What are some games that let me dispense justice one bullet at a time?

What are some games that let me dispense justice one bullet at a time?


Fistful of Frags.

Pass the whisky.


that gun looks stupid

You look stupid, faggot.

Call of Juarez gunslinger

Overwatch ;^)

The call of Juarez games

The first two are the best (Very first one hasn't aged perfectly gameplay wise though. But it's god the best protagonist ever)

After that comes Gunslinger

And the cartel is absolute shit. Don't buy it

HL2 (Deathmatch)

Alien Isolation




Jesus fuck i swear reloading revolvers is like sex sometimes. I might have a problem.

Fallout 4 with the Nuka World DLC.

>dual wielding a revolver and a bible, quoting versus with every heathen you put down
I'm no man of god, but that was a nice touch

"I see you have an eye for things. Gun's not just about shootin. It's about reloadin. You'll know what I'm talkin about."

New Vegas
>not saving up your caps for a six shooter
>not having the good book with you
>not wearing the bounty hunter duster

>No speed loader.

That's the point user

post the reload

Why did top break lose to swing-out?

top-break revolvers are weak as shit, they werent able to handle the more powerful ammo loads of today compared to somewhat weak black powder loads of yesterday.

my personal gripe with a break style revolver is that your sights would change slightly every single time you open and close it, the front and rear sights should always be fixed on the same part

Agreed but flinging out an empty clip from a semi-automatic and slapping a new one in there is like outercourse.


i see you

Jesus, come on; I've seen the picture explaining the nomenclature of guns and rifles.

Please don't do this.

Also thats more like masterbation, quick and emotionless but gets the job done.

I actually sold all my semi autos and only own revolvers and rifles now. And the next 3 guns on my "to buy" lost are all revolvers also...

so then get it right nerd


I gotta say I'm more of a shotgun guy.

The noise it makes when it's being racked has psychological effect on your enemy/intruders that it induces fear and flight.

Why are revolvers and sawed off shotguns the sexiest guns ever?


Ocelot was right, I need more games where you reload revolvers one bullet at a time. At the moment I have Alien Isolation, Fallout New Vegas, Black Ops, Black Ops 2 and I think that revolver shotgun from CoD Ghosts.

They are still making break open revolvers for sport shooting with .22 - I think they look cool as shit.