Hi, my name is The Evil Within.
Despite being a bit of a janky and hokey mess, I still somehow managed to be one of the best games of this entire generation.
Hi, my name is The Evil Within.
Despite being a bit of a janky and hokey mess, I still somehow managed to be one of the best games of this entire generation.
>this gen
Eh, it's alright. Not one of the best games of the generation though. It was just okay
What makes it good? Sell me on it.
Very good game, crossbow breaks immersion
Sup Forums just loves to shit on everything
It's alrigth. solid 8/10
I liked the dlc too.
evil within 2 never only millenial tier garbage
the 2nd half has shit levels and no stealth
Sounds to me like you need to git gud.
>no stealth
How is this bad? Fuck horror games who strip you of every means to defend yourself and force you to play hide and seek.
It's a good game user, give it a go. Not masterpiece, sure. But worth while.
Decently interesting story, unnecesserily convoluted as hell though, good setting, fucking neat aesthetics and design.
Has a lot of repeating, overused tropes from RE but Shinji is just into it. DLC's are also good btw
I really liked the village in the beginning of the game. Went downhill after that.
It can't really be explained better than saying that it's a Shinji Mikami game.
While far from perfect (especially on the technical side) it has a sort of nuance to its design that just fantastic. Like Resident Evil you can set bodies on fire, but if you time it correctly you can set other bodies that are close on fire aswell, meaning you can take out an entire group of enemies at once with a well placed match.
Fun gameplay, some geniune tension and horror at times, generally pretty fantastic environments, ton to love about this game despite its imperfections. Especially if you're a fan of old Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Captures some of the spirit of both while still feeling like it's own thing.
Go fuck yourself fucking moron, tired of your shit.
Same. The Mansion is also neat though.
You can really tell it was made by an amateur dev team. It lacks consistency.
I liked it. I know survival horror purist hate action-horror games but I honestly love games like the Evil within and dead space.
The framerate was almost nonexistent so I stopped playing it.
>Go fuck yourself fucking moron, tired of your shit.
Fuck off stealth bitch. You're ruining parts of every game with your bullshit.
>still haven't beaten Akumu
I got up to the first hard fight (water tank arena) and I'm scared because continuing will likely mean a lot of pain and misery. I should get it over with though, I want that fucking platinum and I already cleared out the DLCs.
Mikami working on anything currently?
The only good part was the village after that it turns into a linear tps with shitty upgrades.
Action Horror is underrated.
For some reason it's some kind of heresy when a horror game progressively goes more action to up the stakes. I think action games not being able to be scary is bullshit, you just need formidable threats, and TEW actually provides that on the higher difficulties.
It isn't good. It feels like playing a chinese bootleg of resident evil 4.
After playing REv 1, RE6 and Dead Space 3, I was very glad that it came out.
It doesn't. It feels like if RE4 didn't shit the bed in the castle and didn't have cheap melee gimmicks.
What the fuck, the Castle was the best part of the game.
It's not even that similar to RE4.
It's mostly surface level, mechanically it plays quite differently.
You know, it shouldn't be one of the best this gen but for some odd reason, it feels so right that it is.
Plus, Sebastian is handsome is fuck
Best is a bit much, but I did enjoy it.
I heard they're planning on a sequel.
What didn't you like about Rev1?
Even assuming your premise is true, best game of this gen isn't even slightly impressive.
>want to play through AKUMU
>remember the fucking Amalgam boss
>I heard they're planning on a sequel
They better tie up loose ends this time.
Who the fuck are Mobius?
Why is Sebastian's wife cucking him with Mobius?
Did Ruvik escape through Leslie, or is it still Leslie?
Are Sebastian and the rest actually in the real world, or is it another dream layer?
What the fuck happened to the Mobius boss guy from Kidman's DLC?
Who the fuck is Executioner Dad, and did he get his happy ending?
So many questions, not enough answers.
>"Best game of this entire generation"
>Shitty camera
>Shitty FPS
>Shitty gunplay
>Shitty enemy design
>Shitty plot
>Shitty characters
>Shitty voice acting
>Retarded as fuck "spooky moments"
This is obvious bait.
The Evil Within was such a failure of a game.
Nah, it's pretty good.
I liked it more than The Last of Us, that's for sure.
Unfortunately the city segments and the ending were not very good. First half was amazing though.
It's really not.
It's another "Sleeper hit" among a very small group of people.
The overall consensus was that the game was very lackluster and didn't deliver at all.
>The overall consensus was that the game was very lackluster and didn't deliver at all.
You need to stop speaking for everyone. It makes you sound like a child.
Still better than anything Capcom has shat out for Resident Evil lately.
Also best in it's genre this gen, and almost better than all last gen.
It was my second favorite game last year.
It's a shame that there aren't any other non-cover based tps around.
