Graphics thread?

Graphics thread?

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Do you think photogrammetry is the next big step to grafix?

This is running in real time btw and it's not just a flat texture

>Tech Demos


Its a flat texture running in real time

What happens after games are photo realistic

Battlefront isn't a tech demo

How the fuck did they do it?

It's actualy shit and doesn't even look that good


It isn't a flat texture. You can see it has depth when the camera is moving.

>Do you think photogrammetry is the next big step to grafix?

Can't see how. They take up massive amounts of space, it's a massive effort to both measure the objects and clean up the resulting meshes ...

Can't see this happening in the next decade. The next leaps in gaming visual fidelity will be related to lighting and animation. Shader tech seems to have hit a ceiling.

When you have a 9th the stuff to process as a normal game would, you can devote much more time and resources to graphics.

of course all pictures from this dude are from a single fixed angle and there are absolutely no wireframes or any maps being shown whatsoever
UE4 can easily do really pretty stuff, but most of the extremely photorealistic things you see are usually from very controlled environments, such as something like the pictures you posted, or archviz

Ok post something that does look good then

Vanishing of Ethan Carter.

it's a walking sim but it shows pretty well how good a game can look and how well it runs while being photorealistic.

your moms pussy lol

Photogrammetry my dude

Gross m8

>your moms pussy lol

not after i was done with it... kid

That's not ingame. I simply don't believe that.

topkek for the topman
*shakes hand


>tfw we will never get a republic commando 2 with this graphical quality

why even star wars anymore?

Damn... time to buy the remaster...


So what trickery is being used here to create this typy of image?
Because I know for a fact that it is not full 3d and meshes.



Winner here



is this real?

>Using quixel megascans


How would you fake it?

>Star Wars : Imperial Commandos
>Imperial Soldiers aren't clones and are recruited from different races and genders
>Squad is basicaly just trouble makers that keep getting send out on suicide missions

>Robot Guy who is basicaly the Tech expert
>Some kind of alien fucker
>A woman cuz its 2016
>By the numbers squad leader that was underiable by some Imperial officals put in charge

>Racial problems between the squad members and a lot of distrust at first
>slowly grow together despite their differences
>everything you are fighting for is always getting destroyed infront of you
>Fight against the Rebel scum on tatuin, Hut and finaly Endor

>tfw this game will never be made

No it is NOT real life. It's a video game.

Power of the ps4

The funny thing is that's probably the most interesting thing that happened the entire game

They 3d scan the environment. It is fully 3d.

The larger rocks are real 3d objects, but the smaller rocks are just part of a texture. Cool effect still.

I think gun slings was the more interesting thing.

>Real time engine

It is 3D, but it's all based on going somewhere and taking photos, then feeding everything to a software that reconstructs them into 3D meshes.

The Last of Us 2 is going to be great to watch

What does that mean and why is it a bad thing

this is a PC exclusive

power of the cell

Question, can hit markers be disabled in this game?

This game keeps looking worse each time I see it

pre-alpha footage

God this game looks like fucking crap now

Also, the PC version will never look good either

A library of photo scanned assets.

>staring trees

your mom is a pre-alpha footage


Here is the game we'll never get thanks to consoles

"we want to send the other games running"


there is literally nothing wrong with this

caring less about the end product than about an ideological fanaticism for doing everything by hand is pure autism



Why don't they ask for money from Gabe?

I thought they cancelled the PS3 version.


Visuals are already good enough

we need more improvements in the lighting and animation department


damn son

do you prefer motion capture or hand-crafted animation?


CAR VAULT on Cruis'n for Wii circa 2007 was magical

lighting is the next step in gfx.

we are slowly crawling towards ray tracing and i hope that in my lifetime ray/pathtracing will be >99% ultilized in vidya.

I don't think he means it's wrong, but instead that the dude probably just took shit from somewhere, and it's not as impressive as most people think it is when they see images like that with descriptions saying RUNNING ON REAL TIME AT 4K USING UNREAL ENGINE, which is meaningless when you have such a small scale scene that is all made from photos.

Because it's not a child gambling microtransactions hat simulator, they wouldn't get it


You though right, my dear user. This is actually the game running on a Playstation 4 console.

motion capture obvs


hand-crafted>>>shit>>>>motion capture

It's finally happened Crysis is now looking dated.

why do you blame consoles when the problem lies with the PC market not able to give AAA titles legs to stand on

If consoles didn't exist technology would be put back even farther than you make it out to be because there is no serious money to be found in the industry

Don't bullshit out of muh 'trendy to be contrary' Sup Forums culture.
It looks fucking amazing, it's just got terrible gameplay elements.

mocap is always better. Why even ask


That's modded Crysis user. Crysis' textures are a muddy mess without mods and even then plenty of things can't be fixed.

Vanilla Crysis has looked dated for several years now.

Anyone have screenshots of shadow of chernobyl with aa2

If Nomura gets dropped, FF7 RE is going to look like this


This game looked really fucking good, too bad it was boring as shit

your mom has terrible gameplay elements lmao


>Not 2GB GTX 960s

>Crysis game 2007

While I agree that ray tracing is indeed the next step, I think we're still pretty far away from it. I will probably start to be implemented in a few years in addition to existing lighting models, but it will take a really long time for it to replace them. Most of the 'ray-tracing' you see nowadays is usually just pre-baked GI, but I remember reading stuff on how it can be used with voxels to make it more manageable.

that's cute

Someone will invent a better cleaning and/or LOD algorithm. Automation will enable lower budgets.

How would they know it's not worth it if they haven't even tried making true PC games for years? It's always console first PC later.

stop this "nomura can do no wrong" mentality

Luminous was used when he was still around.

>mirror lens bokeh
