
It's all fucking nothing.

6 months from launch and nobody knows shit about NX.

At this point I'm genuinely impressed by Nintendo.

I actually wish they would just keep the silence going all the way to March 2017 and just drop the fucking thing on the world.

Other urls found in this thread:


>source: Sup Forums post
Welp, this confirms it

>Literally Sup Forums as a source

>anonymous Sup Forums post
>reliable source

I have good sources that these journalists are fucking retards, and also faggots. OP might be too, but I need further research before I can safely make that claim.


>I actually wish they would just keep the silence going all the way to March 2017 and just drop the fucking thing on the world.
Seems like that's what they're doing.

No one will be able to decide if they actually want one by the time it releases. Then they'll just go on hype and artificial shortages. Out of stock = more people want one because "it's sold out everywhere!"

Not even the kind of shitposters that roam Sup Forums entertained the thought that any of it was more than bullshit and these jackass writers write fucking articles about it. Are people that fucking thirsty for NX knowledge.

>people making articles about Sup Forums posts
So this is real life, huh?

Who indeed


Or they just don't want yo let you know how shitty their console is until is released

Jackie's brother? Is this 4 related to 011?

>Sup Forums source


Fuck this place is dead.

>melee HD
It takes a special kind of idiot to believe this, probably someone who has no actual knowledge of video games

>Taking rumors from Sup Forums

You don't need to be so thick headed

At launch we are getting Breath of the wild and Pikmin 4

We aren't getting Mario until E3 of that year


It makes sense though.

This faggot told us about the NX plans almost two years ago. He's a regular Sup Forums poster.


He even gave me a collectible coin at E3

Sup Forums has more insiders than neofags now

>Melee HD

It's like Mother 3: basically a meme at this point and its never happening.

>Animal Crossing Election Year


>last link
>directly links to the archived thread on Sup Forums

deepest integrity in journalism.


It's all 3, full house motherfucker.

And I love how it mentions both Melee HD and also a new Smash. Do they not know how fucking long it takes Sakurai to make a Smash Bros. game?

>artificial shortages

Is there any actual evidence of this shit or is it just sheer disbelief that a product could actually be sold out?

you actually clicked on every single link? do you help out at the local homeless reporter shelter too?

Melee was revolutionary over its predecesor

Not to mention

Why the FUCK would nintendo make a Melee port? It would keep focus away from their new games.

Zero hype = dead on arrival

Yeah but as a Party Fighting game, both Brawl and 4 have surpassed it in terms of options offered, character rosters, stage selection, etc.

It may be a better "fighting" game but there are much better fighting games out there, mostly because it was never meant to actually be a fighting game and almost everything the diehard fans like about it was an accident.

If there is an HD re-release it'll be tweaked in some way that makes it "absolute shit compared to melee" regardless of whether it actually matters or not because that is how melee fans think at this point.

>Super Smash Bros. Melee HD (HD models for all characters, techs and frame data intact)

Not happening. 99% of competitive Smash players in Japan moved on to Brawl and then Sm4sh without issue.

On the infinitesimal chance that Nintendo sees enough worth to risk pandering to Western Melee-only diehards, a Melee HD would still find a way to piss them off anyway. The easiest way to do that would be to, say, have them use the latest PAL build instead of the deprecated "Fox Almighty" NTSC build taken as gospel by the Melee scene.

Oh they'll complain.

Some stupid shit about how the frame data isn't EXACT or stupid shit with "muh controller lag"

>Two smash titles on one console
Yeah, no.

>Melee HD
>Literally the same game as sm4sh with far less content to 99% of consumers
>Would only sell to odorous meleefags
>Said meleefags would continue to play on GC anyways because "muh CRTs"

>also a new Smash
That "leak" is implying it's the NX version of Sm4sh with some new characters, not a new Smash

Although who cares

>Though this rumor may seem far-fetched at first blush, it does follow other sources that have claimed an NX event in September, as well as adhere to the March release date that Nintendo set out for themselves.
Really now?

>Melee HD
You fuckers just won't give that game up, will you?

So what's September 21st?

>Animal Crossing Election Year
They were obviously inspired by a commercial on TV promoting this movie hitting cinemas when trying to think up a name.

I wonder why people are talking about this and not how they confirmed the NX version of DQXI is yet another different version from the PS4 and 3DS versions

>melee HD

>An Anonymous poster on Sup Forums posted an some very intriguing information

"Focus" would be retarded as fuck to pronounce in Japanese. Dismiss this shit.
Come the fuck on it's made up, guaranteed.

They also confirmed DQX on NX and PS4 as the "climax" versions.


i get that they are rumors, but the system is apparently weaker than the ps4 and xbone. theyre going to have to pull of the king of gimmicks to get people to care at this point.

Actually it's stating it's a GOTY edition of Smash 4 with Pichu (since the japs have been CLAMORING for him), Wolf, Ice Climbers, and Shovel Knight (which I highly doubt, but hey, he does have an amiibo so who knows).

I'd say I like the idea of the other games though. A Retro-developed F-Zero has great potential, and we don't know what they're developing anyway. A Good-Feel developed IP sounds pretty good too but who the fuck knows what that would be.

Everything else I'm pretty skeptical of

>source is Sup Forums post

If it's a mobile tablet there's no issue since no console is mobile. If it's traditional they are fucked

Reminds me of this

Reveal imminent in October. That's all I'll say.

>even weaker than the weakbox one and the weakstation 4

Why they do this

>source is literally a Sup Forums post.

Is so damn hard wait for official news for the damn thing?

>using it as a source

>Two Smash games as launch titles
>wasting resources on making two games just for them to end having diminished sales due to their similarities

>nintendo console
>releasing with 2 updated smash bros
>and fucking pokemon

>mfw there are people in the universe who actually think this is going to flop

The console could run on 6 D batteries with a colorless screen and it's going to outsell everything. Get ready for pokemon go 2.

I knew that shit sounded familiar somehow.

It could sell to every single person alive excluding myself and I wouldn't give a fuck. If I have no use for it, I deem it the shittiest device ever conceived.

You could cry all the tears in the world and nobody would give a fuck about your shitty opinion lel

I'm the most important person in my life. My opinion is the one that matters. Nintendo would have done well catering to people like me. They should have ditched their hardware department and gone 3rd party.

It would be the best possible reality for Melee players.

CRTs are physically dying out en masse. The jump has to be made eventually, and whether that's onto Wii Us with Nintendont or hardmodding Gamecubes to have HDMI outputs, something's gotta give.

>pandering to Western Melee-only diehards

The only community that can top their entry numbers at events is Street Fighter.

I don't think so. Especially since HDTVs have delays ans CRTs don't.

HDTVs do, HD monitors (the good ones) don't. Or they do, but the delay is so negligible no one can tell.

They probably did have a fucked supply but also were hesitant to fix the artificial shortages. There have been a few times with Nintendo that they were plenty capable of upping production to meet demand but refused to, ie Amiibo.

>Source: Sup Forums

Meele players would say they can "tell" there is a delay and still choose CRTs over HDTVs. It's the same thing that happens with audiophiles.