Tfw there will never be another SC2

>tfw there will never be a truly competitive game with a good ranked system (ladder).

>tfw there will never be a truly competitive game where you dont rely on retard team mates.

>tfw mobas and hero shooters have no reward because its all just random bullshit and not a reflection of skill.

>tfw SC2 is a dying game

I wanna play shit like lol and dota but retards throw matches

I hoped overwatch would be the next competitive shooter but it ended up worse than tf2

>tfw you can't sage threads anymore.

There's no visible sage, but sage still works in the options field, silly.

>>tfw there will never be a truly competitive game with a good ranked system


You can't just slap that on anything you want, competitive smashbros, competitive spamming, competitive masterbaition

I thought that videogames would head in an esports back in the ps2 era. Instead it went the opposite direction towards casual gameplay. People who are competitive are disliked by the majority of players and they get punished by getting banned from servers and having complaints filed against them for telling their teamates to get better.
Many games dont have a clan system or team matchmaking system in them.

>People who are competitive are disliked by the majority of players and they get punished by getting banned from servers
Things that never happened: the post

happens all the time on battlefield

if you want true 1v1 competitition in its purest form, get into fighting games

I'm a pro masturbator

Take your autism to /vg/, sc2 was fucking garbage

i swear i miss the good old WoL days b4 broodlord infestor faggotry, Back then the games were fucking exhilarating. Yes the balance was worse but the gameplay much more interesting.

Heart of the swarm truly put the game in the coffin and now theyre trying to save a game that has been dead for years.

never forget the glory days of 2010 - (mid) 2012

>TFW Street Fighter V and Killer Instinct fill all of these catagories

top kek

Competitive single player games besides fighting games are don't sell as well as something along the lines of a MOBA or Overwatch. Besides Blizzstone, I cannot think of another popular single player competitive game.

>because its all just random bullshit and not a reflection of skill.
Someones shit at games he doesn't like

I have no idea how to improve,

starcraft was just get better at micro and macro

dont get supply blocked simple shit like that

but i have no idea how im getting beat half the time in SF5.

yeah go into league and have your team afk and then win 1v5

if that can happen even mechanically in the game it is uncompetative

>play football with randoms
>wooow, my team sucks, it's not fair, this game is not competitive

Should I try get into starcraft?
Ive never really tried it out, I have about 1.8k hours logged into dota and have been put off by it's large learning curve/ microskills intensity

broodwar or starcraft 2?

Starcraft is fun. But if you want to get into it competitively, you'll probably be put off too. It has arguably larger learning curve and you have to micro more than 1 unit. You are controlling an army rather than 1 unit.

omg this millennials

Well yeah the next Star Craft will be number 3 you retard

Fighting games. RTS fighting games and 1v1 arena shooters were always the best competitive games.