Agreed, but I'm too tired of defending it on Sup Forums.
There is a checkpoint halfway through, and it's easy enough to remember the spawn points of enemies.
It's much easier than chapter 5 and 6, not nearly as bad as you'd expect it to be since they are really easy to handle as they spawn since they are clumped up.
it was shit, even RE5 was better, and thats saying something
If that's the one in the garage just snipe his eyes (he has 2), after that it's only a few explosions from death, electric bolts are good for stunning him.
Worst part on Akumu was the start of chapter 6. Amalgame Alpha wasn't that bad in my opinion.
The overall consensus has also proven itself to have pretty shit taste in vidya bruv.
>he has two
I feel fucking retarded. I usually just get one.
"Makes you sound like a child"
>Can literally find thousands upon thousands of articles, posts, threads, and reviews agreeing
Fucking kill yourself, kid.
That I will agree with.
Easy way to get him is to shoot his eye tentacle with sniper when he's searching for you. Flash Bolts also work against it, not doing much damage but still puts it in a stun state so you can run up and pump it with shotgun rounds.
Fuck, Evil Within had pretty good bosses. Shame about final boss though.
I figure all the stuff with executioner dad is non-canon, pretty much just a little spin-off.
My theory for Sebastian's wife being with Mobius is that maybe they brainwashed her with promises that they can bring her daughter back and use STEM to help people.
He has one that looks for you if he loses you, so if you hide behind the pillar at the start it comes out and you can shoot it.
>finding the crossbow and feeling comfort for the first time since starting the game
It's a solid action-horror game.
Starts off leaning more heavily on horror-survival and transitions into a more straightforward action-shooter with horror/gory themes.
End is a bit retarded though.
The end is one of the worst last bosses I can think of.
Even crap like Fable 2 and stuff, at least it's quick and isn't full pants on head retarded.
I know about that one. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong.
Also, that trophy for perfecting The Executioner is really grinding my gears. I know how to beat the final boss swiftly, but man.
Look at the bright side, Executioner is not only fun to play on it's own, but it actually has a happy ending. Just go and slaughter shit, and get your daughter back.
I don't think I've gotten more mixed messages about a game's quality than The Evil Within. I still to this day can't decide if I should try it out or not.
Ok, get this.
-RE 4-6 controls, but more clunky
-Competently linear levels with no exploration
-Plot so dumb it makes re series look like a masterpiece of storytelling
-Retarded tackled on upgrade system
-Instant death traps everywhere
and !
-Zombies with guns, the best kind of zombies!
If this wont sell you on the game then i don know what will.
What cheap melee gimmicks? I don't remember there being any cheap melee gimmicks in the entire game except if you were autistic enough to melee krauser.
I would say the game on it's own a pretty solid 7.5/10. Especially if you're a resi or silent hill fan. The gameplay was solid and still fairly challenging, it does have legitimately good scares, bosses included. I actually need to go back and finish it, but I remember really enjoying it while playing.
That sounds god awful. Jesus.
Rocket Launcher everything except the last boss (trap under the selling). If you have done the last torment, you should have unlimited ammo so that's not a problem to finish without being touch, at all, especially because you can make save.
If you find it cheap you might as well. It's not resi4 quality but if you like resi4 than there's something there for you to enjoy imo.
I think it's because of how it was marketed and what people expected.
I really liked the game, but the first chapter is not representative at all.
The stealth elements in the game are almost non-existent past the first 3 chapters, the game turns into a 3rd person shooter with horror elements. But the shooter there I really enjoyed, it has good mechanics and enemies that are fun to fight and satisfying to kill.
Probably depends on three things:
How tolerant are you to a bit of jank and general lack of polish?
Do horror games have to take themselves completely seriously to you?
Do you mind horror games going a bit more action as they progress?
If any of the above aren't a bigger problem to you, you'll probably enjoy TEW.
>I still somehow managed to be one of the best games of this entire generation.
>A little over two years into the gen
Motherfucker best game of generation is decided at the end, not at the start you fucking moron.
No, that isn't how it works. If you liked RE4 you will absolutely hate evil within. It is worse than RE4 in every aspect so you will just be frustrated the whole time.
>Motherfucker best game of generation is decided at the end, not at the start you fucking moron.
Gens as we know them are dying though.
Say hi to the smartphone model with Neo and Scorpio.
>Say hi to the smartphone model with Neo and Scorpio.
You're a moron.
>No, that isn't how it works. If you liked RE4 you will absolutely hate evil within.
Then explain how I can love RE4 and think TEW is pretty fucking great.
Sorry but it's the truth.
Sony and MS are going to be pushing for this model hard as fuck in a few years and gens as we know them will die.
Scale of 1 to 10, it's about a 7 and a half. Has it's flaws, like any other game, but you either get used to them or they cease to be issues the longer you continue playing. You adapt to the game, but it still finds ways to keep you hooked.
