Can anyone recommend a good singleplayer game?

Can anyone recommend a good singleplayer game?

No Man's Sky



He's not wrong

Mount and Blade: Warband
The original DOOM
Sleeping Dogs
Papers, Please
Max Payne
Mass Effect
Fallout 1/2
The Longest Journey

to ring a few off the top of my head


gta series

Good list. Let's add a few more

Metro series
Binary Domain
Alien Isolation
The Darkness 1 & 2
Dead Space 1 & 2
Resident Evil 4
The Evil Within
F.E.A.R 1
Witcher 3

Dragon's Dogma

Thread ruined, he asked for GOOD GAMES not grindy korean-tier garbage.

>witcher 3
what's wrong with witcher 1 and 2?

I just wanted to help.

far cry primal is fun compared to 3 and 4

nothing at all

>Dragon's Dogma

Maybe, if you suck at video games.


Or if you want gear, and have to kill 30 of something because it has a 3% chance to drop a necessary crafting component

Reminder, Pagan Min did nothing wrong.

Better than Amita

do you have any preference as to the genre or age of the game? im playing age of decedance right now, if you like RPGs check it out. DOOM 1 is alot of fun, if you dont mind older games. i also waste alot of time in city skylines and the total war series.

I went for the safest bets. I just figured Witcher 3 was the easiest to get into but now that you mention it, I should've included them.

I may aswell add Quake series including 4, DOOM games with possible exception of DOOM 3 and LA Noire

I like anything, really. But I tend to stay away from high fantasy games.

Hotline Miami 1 and 2
Silent Hill 2 and 3
Witch's House
Toy Story 2
Fable 1 and 2
Tomb Raider
Dynasty Warriors 8
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3

System shock 1/2
bioshock 1
tomb raider anniversary


>recommending SH3 without SH1

Heresy user

Mirror's Edge/Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Deus Ex: HR
Half life 1/2/Black Mesa

he did literally nothing wrong, wtf ubisoft

well age of decadence is pretty low fantasy/historical fiction. i know the premise of the game is a battle of gods destroyed most of earth, but the game itself has very little magic in it. what do you consider high fantasy? i would assume things like most jrpgs and LotR stuff is out.

Orcs Must Die 2

Is Far Cry 4 good? Better than 3 or more or less the same?

I don't think the Witcher 1 aged very well

Brouzouf Simulator
aka E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy

Your legs are broken
My legs are OK

I know but I've recommended the first 3 before and when people play 1 first they usually think it's pretty tedious (and it kinda is) so they stop playing them.

You can always play any of the Zelda games.

The combat's a bit shit and some of the levels like the swamp are a total fucking slog but I think the atmosphere, characters and the narrative still hold up very well.

It's a very love/hate game though, I don't blame people who don't bother to complete it.

>Witcher 1
developed using the Bioware Infinity Engine, i.e. dogshit horrible game
>Witcher 2
neat, but on rails and sort of linear, can't compare to Witcher 3

Damn shame, well their loss.

High fantasy, is what I would describe, as something with abundant uses of magic, different races such as elves for example, etc.

I don't have brozouf.

Actually, high fantasy describes a fantasy setting that ignores the boundaries of medieval technology, i.e. fantasy with guns and motored vehicles and all that sort of shit. Think Warcraft.

Then thar she blows, I didn't know how to explain it.

super mario bros 3

Enderal is bretty gud.

wut? Far Cry Primal is boring as fuck compared to 3 and 4.

how so? i was thinking of torrenting it, but if its lacking content or something i wont even waste the time.

>i was thinking of torrenting i
user, I...


Dwarf Fortress.