 2007 is when episode 1 went up.
>tfw I finished Secondary school, Sixth Form and University in the time it took to finish FM
It stayed consistently good as well, which is surprising for things that go on for years.
Made me install deus ex but the frame rate slows all the way down when I get in water why does it do that
He's ok
He can be pretty cringy at times due to his METAL persona and sounds pretty autistic when goes off rambling about shit that gets him butthurt.
I think it changed tone in places though I suppose game itself demanded it, but it was handled professionally. Ross knows how to deliver.
No idea.
oh hey it's angry gaming youtuber #7925124
the only vidya youtuber i like watching is classic game room and that's because he's not trying to throw out his political message or do a massive rant he's just talking about what he loves: video games
Eric brings it on himself.
the only reviewer that matters is Mike Matei cause he's really good at games
it's a shame he doesn't do permanent reviews and is only a side job of James Rolfe
Why do people have long hair? It looks ridiculous. Men I mean.
>follow a small but growing youtuber for years
>find out the reason he had a big hiatus is because he molested a child and got caught
Bootsy is better
It also looks ridiculous on women.
It was a dude.
pretending to be an underage girl.
because its both metal, and european as fuck and considering metal is the white mans music (classic heavy metal, thrash and doom) not this nu-wave shit they have now a days
I like Zero Punctuation
Even if I disagree with him on a lot of things, I just enjoy his videos
>2 minutes of patreon shoutouts every video
>its another mark threatens to leave youtube video
>its another video with dreamcast jokes
Fuck off. I fell for this meme and gave the guy a shot, but he is boring as hell. Not to mention his "reviews" never even cover any ground or god forbid criticize the game in any way whatsoever.
CGR was never good.
razor fist is aight
Shoutout to my boy Silent Rob for a legendary stream. Had me in fucking stitches.
He's the only guy from that hatebit podcast group that makes original and entertaining content.
Alpha is also a hypocrite who crusades against SJWs and shit, but then goes and censors youtube comments. Bravo.
Look at manlet timmy
Cr1tikal is funny as fuck.
Oh and he talks a bunch of shit about the AVGN then goes and makes a video with the guy! What the fuck, guy is two faced.
neo-Sup Forums has taken root it seems.
>everything he does manages to piss Sup Forums off.
Because anything he says is factually wrong 4/5s of the time. Not to mention a complete hypocrite.
He hardly "criticizes". Just long winded tirades about how he doesn't like something and about how much he hates people that like it and how they have shit taste. (I guess thats the whole point behind the "I'M ANGRY AT TOYS" gimmick?)
He bitches about New Vegas being too "too hard" but turns around gloat about how Super Return of the Jedi for SNES was the best game for it. I like how he gives games like duke nukem the bill of health when not taking itself seriously, but shits himself in furious anger when MGR does it..
Cries about Anime "stealing" from French Sci-Fi & gets super butt hurt over Witcher 3's Plagiarism, meanwhile sucking George Lucas like madman despite that he stole from French Sci-fi & Samurai Films with a bit of Flash Gordon.
& his hate boner for Kojima would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad! He would perform more mental gymnastics than psycho mantis to remodel Agness "Exactly, Plastic Explosives 'R Us" Kaku as some herald saint with his claimes that Kojima himself (or rather, his lawyers) took down the Agness Kaku interview for criticizing him when the interview was actually taken down by Konami for releasing translated scripts for various games (such as Hybrid Heaven) that broke NDA. He also claimed Kojima was the sole vice-president of Konami and blames him for Silent Hill Homecoming and other failed Konami projects when he was only responsible for the Kojima Productions stuff. He even claims that Metal Gear 1 was a ripoff of Castle Wolfenstein when they don't even play alike.
It's one thing to dislike Kojima as a game designer and writer, but Razorcuck just makes up bullshit excuses to justify his hateboner for him. Its intellectually dishonest.
He's a faggot, & a admitted contrarian. He's Sup Forums encapsulated into an awful & I stress again AWFUL human being.
>I stress again AWFUL human being.
I won't touch the rest of that comment because you may be right, I don't care. Judging his merit as a human being based on his internet persona? That is hardly fair.
I like his opinions, but he takes the edgy a little too far
This man has God-tier opinions.
Vash is pretty great, I fucking love his Dead Space videos, those are always great.
SomecallmeJohnny is a god amongst plebs.
he looks like a girl, and i'm not saying that because of his hair.
This. He's elder god tier.
He donates all lets play cash and publishes it on twitter.
pic very related
Can't be bothered to get it cut
>godly voice
>godly looks
it's not fucking fair
Most metal sucks and is just a meme at this point.
And I mean that literally, most popular bands are literally doing the same shit that's been done for the past forty years over and over.
You get a few bands here and there that are okay, but they are hidden in an ocean of shit.
I guess that can be said for a lot of stuff though.
It really isn't user.
I just wanna hang out with him, play vidya and go drinking. He seems so fucking bro.
If you know who he is, you're a patrician.
Jesus Christ they're not even real combat boots. They're some shit you wear to look hardcore.
Is that really Bob?
Christ I feel old. Literally who?
He's boring as fuck. I mean it's impressive that he's been reviewing games for so long but his reviews are just so uninteresting.
>liam too much of a pussy to actually defend no man's lie
no pat podcasts are worthless
Remember when she streamed and made videos? I never thought she'd abandon us.
True. His reviews are always nice to listen to because they have neither bullshit nor gimmicks.
I miss Rose
these two are the only answer
The man can't even speak a complete sentence without dropping F Bombs.
what's wrong with swearing user they're just words
it's a fucking sign that your fucking vocabulary is fucking small af. FUCK
really niggas? nobody's gonna mention my boy super bunnyhop?
Well yeah, the subject is "God Tier vidya youtubers". That's why he wasn't mentioned.
"it was never outright stated that huey did it, implications don't mean anything"
no fuck off, he is retarded.
what ever happened to that old lady that was doing a lets play of skyrim?
i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about
>mfw there are no good youtubers that focus on JRPGs