It's good.
Really fun to get into. Not as good as RE in it's prime, but better than 5/6, and far harder as well. Harder difficulties are fantastically brutal. It does have lots of action, and moments that are pure cinematic actiony bullshit that turns off a lot of hardcore stealth/survival fans, but the gameplay is still solid throughout. Game performs like shit but the visual design is great. Lots of tricks that the game doesn't explain to you that you can discover, there really isn't much of a tutorial and many critical mechanics aren't explained. Levels are fairly linear, but there are lots of great secrets. Boss battles are frustrating at first, but really fun once you figure out all the gimmicks. Plot and voice acting are meh, but there are some great notes and some great scenes.
All in all, I'm really fond of it. If you expect a lot of bullshit deaths, don't mind lots of action mixed in with the survival, and like figuring out the best way to tackle a room instead of just going in guns blazing then I'd say you should definitely buy it.
It is.
All the memes aside this game didnt even menage to get a 70 metascore on pc, its where i played it
Biggest problem i have with it, the game it wants to be, RE4 is just better even now after all those years its much better than Evil Within
You were simply the vessel that held a gift from God within you.
During my time in the loony bin I wished so bad I could sneak this game and a PS4 in for maximum immersion
How many days and for what?
>God Tier
7, 9, The Assignment
>High Tier
3, 5, 8, 10, The Consequence
>Mid Tier
1, 2, 4, 13, 14
>Low Tier
11, 15, The Executioner
>Shit Tier
6, 12
Sorry weebs, Alien: Isolation - which came out at the same time as this is the superior game. No matter how hard you try to shill.
IIRC 4-5 weeks the first time, 6~ weeks the second time
Eventually bipolar
Pretty good bait, gotta give it to ya
I really enjoyed both but I thinl A:I did a weaker job of justifying its runtime. The depth of content relative to its length meant it started dragging towards the end, right around once you leave the nest. It's good enough to finish, but compared to TEW which takes its weird-ass premise and has fun with it from start to finish, A:I feels a bit limited in scope. Lovingly crafted, but limited in scope.
More on the depressed side, I assume?
Tried to kill yourself?
>Taking an indie horror game and stretching it out to a fucking 20 hour long 60 dollar game.
Thinking this failure is a superior horror game to A:I is the bait, weeb.
>Chapter 10 in high tier
My nigga. Probably my favorite chapter in the game.
Not that bad, but I was pretty careless to my own safety. E.g. I was basically fine with being homeless or not eating for a long time. So more manic-y
He didn't call this a horror game.
Weird, most manic people don't get locked up, they just get arrested.
I got it on sale and still felt ripped off.
IDK, it was in the most hippy part of Canada if that explains anything
>some retardedass super widescreen setting you cant entirely disable to make the game feel more "cinematic"
>big bad evil guy is some edgelord that *teleports behind you, unsheathes katana*
>90% of the game is nothing but hiding behind boxes as various enemies grunt their way around in circles
I'm not surprised you autistic, contrarian fucks would consider this "game" good.
Gotcha; my landlord/room mate is super fucking nice.
Had has a super nice fucking house, 3k sq feet full of expensive stuff and doesn't need my $450 a month.
I think he doesn't like living alone and wants someone to occasionally bullshit with.
He's has hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Super fucking nice, eh.
>this entire generation
a bit of a stretch, but I honestly think that the design focus of TEW should have been applied to RE4; and if it had then RE4 would have been a much better game for it.
Sorry forgot to mention he was Canadian.
He told me about Ottawa, Vancouver, Quebec, and Nova Scotia.
Sounds nice.
That's what I like about TEW - it tried to be a crossroads between modern action horror and classic survival horror by taking the RE4 template and adapting/recontextualizing classic survival horror elements to fit that design. It stumbles in this endeavor sometimes but I felt it was a valiant effort nonetheless.
The levels felt comedically disjointed, and not in a cool reality warping way, in a "wait which way do these go again", you see the city about 5 minutes in, and then wind up in it about 4 hours later. You enter the main villains house, discover his tragic backstory and find all his experiments and have a boss battle about halfway through. It's fucking goofy.
I think the original Japanese title of "Psycho Break" would have sounded cooler but changed it just a bit to "Psychotic Break".
I do like what they did with the logo of TEW though.
That "T" is also part of the mobius symbol
The storytelling comes across as intentionally disjointed to me - the world jumping is explained, but the game takes other weird risks as well like making Sebastian the main character when he very clearly isn't. Granted, the Kidman DLC (who is a much more interesting character than Sebastian is at this point, by the way) does set things up for him to possibly take center stage proper but whatever, that's the sequel and not this game. Either way, it seems like a rather J-horror thing to do IMO.
>he doesn't know what gen it is.